Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 161 It’s better to have a psychological preparation

Chapter 161 It’s better to have a psychological preparation (3)

Ni Changtian was transferred from the ICU to the general ward three days later, without any sign of waking up.

Earl was also in a coma for three full days and woke up after lunch.

The first person he saw when he opened his eyes was Sui Wu.

Sui Wu was exhausted these few days, she didn't close her eyes for two days and two nights, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, she just woke up when she fell asleep beside the bed.

The elder brother was haggard and unshaven, looking as bad as he could really be.

And he didn't sleep soundly, his brows were furrowed tightly, looking very painful.

Er'er felt sad and blamed himself, raised his hand carefully, and stroked his brow lightly.

"elder brother……"

Sui Wu slept very lightly, and he woke up the moment her hand touched him, but he didn't open his eyes.

He was really tired these days, so exhausted that he really wanted to sleep like this forever.

But he knew that he couldn't, he still had to take care of her and be with her.

He didn't open his eyes, but stretched out his hand to hug her little head accurately, leaned over and rubbed her soft little face, and said angrily, "You little rascal, do you know how long I've been asleep? You hurry up Brother was scared to death, you know?"

Err grinned, kissed his forehead, and pressed his face against his, very tight.

From then on, she only had her elder brother to depend on each other. She couldn't always let her elder brother worry about her so hard. She wanted to grow up quickly.

Yes, after she had a very reluctant breakfast with Niya that day, she knew a lot of things, and her mother and sister were gone.

During this period of time, she has been paralyzing herself, she told herself that it was not true, and sometimes she really believed in the dreams she made up.But dreams are dreams after all, and it is impossible for a person to stay in a dream for a lifetime without waking up.

She had no choice but to accept this cruel and sad fact.

"Brother, I'm fine, and... I'm sorry for making my brother worry."


Sui Wu slowly opened her eyes, lying on her stomach without moving, and brushed back the broken hair on her forehead, "I haven't eaten for a few days, what do you want to eat? My brother will make it for you."

"I'm not hungry at all, I just want to watch my brother."

"Brother is here every day, you can watch it at any time, but you have to eat."

"No!" Er'er hugged Sui Wu's head eagerly, "Don't let brother go!"

Tears fell on the top of Sui Wu's head, and quickly disappeared through his hair, but they were scalding his scalp like red-hot iron.

She still knows everything after all.

Sui Wu closed his eyes, tried hard to hide the pain in his eyes, sat up, hugged her in his arms like a baby in a swaddle, and comforted her softly, "Brother won't leave, don't be afraid, brother really won't leave .”

Er'er curled up his thin body in his arms, grabbed his shirt crumpled with both hands, and looked at him without blinking, as if he wanted to engrave his appearance bit by bit. heart.

Even though they lived together for 18 years and she watched him for 18 years, she still felt that it was not enough, not enough at all.

She used to see her mother and sister every day at home. She never thought of taking a good look at them. Now that they are gone, she wants to see but can no longer see them. Even now that she closes her eyes, she almost imagines Do not look like them.

She is afraid!
She was afraid that one day, even her brother would suddenly leave her!
Sui Wu noticed that the hand holding his clothes was getting stronger, even trembling slightly, and he suddenly didn't dare to speak anymore, and he didn't even have the courage to look at her.

 There is an update today, in half an hour~
(End of this chapter)

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