Chapter 178 Don't Want Him (5)

Er'er didn't react much, but the beauty beside Ning Mufeng turned pale.

"Miss Liang, are you okay?" Ning Mufeng didn't think too much, but out of instinct, he helped Liang Qiluo up.

Liang Qiluo shook her head, "I'm sorry, I'm fine, Mr. Ning, don't blame Miss Er, she didn't do it on purpose."

Ning Mufeng frowned, why did he feel something was wrong after hearing this.

But he didn't recall it for a while.

Er'er suddenly sneered, "Liang Qiluo, did you just say Ning Mufeng?"

Liang Qiluo raised her eyebrows, not realizing how embarrassing she was at this moment.

Er'er laughed even more sarcastically and fiercely, "Liang Qiluo, you are really cheap to the bone."

After saying hello to Ning Mufeng, he walked towards the bathroom.

She was too lazy to talk to Liang Qiluo, and took another look, she was afraid that her eyes would be polluted and blinded.

Liang Qiluo was stunned for a long time, and then asked Ning Mufeng stupidly, "Mr. Ning and Er Xinxin... aren't you boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Now the beautiful woman beside Ning Mufeng was even more unhappy. She could bear it just now, but now she couldn't bear it anymore.

He took a step forward and took Ning Mufeng's arm, "Miss, please make it clear that I am Mufeng's girlfriend!"

Bai Ying has always been a gentle person, she speaks softly and sounds very comfortable, it is really rare to see such a gaffe and loud reprimand today.

Ning Mufeng raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at the people around him. Knowing her for so many years, he always thought that she would not lose her temper, and it turned out she was not.

Liang Qiluo blushed, very embarrassed!

He hesitated for a long time, said sorry, and fled.


He just walked with his head down, never wanting to bump into someone.

Liang Qiluo held her sore nose and raised her head. She was about to apologize, but when she saw the person in front of her clearly, her tears burst out.

He stretched out his arms to hug this person, and cried aggrievedly, "An Sheng, An Sheng."

Yin Ansheng stood there with a gloomy and ugly face.

"Miss Liang, please respect yourself!"

His voice was not high, but it carried an irresistible majesty and a coldness to the bone.

Liang Qiluo didn't let go, but hugged her even tighter.

"An Sheng, I'm so sad, I'm so sad."

Er'er stood not far away and looked at the two hugging each other, his eye circles soon turned red.

Even though Liang Qiluo was holding him, he did not push her away.

He still couldn't forget this woman, that's right, they slept together after Liang Qiluo came back, and she knew about it twice.

And the news this morning, that woman is Liang Qiluo's cousin, is he so inseparable from Liang Qiluo?

"Yin Ansheng, you are an out-and-out bastard!"

She sniffed, not letting herself cry in front of Liang Qiluo, turned around and walked away.

Yin Ansheng, I don't like you anymore!

"Brother, I'm at the mall, you pick me up, I'm going home..."

Er'er couldn't make a sound, and squatted on the ground crying into tears.

Sui Wu happened to be outside, and hurried over after answering the phone, before the car stopped, he saw a person squatting on the side of the road from a distance, and recognized her at a glance, she was thin and small, squatting there, looking at her People are distressed.


Er'er raised her head, she had stopped crying, she was crouching on the ground with her clothes in her arms and was about to fall asleep, she was such a big-hearted child.

"walk home."


But I didn't get up for a long time.

Sui Wu sighed, bent down to pick her up, opened the car door again, and put her in.

"Stupid or not? I don't know if my legs will go numb after squatting for a long time?"

"What are you afraid of, you have a brother!" Er Er handed the bag in his arms to Sui Wu, "Brother, I bought you a shirt without spending a penny!"

(End of this chapter)

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