Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 157 Anger Hurts the Liver and Kidney

Chapter 157 Anger Hurts the Liver and Kidney (7)

Er'er's forehead also hurt a little, but it was far less painful than Yin Ansheng's.

Seeing him coughing continuously, she was frightened and her little face turned pale.

"Yin Ansheng, I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to."

Yin Ansheng gave her an angry look, pulled her away, and went upstairs with a dark face.

Er'er stood downstairs with his mouth flattened, "I really didn't do it on purpose! Cheapskate!"

Now it was Niya's turn to gloat.

"Er Xinxin, Yin Ansheng treats you like that, hahaha!"

"You're still laughing! It's all your fault!"

Er'er and Niya were arguing and tired. They lay side by side on the snow-white plush carpet, and it was rare for them to be quiet.

"Er Xinxin, you are so happy!" Niya said sincerely.

"Aren't you happy?" Parents are still alive, father is kind, mother is kind, and there is a younger brother. I can't think of happiness.

Niya didn't speak for a long time, but then she sighed and didn't speak further.

"Er Xinxin, let's go shopping! Go eat delicious food!"

"it is good!"

Er'er went upstairs to greet Yin Ansheng. He arranged for a driver to follow them and watched them go out before returning to the desk.

The phone rang, he glanced at it, and picked it up.

"Wu Lue, I'll give you face, but Wu Xiaowan must pay the price for her actions!"

He thought that Wu Lue should know without him saying that Wu Xiaowan broke my heart, if Sui Wu were to do it, then Wu Xiaowan's end would be even worse.

Wu Xiaowan and Wu Lue are cousins, sisters of Wu Lue's uncle's family. Wu Lue grew up in Wu Xiaowan's parents. The relationship between the siblings is not harmonious, but Wu Lue can't ignore what happened to her.

On the phone, Wu Lue's voice was pleading, "An Sheng, I have never begged you for anything since I was a child, can I just this once? I know this is not fair to you, so just treat it as I owe you, okay no?"

"Wu Lue, you know Er Xinxin's identity, so you should be aware of the consequences if Wu Xiaowan is handed over to Sui Wu."

Before Wu Lue could finish speaking, Yin Ansheng hung up the phone.

This matter has not been told to Sui Wu, it is both Er Xinxin's intention and his idea.

He didn't know how to tell Sui Wu that last time she hurt her heart, and this time she was bullied again, not to mention that Sui Wu found out that he was desperate with him, but in his own heart, he was very self-blame and guilty.

The phone rang again.

This time, Yin Ansheng just glanced at it, but had no intention of picking it up.


The most prosperous commercial street in Yunhan City, the coffee shop on the top floor of the Commercial Building.

Gao Jing came to the coffee shop with the spoils of shopping for several hours, and the waiter led her to sit by the window.

After a while, a young man in a suit and leather shoes came over and sat down opposite her.

As soon as the man sat down, he handed Gao Jing a brown paper bag, "Here are all the photos from the past few days."

Gao Jing opened the bag expressionlessly, took it out and glanced at it.

After that, she also took out a folded kraft paper bag from her bag and put it on the table.

The man reached out to pick it up, opened it, looked at it, stood up with a smile, "If Mrs. Ni needs anything, please feel free to contact me."

After the man left, Gao Jing also collected her things and got up to leave.

After the figures of the two disappeared at the door of the coffee shop, Er Er looked away.

What are Gao Jing and the man just now doing?

What Gao Jing took out from the bag should be money, a thick wad, and the man gave it to Gao Jing, and the moment Gao Jing took it out, she saw it should be a photo.

photos, money?

Er Er tried his best to connect these two things together in his mind, but he still couldn't think of a reason.

At this time, Niya came out of the bathroom.

"Er Xinxin, why are you in a daze?"

"I... nothing, I just remembered something, let's go."

 There is another update today, in half an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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