Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 192 Er Xinxin Where's Your Face

Chapter 192 Er Xinxin Where's Your Face (3)

Yin Ansheng frowned when he heard the approaching footsteps. Could this woman be trying to commit suicide by jumping off a building?
Ah!Really no brains!

This is the second floor. You can't die if you jump down, but you can fall paralyzed.

What's more, suicide is only something that cowardly and incompetent people will do!
If it wasn't for Er Xinxin, he would never meddle in other people's business.

As a businessman, he would never do such a thing without any reward.

Quickly sent a message to Er Xinxin on the phone: Er Xinxin, you owe me a huge favor today, think about how to repay me in the future!

Just as the phone was put away, there was a "bang" sound from the next door, followed by a burst of noisy footsteps.

"Miss Ni, please come with us."

Miss Ni?Hearing this, he should not be from the Ni family.

Yin Ansheng frowned slightly, who could it be?
Ni Ya turned around when she heard the voice behind her, and looked at the seven or eight men in black casual clothes who suddenly broke into the room, she was stunned, "Who are you?"

"My miss asked to take you away."

"Do you have a heart?"


Ni Ya smiled, "Thank her for me, I really don't need it, tell her I'm fine, you guys go back, don't worry about me."

"Miss Ni, if you have anything to say, please tell my lady in person, please."

"I still have something to do. Look, my mother is still waiting for me downstairs."

Niya tried to persuade these people to let them leave. They could save her for a while, but they couldn't protect her forever.

What's more, she didn't want to embarrass Er Xinxin. Er Xinxin's family seems to be very rich, but in this Yunhan City, the Ni family is currently the most powerful. Her father is unconscious, and now all the power is in the hands of her mother. If Er Xinxin angers her mother, it will not do Er Xinxin any good, not to mention that Er Xinxin is still a foreigner.

She cherishes Er Xinxin as a friend very much, she is already very grateful if she can come to save her, and she can't cause her any more trouble.

But these bodyguards didn't listen to her. If she didn't leave, they would use strong methods.

A person walked up to Niya, and before she could react, a sharp hand slash fell, she closed her eyes and passed out, and was carried away by someone directly on her shoulders.

When the next room finally became quiet, Yin Ansheng came out.

At this time, a message came up on the phone, he clicked on it, and it was from Er Er.

——Since it is a great kindness, it must be promised with your body. Just wait, my father said, I will go to your house to propose marriage tomorrow.

Yin Ansheng has black hair, this little thing!

But immediately, he pursed his lips and smiled, leaned against the wall, and replied a message: Shouldn't the man go to the woman's house for a marriage proposal?

Er Er's message was quickly replied: It's okay, our family doesn't have so many rules, so it's settled, see you tomorrow.

Yin Ansheng: Who made the decision with you?Er Xinxin, can you be more reserved?How much do you hate being married?
Er Er: It's not that I hate getting married, but I'm afraid that you won't be able to wait anymore, and you'll be 31 soon.

Yin Ansheng: 41 flowers for a man.

Earle: You mean you plan to wait until you're 40 before getting married?Walking with my son on everyone, and being mistaken for a grandpa and grandson, is it very face-saving?
Yin Ansheng's face darkened instantly, and he almost dropped his phone on the ground.

The next second, he strode into the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror and looked carefully, is he very old?


New Year's Eve is coming soon.

The New Year's Eve banquet was held by the Ni family every year in the past, and this year is no exception.

Er'er also unexpectedly received an invitation from Gao Jing. She was unwilling to participate, but thinking of Niya, she finally came.

Since she saw Niya for the last time on the night of the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month and sent her home, there was no news of Niya for a week, as if she had disappeared from the world.

She hoped to see Niya tonight. If she couldn't see her again, she would publish it in the newspaper. She didn't believe that Gao Jing would not release Niya under the pressure of public opinion.

Er Yuan personally accompanied Er Er, but he did not get out of the car, Er Er was accompanied by a bodyguard.

As soon as he walked into the banquet hall, he ran into Liu Mengtian.

"Er Xinxin, you are too funny! What are you doing so tightly!"

Er Er frowned, looked down at himself, and then at Liu Mengtian.

Also, the evening gown on my body has long sleeves, and the forearm is exposed on the arm. The neckline is a normal round neckline, which is simple and generous.

But Liu Mengtian's is much sexier than hers. The white tube top dress and the well-developed two tufts are ready to come out, which is really eye-catching.

Looking at the ladies around, basically there are no breasts or backs.

But is it really good to be open-chested and backless like this?
Anyway, she doesn't like it, she thinks a woman's body can only be seen by her husband.

"I like it, can't I?"

"Like it?" Liu Mengtian sneered, puffed out her chest, and said sarcastically, "I'm afraid you won't be able to see it even if you're wearing a low-cut dress! So it's better to cover it directly, so it's convenient to use a sponge."

"Convenience pad sponge?" Er'er smiled slightly, staring at Liu Mengtian's big ball, "So, Ms. Liu is also a person who has experienced it, and she must have a lot of experience! I really want to know, which hospital did you get the silicone gel in? ? Is it safe? How does it feel?"

As Er'er said, he stretched out his hand and touched Liu Mengtian.


Liu Mengtian screamed and jumped away, stepped on her skirt without paying attention, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

In an instant, there were many spectators around. In Yunhan City, although the Liu family is not considered a big family, but because they have some relationship with the Yin family, they can still rank in the Yunhan City. Meng Tian was not a fuel-efficient lamp since she was a child, so many people recognized her as the eldest lady of the Liu family.

But Er'er standing in front of Liu Mengtian was almost unknown, he was a familiar face.

Everyone secretly sweated for her, dare to provoke Miss Liu's family, how courageous is this girl?

"Tiantian, what's wrong with you?" Liu Mengtian's good friend Jiang Shasha squeezed into the crowd and helped her up.

"Er Xinxin, how dare you molest me!" Liu Mengtian became furious, and without caring about her image, she stood up and rushed towards Er'er.

But Er'er's bodyguard directly blocked him.

"What kind of dog are you, get out of here!"

Liu Mengtian waved her hand and hit the bodyguard in the face, but before she could hit him, Er Er's hand suddenly stretched out from the bodyguard's side.

Seeing that she was about to be attacked, Liu Mengtian was so frightened that she immediately withdrew her hands and put her hands on her chest.

"I love you, you are too shameless!"

Er'er didn't take it seriously, and stared at her dick with a perverted look.

"I just want to feel how it feels in my hand. What about you? Besides, you are all seen by others, so what's wrong with me just touching it?"

While speaking, he stretched out his hand again.

Liu Mengtian screamed and dodged, her body tilted in a hurry, her hands instinctively grabbed something, but she grabbed Jiang Shasha's evening dress.


Jiang Shasha's tube top dress was ripped off!


 And an update!
(End of this chapter)

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