Chapter 176 Don't Want Him (2)

After spitting out the thing in his mouth, Er Er realized that it was actually a piece of candy!

And it's her favorite corn fudge!
What is this guy doing?
Puzzled, she was still very hopeless, and happily peeled off the candy wrapper. The sweet and waxy corn smell came out, and she stuffed it into her mouth, feeling that it was sweet from her mouth to her heart!

"Aren't you afraid that what I gave you is poison?"

A piece of candy can make her beautiful like this, so worthless!

Yin Ansheng picked out the SIM card and threw the broken phone into the trash can in the car, ready to take it back and destroy it. There were a lot of important information on the phone, and he was always cautious.

Er Er chuckled, "As long as it is given by you, I will not swallow the poison without blinking."

With candy in his mouth, the words he speaks can be sweet to death.

Yin Ansheng snorted coldly and restarted the car, but the drooping brows showed how good he was at the moment.

Indeed, what she said just now was very useful to him.

"Yin Ansheng, who called you just now? Why didn't you answer it?"

After giving a piece of candy, Er'er started to be unscrupulous again.

"have a finger in the pie!"


Crazy, ignore you!
After a while, the car stopped at the entrance of the mall.

Pushing open the car door and going down, Er Er frowned, not understanding what she was doing here at night.

Yin Ansheng didn't explain, and walked straight into the shopping mall, Er Er could only trot to keep up.

After a while, the two came to the men's clothing area on the third floor.

Earl seemed to understand what he was going to do, his eyes stayed on his tattered shirt, the size of the shirt was right, it should not be torn from this place.

So...he was fighting someone?
Who is so bold as to dare to fight Yin Ansheng?

Er Er expressed his special admiration, and really wanted to see which hero it was!
She squinted her eyes and began to brainstorm, and her saliva flowed out from the nympho.

"Er Xinxin, what are you doing!"

With a roar in his ear, Er'er trembled all over, and looked at the furious someone blankly, "Why, what's the matter?"

"What's wrong?" Yin Ansheng gritted his teeth, looking like he wanted to tear her up.

What's the matter?

Er Er was not afraid, but very puzzled.

Then, like a big rag doll, she was picked up and thrown into the men's clothing store.

"Get out!"

Hearing Yin Ansheng's cold shout, after a while, even the clerk left.

There were only the two of them left in the huge men's clothing store.

Er'er closed her eyes hard, imagining what kind of storm baptism she would have next, and she had already tried her best to prepare, but suddenly she heard Yin Ansheng call her softly.

"Er Xinxin, come here."

Really, really tender!

So gentle that people feel that this is not him!

Er'er slowly opened her eyes, and after looking around, she saw a man in the shirt area who was looking down at his shirt. Her eyes rolled a few times, and she trotted over.

"Ah, Yin Ansheng, what's the matter?"

"Help me choose a shirt." The voice was still so gentle that you could pinch water.

Er Er shook his head vigorously, "What did you say?"

Yin Ansheng turned to stare at her, "Help me choose a shirt!"

voila!This is Yin Ansheng!That one just now is absolutely fake!

Er'er chuckled and forgave her for being masochistic.

She looked at the number, reached out and took a pale pink shirt from the hanger, "This one."

"you sure?"

Yin Ansheng frowned in disbelief, asking him to wear clothes of this color?What a joke!

"How do you know it won't look good if you don't even try it? Try it, I can assure you, you will definitely look ten years younger after wearing it!"

Without waiting for Yin Ansheng to deny it, Er'er put the shirt on his shoulders, and took the initiative to go forward to unbutton the shirt on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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