Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 163 It’s better to have a psychological preparation

Chapter 163 It’s better to have a psychological preparation (5)

"Er Xinxin, tell me, where do people go when they die?"


"What is heaven?"

"It should be a blue sky, clear water, singing birds and fragrant flowers, no harm, no sadness, no sad place."

"I want to go there."

There, there is no harm, no sadness, no sadness, no beating, no pain but no screaming.

"Where are you going?" Er'er took a while to react, with a look of surprise on his face.

Niya smiled slightly, obviously smiling, but there were tears in her eyes.

"Go to heaven!" She pretended to be relaxed, but the hands placed beside her were tightly clenched, and she tried her best to hold back her tears.

Er'er stared at her, stunned for a long time, then stretched out his hand, and embraced this silly girl who pretended to be strong.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's great to be alive. At least you still have your parents and younger brother, but I only have an older brother."

"Er Xinxin, you don't understand..."

Niya choked up her sobs, she really didn't want to cry, but she couldn't control the tears, one after another rolled down from the corner of her eyes.

Er Er bit his lips, "Although I don't understand, I know that even though my father doesn't like me, my mother loves me, my brother loves me, and my sister loves me, so I will live a good life."

Niya burst into tears.

Er'er didn't persuade her, because he didn't know how to persuade her. Sometimes, crying would make her feel better.

After crying on and off for more than ten minutes, Niya finally stopped crying.

"Er Xinxin, your father doesn't like you. Did he beat you? He definitely won't. But my mother beat me, and it hurt so much. After my sister left, I was beaten every day. Sometimes I did something wrong. I didn’t even know why at the time.”

As Niya said, she rolled up her sleeves.

Er'er's eyes widened in shock, and he got up quickly.

"You... did your mother beat these?" One piece was bruised and one piece was purple, and almost no part of the entire arm was intact!
Er'er was horrified, even though her father didn't like him, at most her father would slap her twice and scold her a few times, but on Niya...

Niya smiled indifferently, put down her sleeves, "It's nothing, you didn't see me."

"Why? You... aren't you born to your mother?"

Apart from this reason, Er Er couldn't think of any other reason for a mother to abuse her child so cruelly.

"I don't know...maybe!"

Ni Ya has thought about this problem more than once. Only this reason can make her comfort herself. Her mother adopted her and gave her a rich life, so she should bear these pains.

Er Er thought for a while and asked, "What about your sister? Did your mother beat her?"

"Don't fight, my mother is very good to my sister."

"Your sister is not your own!"

"Yeah, so it's strange, right? Dad is also very good to my sister. Dad gives 90% of his father's love to my sister. I only have 10% with Hang Hang. Although it is very small, I am very content, because Dad He never beat or scolded me, and he loves me too. But now my father can't wake up again, and I don't know how long I can live..."

Such desolate and vicissitudes of life are uttered from a young girl, which makes people tremble and even more distressing.

Outside the door, Sui Wu quietly let go of the doorknob and left without a sound.

Not far away, Gao Jing came to meet him.

"Doctor Sui, is Ni Ya still with Er Er?"

"I asked her to chat with Xinxin. If Mrs. Ni is fine, I want them to chat for a while."

Gao Jing hesitated for a moment, "Alright then, please ask Dr. Sui to let her go to her father's ward later."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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