Chapter 193 Was Designed by Someone (1)

After Yin Ansheng left, Er'er complained and then returned to her previous heartless attitude. Anyway, it's not a day or two since Yin Ansheng hated her, and she doesn't need to be sad all the time.

What's more, she came here today with important things to do, she was going to find Ni Ya!

After walking around, I didn't see Niya, but I was very tired.

Where did Nia go?It is impossible for her not to attend her own dinner party.

Just wondering, someone patted her on the shoulder.

Er Er suddenly turned around, and behind him was a strange young man, to be precise, a boy, who looked about his age.

The boy stretched out his hand, "Hi, I'm Ni Junhang."

Ni Junhang?
Er Er thought for a while, "Are you Niya's younger brother?"

Ni Junhang nodded, retracted his hand, and stared at her fixedly.

This look made Er'er very uncomfortable, and when he was about to speak, he opened his mouth first: "Er Xinxin, you look so cute, I didn't expect you to be a little pervert! Do you like women? Tsk tsk, really It's a pity! This beautiful little face has grown for nothing!"

Er'er rolled his eyes and didn't bother to explain to him, "Where's Ni Ya? Why haven't I seen her?"

"You, Ni Ya, you...are you lesbians?" Ni Junhang stared hard, as if he saw a monster!
Er'er almost vomited blood, I really don't know what this person's mind is thinking!
She likes to look at women, just likes women, is she a lesbian?She was looking for Niya, so she was paired with Niya?How funny!She likes to look at beautiful women, isn't that admiring beauty?

"What's wrong with us? Please, don't look at me with your disgusting eyes, can you? I'm afraid I'll spit out my dinner in a while!"

Ni Junhang was still in shock, pursed his lower lip, and asked with a smirk, "Who is T and who is P, you or Ni Ya?"

Er'er's face darkened instantly, and he said with a fake smile: "Ni Junhang, you really know a lot! Why? Have you studied it? Or are you just like me?"

"Who is the same as you! I like the opposite sex!"

Ni Junhang's face flushed red, as if he had been humiliated.

Er'er sneered, not wanting to waste any more time with him, and decided to find Niya by himself.

Unexpectedly, Ni Junhang stopped her, "Aren't you going to find Ni Ya? Don't you?"

"Do you know where she is?"

Ni Junhang sighed and nodded, "Let's go, I'll take you to find it."

After walking two steps, I couldn't help but stop again and turned to look at Er Er, shaking his head, "What a pity! What a pity!"

Er Er was speechless to the extreme, "Ni Junhang, are you out of your mind? Didn't you hear that I was Yin Ansheng's woman? I don't want me to like women because of a handsome man like Yin Ansheng? Or your sister! Do you think I'm an idiot or a fool?"

Ni Junhang was stunned by her scolding, and he asked after a while, "You mean—"

"I like men!"


"Why are you so annoying? Can you go?"

"Go! Of course go!"

Ni Junhang suddenly changed his face, took two steps and then stopped.

Er'er stomped his feet angrily, "What the hell are you going to do?"

"Er Xinxin, what do you think of me?"

"What about it?" Er'er was annoyed.

Ni Junhang laughed like a dog, "How about I be your boyfriend?"

Er'er looked him up and down, curled his lips, "After the appraisal, it's not my thing!"

Ni Junhang was stunned for three seconds, then he beat his chest and stamped his feet like a child, as if he was being humiliated to death.

"Er Xinxin, you don't like me! You don't like me!"

"Why do I have to like you? Ni Junhang, you should be an adult too? Why are you so childish?"

"You woman, you still call me childish!"

Ni Junhang was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and then his black eyes shrank, and he stepped forward to take advantage of Er'er's unpreparedness, hugged her in his arms, and lowered his head to kiss her.

"Let go of me! What are you going to do!" Er'er was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he struggled vigorously.

Luo Yu answered the phone and spoke within less than a minute. When he looked up, he saw someone hugging his princess and molesting him. His face darkened instantly.

He strode forward, grabbed Ni Junhang by the collar, and punched him out.

Er'er got rid of the shackles, stood aside and breathed heavily, "Luo Yu is alright, he is the eldest son of the Ni family, he probably has some brain problems, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Luo Yu didn't listen, and punched Ni Junhang again, then let go, pulled his clothes, and came to Er'er and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I was just shocked, ignore him, let's go find Niya!"

Luo Yu nodded, and kicked Ni Junhang again before leaving.

After walking a few steps, Er'er saw Niya, grabbed her wrist, and dragged her to the balcony.

"Er Xinxin, let me go, do you hear?"

Er'er let go of his hand, turned to look at Niya, but remained silent.

Niya suddenly didn't know what to say at this moment, she lowered her head and picked her fingers.

The atmosphere was indescribably oppressive.

After a long time, Niya hesitated and said: "Er Xinxin, you, don't look for me in the future."


"If there is nothing else, I will go first."

Niya pursed her lips, turned and left.

After walking a few steps, Er'er suddenly said unhurriedly: "I remember someone told me that they wanted to be friends with me for a lifetime. Is this how you make friends, Ni Ya?"

Niya stamped her feet, bit her lips tightly, and clutched the black handbag tightly, with tears in her eyes.

"If you are afraid that your mother will beat you, I will not come to you in the future, we are no longer friends.

But Niya, do you really think that if you don't be friends with me, your mother won't beat you again?
Look in the mirror and see what you look like now, do you still look like a girl?Wearing sexy heavy makeup and sexy evening dresses, what are you doing?
Has your Ni family fallen so low that you need to sacrifice you to keep it safe?If this is your intention, then I wish you happiness.

You go, from today we are no longer friends, and I have never had a friend like you. "

Niya took a deep breath, tried to force back the tears in her eyes, raised her head, and strode away.

Er Xinxin, no matter whether we can become friends in the future, in my heart, you are my forever friend.

This is my life, I have no choice.


"Mom." Niya returned to Gao Jing's side.

Gao Jing turned her head and gave her a look. Although she didn't say a word, her eyes were enough to explain everything.

"It will be over in half an hour."

Ni Ya reached out to take what Gao Jing handed over, and only after she got it did she realize that it was a room card, room number 1230.

 And an update!
(End of this chapter)

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