Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 162 It’s better to have a psychological preparation

Chapter 162 It’s better to have a psychological preparation (4)

"Er Xinxin, are you awake?"

The person who came was Niya, carrying a plastic bag with food in her hand.

Er'er is still nestled in Sui Wu's arms, but the emotions of the siblings have calmed down now.

Seeing Ni Ya coming, Sui Wu joked: "Miss Ni, do you think I'm holding a big baby in my arms?"

Er'er blushed and glared at him, but he didn't intend to leave.

Ni Ya said with disgust: "Er Xinxin, you really grew back! Your brother said that you are older than me, it is really embarrassing! Come down quickly, I bought you the durian cake you like. .”

As soon as he heard that there was something delicious, Erdun's eyes lit up, and he didn't miss his brother's warm embrace any more, and got up straight away.

"I'm going to wash my hands!"

When she entered the bathroom, Sui Wu and Ni Ya looked at each other, both speechless.

"Doctor Sui, your sister is really a foodie! You are on par with my sister! Every time my sister stays out of bed, she can run faster than anyone else as long as she tells the kitchen that there is delicious food!"

"Don't speak ill of me behind my back! Don't you know it's impolite?"

"I'm talking bad about you in front of your face. It's not impolite at all."

Er'er snorted, grabbed the bag from Niya, opened it, squeezed a durian cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Oh, it's so delicious! Where did you buy it? I'm going to buy it in the future!"

"I won't tell you, in the future, if you want to eat, you can only beg me and say something nice to me! Haha, as long as I think of you begging me, I will be very happy!"

Er Er rolled his eyes, the villain is successful!
"Go away, I'm annoyed when I see you!"

As soon as the words fell, Yin Ansheng appeared at the door.

"Annoyed when you see me?" The man narrowed his eyes, showing a fierce look in his eyes, which was very scary.

Er'er heard the voice, turned around with a smile, flew over, and threw himself into Yin Ansheng's arms, "How could I see you being annoying, you don't even know how much I like you, I won't see you for a while, I will I almost miss you! Yin Ansheng, do you miss me?"

"Tell me quickly, do you miss me?"

"Don't think, answer immediately!"

Everyone sweats, a little girl from every family, can you be more reserved?

Behind Yin Ansheng, besides Yin Zhenyun and Su Jinghao, there were also Gao Jing and a group of doctors and nurses.

When Er'er found these people, his face turned red, and he let go of Yin Ansheng the next second, screamed and ran towards Sui Wu, buried his face in his arms, ashamed to see anyone.

She thought he was the only one, who knows why he followed a group of people!

What a shame!What a shame!
Sui Wu looked down at her, pursed his lips and tried his best to control his smile, but his body trembled violently.

"Brother, you are still laughing!"

Er'er punched him with a fist, then burrowed into his arms, and said in a muffled voice, "Brother, tell them to leave quickly, hurry up!"

"Are you ashamed now? You!"

Sui Wu sighed, greeted everyone, didn't give her a chance to dodge, asked the doctors and nurses to check her up, made sure that she was fine, and went through the discharge procedures.

"Er Xinxin, do you like Yin Ansheng?" Ni Ya asked.

At this moment, there are only Er'er and Niya in the ward, and everyone else has left.

Er Er didn't deny it, on the contrary he was very proud, "Yes! The first time I saw him, I knew I would marry him in the future!"

"Is it so exaggerated?"

"Of course!"

Ni Ya didn't believe it, her elder sister was so in love with Ning Mufeng, and her elder sister also said that the first time she saw Ning Mufeng, she knew that she would marry him in the future, but what happened?It didn't end with a breakup.

Now her sister is buried in the loess, but Ning Mufeng is rumored to be married to the daughter of a real estate tycoon.

 Small Theater: One day, Uncle Yin asked Little Things, "I heard that the first time you saw me, you knew you would marry me in the future?" Little Things immediately denied, "How is that possible!" Uncle Yin was immediately displeased, "You mean you don't plan to marry me?" "I remember someone told me that you are not my girlfriend, and you will not be in the future, so I am very self-aware." What happened, I still remember it so clearly!

(End of this chapter)

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