Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 172 Don't Look, He's My Man!

Chapter 172 Don't Look, He's My Man! (6)

Tang Xiangnan was wondering, but he heard the sound of fighting suddenly coming from the office.

He asked Xiao Chen, "Is there anyone else in Dr. Sui's office?"

Xiao Chen nodded, Mr. Yin hasn't come out yet.

"Who? Why does it sound like a fight."

Tang Xiangnan leaned his ear on the door and listened. That's right, it was the sound of fighting.

Little Chen Khan, I don't know if I should say it. He is afraid that Dr. Sui will destroy him, and Mr. Yin will also destroy him. It is estimated that there will be no bones left by then.

So to be on the safe side, he chose to keep his mouth shut.

But before Xiao Chen could speak, Tang Xiangnan pushed the door open on his own.

"Mr. Tang!"

Xiao Chen screamed, unfortunately, it was already too late!

The moment the door was pushed open, the two people who were fighting like cockfights in the room suddenly separated like an electric shock.

"Doctor Sui, I, I didn't let him open the door..."

"Who am I supposed to be, it turned out to be the two of you!"

Tang Xiangnan leaned against the door frame, with his hands in his trouser pockets, as if watching a show.

"You go on, just pretend that I don't exist, go on!"

"Get out!" Sui Wu grabbed something on the table, without looking at what it was, and threw it out.

Xiao Chen covered his head in fright and ran away.

Tang Xiangnan dodged, and the thing fell to the ground against his body.

"Crack——" it shattered all over the ground.

It's Sui Wu's water glass, which I just bought not long ago.

Yin Ansheng was not angry at this time, Sui Wu seemed to have eaten explosives today, but now he is fine, and the target has shifted.

Holding the checklist, Yin Ansheng left slowly.

He stamped his feet at the door and asked Tang Xiangnan, "Do you know him?"

"Your brother-in-law, how can I not know you?"

Tang Xiangnan smiled meaningfully. He was the one who worried too much before, but now it seems that Sui Wu and Jinghao are a perfect match!
Haha, he is very much looking forward to seeing the funny scene where these two men marry each other's younger sisters. They are each other's brother-in-law and each other's brother-in-law. Thinking about it, he felt that the boring life was full of fun in an instant!

"Oh, by the way, I'm here to see Dr. Sui. Jing Hao has a high fever, so she won't come to the hospital."

Yin Ansheng raised his eyebrows, when did Jing Hao and Sui Wu start dating?Under his nose, he didn't even notice it at all!

But when he thinks that Sui Wu will become his brother-in-law in the future and ask him to call him brother, he feels very happy!
"Doctor Sui happens to be fine, so hurry up and take him to Jinghao's place! If anything happens to Jinghao, I want you to look after him!"

Coldly leaving warnings and threats, Yin Ansheng walked away swaggeringly.

Back in the ward, Yin Zhenyun had already fallen asleep, and his complexion was not particularly good.

In Yin Ansheng's impression, the old man's body was very good, jumping up and down like a monkey all day long, he even forgot that he was already seventy-seven years old.

Yin Ansheng walked lightly to the edge of the bed and sat down. He had read the checklist. The heartbeat was abnormal, and the initial diagnosis showed signs of failure. However, Sui Wu said that the problem was not serious, and that it could be controlled and treated in the initial stage.

Sui Wu suspected that someone ate something that shouldn't be eaten by the old man, but he couldn't tell what it was, so he could only investigate slowly.


Yin Zhenyun didn't wake up until Er'er came to the hospital after school in the afternoon.

Opening his eyes and seeing Yin Ansheng, the old man made no secret of his disgust, "Yin Ansheng, you go out! I don't want to see you!"

Turning to look at Er'er again, he seemed to be a different person immediately, his eyes were so gentle that water dripped out,

"Err, you came to see Dad, ah, no, it's Uncle, you see, I'm an old man, I've said something wrong, hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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