Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 153 Anger Hurts the Liver and Kidney

Chapter 153 Anger Hurts the Liver and Kidney (3)

In the evening, Sui Wu was cooking in the kitchen, and Er Er was watching TV in the living room, when suddenly a text message came from his cell phone which was placed on the coffee table in the living room.

——Doctor Sui, have you considered going to S City to attend the academic meeting tomorrow?I know you are worried that no one will take care of your sister. If you are at ease, you can send your sister to my house and let my wife take care of her.This academic conference is very important to you. It’s fine if you don’t attend it when it was held abroad, but it would be a pity if you didn’t attend this time in China.

Er Er finished reading the message, turned his head to look at the kitchen, and read the message again, feeling very uncomfortable.

Her brother gave up many opportunities because of her, and she suddenly felt that she was a burden.

She replied with a message: I've thought about it, and I'll go to City S tomorrow.

After deleting both incoming and outgoing mail, Err made a decision.

Sui Wu woke up early the next morning and found that Er Er was not in the room, and there was a note on the table:
Brother, you go to the academic meeting!I'm staying at Yin Ansheng's house these few days, you don't have to worry about me, you know, he will take good care of me.You have to take care of yourself outside, remember to call me every day!Okay, Yin Ansheng is downstairs, I have to go, I bought you breakfast in the kitchen, and booked your air ticket, after dinner you go to the airport, the plane at [-]:[-] am should be able to catch the afternoon Academic meeting at two o'clock, dear brother~smile~

Sui Wu couldn't help but burst into tears, this child, what should he say?

In Yin Ansheng's car, Er'er fell asleep.

It was rare for her to wake up early, and she was too sleepy to keep her eyes open.

Yin Ansheng glanced at her, what a pig, he fell asleep as soon as he got in the car!

"My heart!"


Er'er slowly opened his eyes, with a little confusion on his face, "Is it there yet?"

"It's still early, I want to tell you something!"

" said..."

The heavy eyelids closed again.

"My heart!"

With a roar, Er'er's drowsiness was scared away, and he sat up and looked at him with sad eyes, "Yin Ansheng, you are so fierce, you will rape me, if you have the ability, you will rape Liang Qiluo! "

"You!" Yin Ansheng almost choked to death at her words, staring at her with anger, and didn't bother to talk to her anymore.

Er'er waited for a long time without listening to him, and said impatiently: "Yin Ansheng, you woke me up and you didn't speak, what do you mean? If you have something to say, hurry up, I hate mother-in-law men like you the most. , like a woman! I really don’t know how I could fall in love with someone like you!”


Yin Ansheng's face turned black and red, looking very scary.

Er'er shrunk his neck and laughed, "Oh, Yin Ansheng, don't look at me like that, I'm scared."

"Er Xinxin, your courage is really getting bigger and bigger!"

Yin Ansheng gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead twitched.

Er'er looked heartless, leaned over and hugged his arm, and said with a smile: "You are used to this!"

The soft voice easily extinguished Yin Ansheng's anger in an instant.

But he didn't allow himself to give her a good face, and pulled out his arms in disgust, "Er Xinxin, please sit far away from me, don't be too big or small!"

Er'er curled his lips, sat back obediently and tactfully, and fiddled with the phone with his head down.

Yesterday, Ni Ya added her contact information, and that guy said he wanted to play with her on the weekend, and tomorrow is the weekend.

Ni Ya quickly replied to her message, saying that she would come to her tomorrow and ask her to send her an address.

Er Er was very happy to finally have someone to play with, and quickly sent Yin Ansheng's home address.

"Er Xinxin, who are you sending messages to so happily?"

"Niya, ask her to play with her tomorrow."


Yin Ansheng glanced at her from the corner of his eye, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his hard and cold facial features were completely softened at this moment.

 Today's update is over, see you at [-] o'clock tomorrow night~

(End of this chapter)

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