Chapter 204 Engagement (2)

The next day Er'er slept until the sun was up, but was finally woken up by Sui Wu.

"Why don't you change into your pajamas when you sleep? Sleeping comfortably in a sweater?"

Sui Wu came to wake her up, but seeing that she was still wearing a thick turtleneck sweater, he couldn't help frowning.

Er'er dodged his eyes for a moment, scratched his head and said, "I fell asleep while playing with my mobile phone last night, and forgot to take off my clothes."

"In the future, you can't play with your mobile phone before going to bed, it's not good for your eyes."

"Understood, I won't play in the future, brother, you go out, I will change my clothes and get up."

"Hurry up and pack up, I'll take you out for a stroll after dinner."

"it is good."

After Sui Wu left, Er'er got up quickly, ran into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, took off his clothes, looked at his body, those marks hadn't disappeared, and he still had to wear a turtleneck sweater today!
Damn Yin Ansheng, it's not easy to bite, I insist on biting her neck!

After taking a brief shower, Er Er put on the turtleneck sweater again, and walked out of the bedroom with a guilty conscience.

Seeing her getting up, Eryuan smiled and handed her a glass of warm water, "Drink some water, why do you think your child has been so sleepy these two days? You slept all day yesterday, and you woke up so late today."

Er'er smiled, took the water glass and took a sip.

"Dad, brother said we're going out shopping today? Really?"

Eryuan didn't realize that she had changed the subject, and nodded with a smile, "Yes, where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere, as long as you're with Dad and Brother! Hehe..."

"Look at your stupidity, hurry up and eat, and leave after eating!"

"Good Le!"

Er Er trotted to the kitchen, panting heavily while pressing his chest.

I'm about to lie again. It's really a lie, and I need one lie after another to cover it up, and I don't know if I can live up to it in the end.

As soon as I turned around with my breakfast in hand, I was startled.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"You have never worn a piece of clothing for more than a day before. You wore this sweater yesterday, and you didn't take it off when you went to bed at night. You still wear it today? Do you like it that much?"

Sui Wu's voice was not loud, but Eryuan still heard it.

He turned the wheelchair and came to the kitchen. Seeing that this was really the case, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

"Xinxin, Dad also wants to know why."

Er'er pursed his lower lip with a calm expression, "I just like this sweater. Besides, it's winter now, and it doesn't smell like a piece of clothing after two days of wearing it."

She had already considered this scene in the bedroom, and it was really expected by her.

Otherwise, panic again at this moment.

"Really?" Sui Wu didn't believe it, the child must have something hidden in his heart.

But if she didn't tell, he couldn't force her to ask.

Er Er nodded, "Otherwise what else?" After speaking, he went to the restaurant with his breakfast.

Eryuan didn't speak, turned and went back to the bedroom, after a while, Basil came in from the outside.

"Tell me the truth, the night before yesterday, did Xinxin really just drink some wine in order to avoid me getting angry, so she sobered up in the hotel?"

Basil nodded, and lied without blushing, "My king, I dare not lie to you."

Eryuan stared at him for 5 minutes, but didn't see anything, so he let him go out.

I thought to myself, did I really think too much?

Basil wouldn't lie to him.

Outside the door, after Basil came out, he wiped his palms on his trouser legs, and glanced at the people who were feasting in the restaurant, hoping that she would not kill him in the future!
"Uncle Luo, let me tell you something." Baile was about to leave, but was stopped by Sui Wu.

Earl was startled, and suddenly raised his head.

His gaze met Basil, panic flashed in his eyes.

Basil quickly looked away, looked at Sui Wu, and nodded slightly.

"go outside."

When the two came outside, Sui Wu asked bluntly, "Tell me what you and Xinxin are hiding from him."

"Hiding what?" Basil pretended to be confused.

"Don't think I won't know if you don't tell me."

"Young master, go check it out."

Sui Wu gritted his teeth, snorted coldly, turned and went back to the room.

Er Er was delighted to see him come back so soon, it seems that Basil didn't say anything to him.

Sui Wu clearly saw the corners of her raised lips, and the guess in her heart became more and more firm.

She and Basil must be hiding something from him!
After breakfast, the family of three went out.

On the way Eryuan asked Erer: "Where do you want to go?"

"Just stroll around, there is no place in particular you want to go."

"Why don't you go to a hot spring, I know a place, the environment is very good." Sui Wu suggested, but his eyes were watching Er'er's reaction, she was wearing a turtleneck sweater, she must be tricky!
When Er Yuan heard it, he thought it was good, "Okay, the weather is dry, and the hot spring is comfortable."

"I haven't been in a hot spring for a long time!" Er'er was also very excited, but just as soon as the words came out, she suddenly realized a serious problem, she couldn't wear a swimsuit yet!

This is how to do?
She can't even wear a conservative swimsuit, it can't cover it!

Got it!

She immediately put on a bitter face, "But I can't make it, a good friend is visiting."

Eryuan was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Then let's change another day."

Sui Wu said, "Xinxin, isn't it the end of every month? When did it become the middle of the month?"

Er Er was embarrassed, "I, how do I know, maybe because of drinking, this month came earlier."

There is an older brother who is a doctor, who is sometimes troublesome. He will make a fuss if there is any trouble in her body.

Sui Wu didn't say anything more, so the proposal of soaking in hot springs was voided.

But in the afternoon, Er Er got carried away, and when she saw an ice cream shop, she ran to buy an ice cream.

Sui Wu saw her and quickly stopped her, "You can't eat cold food now!"

"Why? My good friend didn't come again, so I'll just eat something that's okay!"

Sui Wu narrowed his eyes and stared at her, "What did you say?"

"Ah?" The dull person took a big bite of the ice cream before he could react, "What did you say?"

Eryuan heard it just now, and frowned immediately.

"Xinxin, didn't you say that your good friend came this morning?"

"Ah? Is there? Maybe I remembered wrongly." Er'er turned around, took the ice cream and ran away.

Sui Wu was angry, "Er Xinxin, you have learned to lie now! Stop!"

"I don't! You have to promise not to hit me!"

Er'er ran more than ten meters away, and then stopped. He didn't want to throw the ice cream away, and took another bite.

This lie can no longer be made up, and there is no reason to make it up anymore, anyway, it has already been worn out, so what should I do?

If you don’t eat today, you probably won’t have the chance to eat it in the future!
Another bite.

"Come here for me!"

"No!" Er'er wiped his tears while eating ice cream, "It's not my fault, Yin Ansheng was drugged, and I saw him feel uncomfortable, so I did that! Anyway, he and I are going to get married sooner or later, It doesn't make any difference whether it's early or late!"

Not far away, Basil was covered in cold sweat. Why can't this kid hide things so much?

As soon as he sighed, he saw Eryuan's knife-like eyes sweeping towards him.

 The update ends today!
(End of this chapter)

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