Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 173 Don't Look, He's My Man!

Chapter 173 Don't Look, He's My Man! (7)

Yin Ansheng looked at his father with contempt, and felt that he had lost all his face for 30 years.

Just wanting to smoke a cigarette, he turned and walked towards the door.

"Yin Ansheng!"

Earl called to him.

Yin Ansheng stopped, thinking to himself, what should come will come sooner or later.

He is ready to be bombarded by the big and the small, but, can you let him go out and smoke a cigarette first?

He turned around and asked casually, "What's the matter?"

Er'er raised his finger and pointed at his armpits, "Your clothes are torn."

Yin Ansheng paused, and the next second he raised his hand to touch his clothes, his face turned black and blue.

Damn Sui Wu, actually tore his clothes!
It's nothing, the point is that he was wandering around the hospital in this ragged clothes this afternoon!

How many people witnessed his embarrassment?He wants to kill someone!
For a man who is so obsessed with his image, this is nothing short of humiliating!
Er'er shrank his neck, this person's expression was too scary, did she remind me wrong?

Oh, what a meddling!

I knew I should ignore him.

Quickly find a topic to break the embarrassment and relieve the tension at the same time.

Er'er took Yin Zhenyun's hand, "Uncle Yin, why are you sick? Didn't you just get out of the hospital?"

Yin Zhenyun sighed, with a rare sadness on his face, "Oh! I'm getting old and useless."

He has always refused to accept his old age, but today he has to bow his head and tell himself that he is already half buried in the loess!

"Uncle Yin, don't say such things. You are only in your 70s, and you are still young! My grandfather is already 90 years old. Every time I visit him, he is like a child, jumping up and down, talking about himself You are not old, and you can live to be more than 100 years old! You can definitely do it too!"

I hope, I hope I can see my son get married and my grandson be born, so that I will have no regrets in this life.

When he was young, he didn't know what it was like to be sad, and he always wanted to be alone, so he was over [-] years old when he had An Sheng. Now that he thinks about it, he regrets it too much.

So he always hoped that his son could start a family early and get married when he met the right person, at least not like him, when he took his son out, people thought it was his grandson.


Yin Zhenyun looked at Er Er sadly, this child is good in everything, but he is a little small, a little young, and if he grows ten centimeters taller, two years older, he will be fine!

Er'er looked at the old man's unpredictable expression in puzzlement, and murmured in his heart.

This father and son, one more than the other... Nervous.

"My heart!"

Yin Ansheng got angry on his own for a while, and suddenly called Erer, the child almost sat down on the ground in fright.

She thought he had already left, but he was behind her for a long time!
"Why? Yin Ansheng, can you stop yelling at me? Let me tell you, I have a heart attack. If you scare me out of me, you will be responsible!"

"Bah, bah, bah!" Yin Zhenyun was in a hurry, "You girl is talking nonsense! What kind of heart disease is there at such a young age, spit it out, get rid of the bad luck!"

You are speechless, can she speak childishly without restraint?Besides, if what she said really came true, then she said that she would marry Yin Ansheng tomorrow!
She shouldn't do such a naive move!

But the old man is very stubborn!

"Hurry up, get rid of bad luck!"

Er Er had no choice but to vomit twice reluctantly.

"Don't talk nonsense in the future!"


In the next second, he was roughly dragged out of the ward by Yin Ansheng.

(End of this chapter)

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