Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 156 Anger Hurts the Liver and Kidney

Chapter 156 Anger Hurts the Liver and Kidney (6)

An hour later, the police station.

Er'er curled up and squatted in the corner, his face was red and swollen, and there were tears in his eyes.

Ni Changtian opened the door and came in to see this scene. His heart felt as if a big hole had been torn open. The pain was excruciating. Tears burst out of his eyes.

"Er, Uncle Ni is here."

Er'er slowly raised his head, flattened his mouth, let out a "wow", and began to cry.

Ni Changtian hurriedly hugged her and comforted her softly, "Be good, don't be afraid, it's okay, Uncle Ni is here."

Ten minutes later, Yin Ansheng also hurried to the police station.

Seeing Er'er in Ni Changtian's arms, he didn't bother them, and turned to look for the chief.

On the way here, he already knew what happened. There were a lot of people in the shopping mall on weekends. Even if no one stepped forward to try to persuade the fight, there were quite a few witnesses. He knew the whole story easily.

After finishing the work, Ni Changtian had already brought Er Er into the car, he walked over and opened the door.

"My heart."

Er'er heard him call her, came out of Ni Changtian's arms, turned around and hugged his neck, had stopped crying, but cried again when he saw him.

"Yin Ansheng, I have a mother, my mother is at home, I have a mother..."

Listening to her hoarse and trembling voice, Yin Ansheng felt a tearing pain in his heart.

He hugged her tightly in his arms with self-blame, and said softly: "Yes, Er Xinxin, you have a mother, and your mother is at home. I remember you told me that your mother is taller and prettier than you , her hair is also curly, your curly hair is inherited from your mother, but your mother's curly hair is more beautiful than yours."

Er'er suddenly smiled, his eyes shone brightly, "I also have a sister, who is prettier than me, and her hair is long and straight."

"That means you are the ugliest in your family." Yin Ansheng joked, carrying her back to his car.

"I..." Er'er blushed, "I don't have one, my brother is the ugliest!"

Yin Ansheng put her on the car seat, fastened the seat belt, and then looked at her quietly, without making a sound for a long time.

Er'er was stared at by him and felt uncomfortable all over, and his face turned even redder, as if it was being grilled by charcoal fire again, burning hot.

"Yin, Yin Ansheng, you, why do you look at me like this?"

Even though she pestered him very thick-skinned on weekdays, and even boldly said embarrassing things to him, she still couldn't bear to face his affectionate gaze, very much!
Yin Ansheng smiled suddenly, pursed his lips, and made a shallow voice. The hot breath from his mouth fell on her face, but it was like a kitten's tail, scratching her heart.

He said: "It's okay Er Xinxin, I don't think you are ugly."


Niya said, Er Xinxin, you are crazy!

Ni Ya also said, Er Xinxin, you crazy, why are you giggling all day long!
Niya pushed Er Er angrily, and scolded her, Er Xinxin, have you been beaten stupid?
Er Er knew that she was neither crazy nor stupid, she was just very happy in her heart!Very happy!
Yin Ansheng said, "It's okay Er Xinxin, I don't think you are ugly."

Because of this sentence, she was as happy as a little fool.

"Niya!" Er'er called out.

Niya froze for a moment, followed by a pain in her stomach!
Erl punched her back.

"Er Xinxin, you despicable villain!"

"Who told you to hit me first!"

Er'er didn't take it seriously, and caught a glimpse of Yin Ansheng coming in from the outside, and she immediately ran towards him, and plunged into his arms without any mistakes.


Yin Ansheng only felt that his breastbone was about to be smashed, and couldn't help coughing violently.

 The update ends today!Remember to collect it!
(End of this chapter)

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