Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 164 It’s better to have a psychological preparation

Chapter 164 It’s better to have a psychological preparation (6)

Half an hour later, Sui Wu walked into the ward.

"Xinxin, we can go home now."

Niya stood up, "Then I should go back, and I will be angry again when my mother can't find me."


Sui Wu called her to stop, "In the future, you can often come to play with Xinxin."

Ni Ya pursed her lips, feeling a little embarrassed. When her father was still fine, she could run and play on weekends, as long as she came home before nine o'clock in the evening. But yesterday, her mother said that if she ran around again, her legs would be broken.This is no joke, mom really breaks her legs.

"I'll tell your mother not to embarrass you."

Niya's eyes brightened instantly. Although she didn't speak, her eyes already showed everything.

"You go back first. If you have anything to do, you can call...Xinxin, she is the most warm-hearted."

"Yes, yes, Niya, you should call me often!"

Niya nodded and left with a smile.

After she left, Er'er sighed, looked at Sui Wu, "Brother, did you hear everything?"

"Well, let's go, let's go see Mr. Ni first."

In the ward, Ni Changtian was lying motionless on the hospital bed, almost his whole body was wrapped in gauze. In this car accident, he was able to save his life, which is really a blessing among misfortunes.

Er'er held his hand without saying a word. There were thousands of words at this moment, but he didn't know how to speak.

After staying for a short while, she felt that her chest was so tight that she was about to suffocate to death, so she had to leave.

"Xinxin, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly? Is there something wrong?"

Er'er opened his mouth and took a few deep breaths before he felt better.

"Brother, I don't know what's going on, and I don't know how to tell you, but I feel uncomfortable if I don't tell you."

"Xinxin, I'm my brother, there's nothing you can't tell my brother."

Er Er closed his eyes, shook his head vigorously, "Go to the car first!"

"it is good."

But when they got in the car, Er'er didn't mean to say any more, and Sui Wu didn't ask either. The two of them went home in silence for the first time.

After eating and taking a shower at night, Sui Wu was leaning on the bedside reading a book, and Er Er came to his room wearing a pink cartoon pajamas and hugging a pillow.

"Brother, I want to sleep with you."

Sui Wu put down the book and lifted the quilt.

Er'er jumped on the bed with a smile, got under the covers, and nestled in his arms.

Her eyes were so beautiful that they turned into crescent moons, "I haven't slept with my brother for a long time!"

"Yes!" It's been a long time, at least ten years!
"When my brother has a sister-in-law, he can no longer sleep with him. It makes me sad to think about it."

"It's not sad, my brother doesn't look for his sister-in-law."

"Then how can it be!" Er'er got up, excitedly wanting to introduce a girlfriend to Sui Wu, "Brother, how is Su Jinghao? I think she's very nice, and she just complements your personality."

"How is Su Jing?" Sui Wu's eyes flickered, he didn't refuse or agree, and his attitude was very unclear.

Er Er took a look, hey, there is a show!
She was about to call Su Jinghao immediately, but was stopped by Sui Wu, "Nonsense! You can stop worrying about my affairs, and worry about yourself!"

"What's wrong with me?"

"If you don't look at Yin Ansheng carefully, he will be snatched away!"

"You mean Liang Qiluo?" Er'er waved his hand, "I never paid attention to that old woman!"


Sui Wu sighed, raised his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows, sometimes his IQ is low, but he can live very easily, like him, too tired!

"Xinxin, brother didn't scare you, there are other people besides Liang Qiluo, you'd better be mentally prepared."

(End of this chapter)

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