Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 151 Anger Hurts the Liver and Kidney

Chapter 151 Anger Hurts the Liver and Kidney (1)

Yin Zhenyun kept rambling until late at night, exhausted and so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, and then he stopped.

"Go and eat something." Yin Ansheng suggested.

Er'er and Sui Wu looked at each other, but neither of them said anything.

Yin Ansheng's face became displeased, "You two are enough, what's the point, do you want to say a word!"

Er'er was not happy, "Yin Ansheng, are you so tempting to invite someone to dinner?"

"Love will not go!"

Leaving a cold and arrogant back, Yin Ansheng turned and left.

Who is rare!
"Brother, let's go home!" Er'er said angrily.

Sui Wu nodded. If he doesn't get involved in the affairs of these two people, Yin Zhenyun will probably be able to upset the sky, so he should be a bystander. Anyway, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Let them toss, and when they are tired, he will Don't bother.

In the parking lot, Yin Ansheng's car hadn't left yet, and Er'er and Sui Wu didn't squint their eyes when they passed by his car.

The car left the hospital and went to the road. Er Er received a message on his mobile phone from Yin Ansheng.

Er Xinxin, you'd better behave yourself, otherwise you will cry sometimes!
After reading the message, Er Er turned his head and looked back, and at a glance he saw Yin Ansheng's car not far away.

She snorted in her heart, I'm really not good, what can you do to me!
"Brother, let's just eat some noodles when we get home later, and we'll eat meat tomorrow."

Sui Wu looked at her sideways, and said with a smile: "You almost finished eating a pizza that big by yourself, are you still hungry?"

"I... I have a long body, my digestion is fast, and I need a lot of energy!"

Er'er blushed and rubbed her stomach. She also found out that her food intake has increased a lot recently. It's really embarrassing for a girl to eat so much at every meal and still be hungry, so she attributed it to To myself in the long body.

Sui Wu smiled without saying a word, and made her a big bowl of steaming hot pepper shredded pork noodles when she got home.

After eating a large bowl of noodles, Er Er was very satisfied. After playing for a while, he washed up and rested.

Had a good night's sleep, only to be woken up by the alarm the next day.

Sitting up in a daze, Er Er wondered, she never had to set the alarm clock at home, because her brother was her best alarm clock.

But today was a bit of a surprise.

Reaching out to press the alarm clock that was bouncing on the table, Er Er lay down for another 2 minutes before getting up.

"elder brother!"

Sui Wu didn't answer him after calling out, she moved to the kitchen, passed the dining room and saw a post-it note on the dining table.

Xinxin, my brother went to the hospital, you wake up and have breakfast, go to the gate of the community, you will see a blue taxi with the license plate number XX, the driver will take you to school, smiling face.

Er Er put away the memo and put it in his treasure box. After washing up, he had breakfast and went downstairs to school with his schoolbag on his back.

At the gate, she saw the taxi arranged by her brother at a glance. The driver probably recognized her and opened the door to get out.

"Miss Er, right? Mr. Sui asked me to wait for you here and take you to school."

"Thank you, trouble!"

Er Er walked towards the taxi, and the driver quickly opened the door for her. She bent down and was about to get in, when she suddenly heard someone calling her.

"My heart!"

Er'er straightened up and saw Yin Ansheng poking his head out of the car window in a car parked not far away.

She was a little surprised, "Yin Ansheng, why are you here?"

Yin Ansheng didn't answer, but instead asked, "Why are you going? Aren't you going to school? Where's your brother?"

Then he glanced sharply at the taxi driver, and his tone suddenly turned cold, "Who is he?"

 Another update, in half an hour!
(End of this chapter)

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