Chapter 177 Don't Want Him (4)

On the first floor, Yin Ansheng stopped suddenly, and Er'er stopped his feet and bumped into him.

"Er Xinxin, are you a pig?"

"The pig will get you clothes?" Er'er rolled his eyes, "Why did you stop? Finally, my conscience realized that I feel uneasy about bullying me, a weak girl? Then share it with me quickly, my arm is about to break !"

Yin Ansheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at her lightly, not feeling any uneasiness in his conscience.

"Wait for me at the door, I'll go to the bathroom."

Turned around and took a step, then turned to warn her, "Don't run around!"

Er'er snorted, moved to the door, and stopped in a place with few people. He really wanted to throw all these clothes on the ground, but the ground was too dirty, people came and went, and I don't know how many people stepped on the ground. Even through the clothes bag, she still felt dirty.

So I can only accept my fate!
"Hey! Er Xinxin, why do you think you are so promising? If your father knows that you are here as a small follower, you will be blamed if you don't kill yourself!"

She was teasing herself to herself, and as soon as she finished speaking, the sound of high-heeled shoes reached her ears, and she raised her head subconsciously.

It's really a narrow road for enemies!

In the huge Yunhan City, how can you always meet people you hate!

Er'er really didn't want to dirty his eyes, so he chose to close his eyes and rest.

But Liang Qiluo didn't care about her indifference, and came forward to say hello with a smile.

"What a coincidence, Er Xinxin, you are also shopping."

"Men's clothing? For your boyfriend?"

Er'er didn't open his eyes, and didn't make a sound, he regarded Liang Qiluo as a fart, because when she got close, the air around her would stink.

"Er Xinxin, are you dumb? Or are you also deaf?"

"Tsk tsk, you said that you are so reckless, is it sad or not? You are not willing to buy a piece of clothing, but you are quite generous to your boyfriend. Oh, by the way, didn't you meet your boyfriend just now?"

Er Er frowned, why does this old woman's boyfriend who opened her mouth and shut her mouth feel that she is not Yin Ansheng?

I haven't figured it out yet, but I heard Liang Qiluo say again: "Why did I see him shopping with other women just now? The two of them looked so close that they were in love. Could it be that you were cheated on? Or... ..."

Liang Qiluo stared at Er'er meaningfully and looked up and down, "Are you the little third who doesn't see the light?"

Er'er couldn't bear it anymore, "You are the mistress! Your whole family is mistress!"

"I became angry from embarrassment, it seems that I really hit the mark."

Liang Qiluo covered her mouth and laughed, her smile was flamboyant, she looked extremely disgusted.

Er'er gritted his teeth, couldn't move his hand, so he kicked her.


Liang Qiluo screamed exaggeratedly, and fell to the ground.

"Bitch is hypocritical!"

Er Er plans to change places, this place is polluted!
Just when she was about to leave, she heard someone call her, "Er Xinxin?"

She looked up and saw that it was Ning Mufeng, accompanied by a beautiful woman.

A look of complacency flashed in Liang Qiluo's eyes, she was lying on the ground whimpering like a puppy, it was unappetizing to look at.

Er'er really wanted to step forward and kick her twice, but he gritted his teeth and endured it.

It's demeaning to mess with this kind of person!
"Hi, Ning Mufeng."

Ning Mufeng stepped forward, glanced at Liang Qiluo, and looked at Er'er, "What's going on?"

"Mr. Ning, don't blame Miss Er, Miss Er didn't push me on purpose, I'm fine."

Liang Qiluo struggled to get up while speaking, and deliberately shook a few times after standing up, finally leaned on Ning Mufeng's body.

(End of this chapter)

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