Chapter 205 Engagement (3)

The expressions of Sui Wu and Er Yuan were extremely ugly at this moment.

Er'er cried and ate ice cream, making his face and body smudged and he didn't care about it.

The ice cream was so sweet, but it was also so cold, she felt her whole body was cold after eating it, and the tears on her face were about to freeze.

"come here!"

Sui Wu waved.

Er'er shook his head like a rattle, "I don't! You'll hit me!"

"Do you think I won't beat you if you don't come here? Er Xinxin, you are getting bolder and bolder! You dare to hide this kind of thing, so you didn't intend to tell me? Huh?"

While speaking, Sui Wu had already stepped up and walked towards her.

"Brother, don't come over..."

Er'er was so scared that her little face turned pale, her hands trembled so much that she couldn't hold the ice cream, and it fell to the ground. She wiped away her tears, making ice cream all over her face, like a dirty little cat.

She backed away and cried, "Brother, I was wrong, don't be angry, okay?"

Sui Wu didn't dare to go forward, and she retreated to the road, the traffic was too dangerous.

"Come here, brother won't hit you."

Er'er shook his head, still retreating, "I don't believe you are lying!"

Behind her was the edge of the curb, which was much higher than the road, and one of her feet had already reached the edge of the curb, and Sui Wu's heart instantly rose to her throat.


As soon as he yelled, she had already stepped on the air, and the bodyguard closest to her rushed forward, but still failed to hold her.


Er'er fell straight onto the road, hitting the hard road with the back of his head heavily.

It made her dizzy and her mind went blank.


An approaching motorcycle slammed on the brakes, but the speed was too fast, and the motorcycle was still rushing forward under the action of inertia.

"Xinxin!" Sui Wu was so frightened that his heart would jump out of his chest, and he ran over.

But the bodyguard was on Er'er's other side, jumped up and threw himself to block Er'er's body.

At the same time, the motorcycle hits!
Time seemed to stand still.

Er Yuan fell from the wheelchair to the ground with a pale face, and Sui Wu's legs gave way and almost fell.

Luo Le helped Er Yuan up and put him on the wheelchair, and Luo Yu stepped forward to check the situation of Er Yuan and the bodyguard.

"Cheng He, how are you?"

Cheng He raised his head with difficulty and shook his head, "I'm fine, the princess is not very well."

Cheng He looked down at the person protecting him, her eyes were closed, and there was a pool of blood under her head, so he didn't dare to pick her up casually.

Luo Yu looked down, then turned to the frightened Sui Wu and said, "I'm knocking my head, come and take a look."

Sui Wu took two deep breaths, his legs were still weak, but he could barely walk.

He walked up, checked the situation, took out his mobile phone and called the emergency call.

Fortunately they are near the hospital now.

The ambulance came after a while, carried Er'er into the car, and Sui Wu followed the car to the hospital, holding Er'er's hand all the way.

The ambulance arrived at the hospital and was about to send Er Er to the emergency room, but she suddenly opened her eyes.

"elder brother……"

"Xinxin, don't be afraid, it's okay, brother is by your side."

"Brother, don't be angry..."

"Brother, don't be angry, don't think about anything now, and don't be afraid."

"Don't make things difficult for Yin Ansheng, he doesn't know it's me..."

"Okay, brother, don't make things difficult for him. When you are discharged from the hospital, I will let you get engaged to him."

Earl grinned, "Okay..."

Then he closed his eyes again.

"Doctor Sui, do you do the surgery?"

Sui Wu shook his head, he can't do it, he can operate on anyone, but she, he can't do it.

"Okay, I'll call the director."

Sui Wu nodded, leaning against the wall with a pale face, holding his head in both hands, feeling extremely remorseful.

He clearly knew that it was dangerous at that time, if he didn't scold her and didn't step forward, she would be fine.

"Where's Xinxin? How's it going?" Eryuan also rushed to the hospital.

Sui Wu didn't make a sound, slid down against the wall, squatted on the ground, holding his head in great pain.

Er Yuan didn't ask any more questions, and came to the door of the emergency room, staring at the closed door solemnly.

About an hour later, the door to the emergency room opened.

Sui Wu stood up quickly, squatting for too long, stood up suddenly, his eyes darkened, and he almost fell down.

"Be careful!" Basil quickly supported him with his eyesight and hands, "Are you all right?"

Sui Wu shook his head, remained silent for a few seconds before recovering, "Director, how are you?"

"Don't worry, it's just a slight concussion, nothing serious, and the wound is not serious."

"Thank you."

The director smiled, "It's over, I'll leave the rest to you, I still have an operation."

"Well, go get busy."

The nurse pushed Er'er out, and Sui Wu took the cart and pushed her to the ward by himself.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief knowing she was fine.

At this moment, only Sui Wu and Eryuan were left in the ward, Sui Wu said: "How to deal with the matter between Xinxin and Yin Ansheng?"

Eryuan sighed, "How can I deal with it? Wait until she wakes up and listen to her. She is also an adult and should be responsible for her actions."

"Yin Ansheng, you bastard!" Sui Wu gritted his teeth. If Yin Ansheng was in front of him right now, he would definitely beat him up without hesitation!
If he knew that Yin Ansheng was drugged when he called him last night, he would have rushed to the hotel no matter what.

In the final analysis, it was his carelessness that hurt Xinxin.

Looking up at Er'er on the hospital bed, he sighed. Before that, he always wanted to make trouble with her casually. Yin Ansheng is also such an old man, and the two of them will not mess around, but accidents are always so unexpected.

"Yin Ansheng came over last night and didn't mention the matter with Xinxin to me. If he intends to be irresponsible, I will never spare him!"

The corner of Eryuan's mouth pulled out a gloomy arc, and his eyes were as cold as ice.

Sui Wu said: "Xinxin said what happened last night, Yin Ansheng didn't know it was her."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know too well. When she wakes up in a while, ask her."

Er Yuan pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then rushed to the door, "Baile, come in!"

Basil swallowed a bit before pushing the door open.

Before Eryuan could speak again, he bent his knees and knelt on the ground, "Your subordinate should die, please calm down!"

Eryuan kept a cold face and said nothing, but his eyes wished to poke a few big blood holes in his body.

"Uncle Luo, get up, there are so many rules!"

Sui Wu hates this, Baile is about the same age as Eryuan, even if his status is different, there is no need to kneel down, not to mention that he also knows that this matter must be confessed from the heart, otherwise Baole would not dare to cheat with him them.

Basil knelt and did not dare to get up.

Eryuan snorted coldly, "Get up, this is the last time!"

"Don't dare anymore, the king calm down." Basil stood up and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"You tell me what happened last night verbatim, and you are not allowed to hide anything!" Er Yuan said.

Basil looked at the person on the hospital bed, hesitating a little. Do you want to talk about the woman who is dressed like the princess, whose figure and appearance are shockingly similar, enough to be mistaken for the real one?
 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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