Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 152 Anger Hurts the Liver and Kidney

Chapter 152 Anger Hurts the Liver and Kidney (2)

The driver's face turned pale from Yin Ansheng's terrifying eyes. He is an honest and responsible person, and he doesn't want to offend such a big man.

Even though he didn't know this person, he couldn't afford this luxury car for a few lifetimes without eating or drinking, and this person didn't look like a messy master at first glance.

I originally thought that I would get a big client today so that I would not have to use a sports car for a day, but now it seems that I must have gotten into big trouble.

Er Er was very puzzled by Yin Ansheng's eyes, why did it look like the taxi driver had something to do with him?
Do they know each other?

Er Er's eyes moved back and forth between the two, and then explained: "He is the driver arranged by my brother to take me to school. My brother went to the hospital early in the morning. What's wrong?"

"What's the matter?" Yin An became angry, and asked like a cannonball, "Do you know him? Do you know his name? Er Xinxin, are you a pig's brain? If someone sold you, I guess you'd still give it away. People count money!"

The taxi driver opened his mouth again and again, but he didn't make a sound for a long time.

Er Er frowned, why is this person so angry for no reason?
My brother wrote her the color of the car and the license plate number. Could it be wrong?

Just as he was in a daze, he heard Yin Ansheng yelling, "Come here yet! Get in the car! I'll take you to school!"

Erl looked at the taxi driver, and then at him again, feeling in a twitch that what he said made sense, what if the driver was a bad guy.

After she left, the taxi driver came to his senses and quickly called Sui Wu.

After hearing this, Sui Wu probably knew what was going on, so he apologized to the driver, hung up the phone and called Er Er.

After confirming that she was in Yin Ansheng's car, he hung up the phone and went to the dean's office without saying anything.

I received a call from the dean early this morning, saying that there was something urgent, and he was asked to rush to the hospital to find him in the office before 07:30.

He was thinking about something urgent, so he rushed to the hospital without sending his heart. It was already almost eight o'clock, and he didn't even see the shadow of the dean, so he called and said he was on the way and asked him to wait.

I really don't understand what I'm doing.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the dean came late.

Sui Wu has been waiting in the office for a long time.

"Sorry, Dr. Sui, there is a traffic jam on the road and I kept you waiting."

The old dean apologized as soon as they met, but Sui Wu couldn't vent his anger, and said calmly, "What does the dean want from me?"

"It's like this. There is an academic research association in S City, and our hospital has a quota. After thinking about it, I think it's suitable for you to go. I called you here to tell you about it."

The light answer made Sui Wu very annoyed.

"Dean, the only condition for me to stay here is not to go on business, I don't think you have forgotten."

Dean Khan, "Well, Doctor Sui, this is a rare opportunity, otherwise I wouldn't let you go. It won't be long, just a week."

"Not even for a day, you'd better find someone else."

"Doctor Sui, if you have any difficulties at home, you can tell me, but I think work and life... still need to be separated, don't you think so? And this is a good thing, I think you should think about it..."

The dean is a talker, and he can't stop talking, and Sui Wu feels his head is about to explode.

"Dean, if there is nothing else, I will go to work first."

"Hey, Doctor Sui, have you listened to what I've said? We're leaving tomorrow..."

Sui Wu didn't bother to talk any more, and left without looking back.

In all fairness, he wanted to go to this academic meeting, but he couldn't leave Xinxin alone at home anymore.

He left, and the dean immediately called Yin Ansheng.

 There is an update today, in half an hour!
(End of this chapter)

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