Chapter 206 Engagement (4)


Eryuan shouted angrily, so frightened that Basil almost knelt down again.


At the critical moment, Er Er Youyou woke up.

Basil secretly exhaled, the child woke up in time.

Sui Wu glared at him, and he smiled awkwardly at him.

"Xinxin, are you awake? Do you feel better?"

When Er Er woke up, Er Yuan didn't care about talking to Basil, and his mind was all on Er Er.

"Do you have a headache?"

Er Er let out a "hmm", pouted coquettishly, "It hurts, it hurts to death."

"When you know it hurts, you have to be a little bit more measured!" Sui Wu taught from the side.

Eryuan felt sorry for his daughter, although he was very angry that she did something too much this time, but when is this, how can he still train her.

He glanced sideways at his son, "You can do it! Things have already happened, and you can't change it even if you beat her up."


Sui Wu opened his mouth, who used force to solve problems before?At the moment, he is quite good at pretending to be a good person!

He raised the corners of his lips ironically, and sneered at Eryuan.

Er'er was very happy in her heart. In the past, her father didn't come over, and she didn't have an umbrella when her brother lost his temper. Now it's different.

She blinked at Sui Wu with a smug look on her face.

"Brother, you promised me before, don't go back on it!"

"What did I promise you? I don't remember!"

Sui Wu glared at her, turned and left, she kicked her legs in anger, which frightened Eryuan.

"Be good, don't be angry. You just finished the operation, so you can't be angry. What if you tear the wound open? If you have anything to say, you can tell Dad, and Dad can help you."

Basil shook his head speechlessly, the king has no bottom line in favoring the princess now, alas!He quietly turned and left.

Er'er pursed his lips and thought for a while, then tentatively whispered: "Father, aren't you angry with me?"

Er Yuan's face immediately became serious, "Birth! Why not!"

But then he put on a smiling face again, raised his hand and pinched her cheek, "But even if he is angry, what can dad do? Beat you up? Or punish you and not allow you to see Yin Ansheng in the future?"

"Slap me!" Er'er said quickly, then lowered his eyelids, and muttered in a low voice, "If you don't let me see Yin Ansheng, you might as well let me die!"

Er Yuan's eyes sank, "What did you say?"

Er Er immediately covered his head and grinned, "It hurts! It hurts!"

"Head hurts?" Er Yuan turned pale with fright, turned his head and shouted towards the door, "Sui'er!"

Er'er hurriedly stopped her, she was just pretending, let her brother come in, he would see through her at a glance, and he would definitely train her again.

But it was still too late, Sui Wu was outside the door, when he heard the screams, he immediately opened the door and came in.

"what happened?"

"Show Xinxin quickly, my head hurts!"

Sui Wu strode forward, "Is the wound hurting? It's probably because the effect of the anesthetic has worn off, bear with it."

Er'er could only continue to pretend to be in pain, frowning and humming incessantly.

Er Yuan's forehead was sweating from the pain, he turned his head and asked Sui Wu, "Can't you get a painkiller injection?"

"The medicine is three-point poisonous, and it will harm the body. If you can bear it, bear it."

Er Er was ashamed, "Dad, I, I'm fine, I can hold back, don't worry."

Eyes secretly looked at Sui Wu, but accidentally exposed his small thoughts.

Sui Wu stared at her with burning eyes, causing her to lower her eyelids in fright, her little heart beating violently.

After waiting for a long time without hearing him get angry, she secretly went to see him again, but he ignored him with a cold face, and she pursed her lips inwardly.

It seems that he doesn't intend to expose her anymore, hehe, it's good to get hurt a little bit, otherwise today's beating would not be able to escape.

After pretending for a while, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she said, "Dad, it's not much better now, it's not too painful."

"That's good. If it doesn't work, just take a painkiller injection."

"No need to hit, it really doesn't hurt too much."

"It's fine if it doesn't hurt." Er Yuan lowered his head and wiped his eyes, then raised his head, his eyes were red.

Er'er felt more and more self-blaming and ashamed, and seeing the look in Sui Wu's eyes, he suddenly felt that he had committed a heinous crime. To avoid punishment, he lied and made his father wipe his tears. What a wife's unfilial piety!
"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable again?"

Seeing that she suddenly didn't speak, Eryuan's heart tightened.

Er'er shook his head quickly, "No, I'm not feeling sick, I'm just hungry, um..."

This shaking of the head pulled the wound, this time it really hurt.

She gritted her teeth and gasped for cold air, and her back was instantly covered with cold sweat.

If you really don't die, you lied just now, and now the retribution is coming.

Sui Wu stared angrily, "For three days, you'd better not shake your head."

Eryuan nodded, "Yes, Xinxin, listen to your brother, don't shake your head, it's easy to tear the wound."


"What do you want to eat?" Before she could open her mouth, Sui Wu limited her diet, "You better not even think about spicy, cold, or indigestible."

Er Er frowned, with a bitter face, "Then besides these, is there anything else I can eat? Is it okay if I don't eat cold food? Is it okay if I don't eat spicy food? I want to eat meat."

Sui Wu frowned, clamoring to eat meat all day long, and he ate a lot at every meal, just eating meat doesn't make him gain weight, it's a waste of food!

"Only eat fish."

"Okay." Fish is also meat, it's better than three meals of white rice porridge a day.

Sui Wu turned around and left to get her something to eat.

Er'er looked at his back, moved his eyebrows slightly, bit his lip and thought for a moment, then opened his mouth and called him, "Brother."

Sui Wu stopped and turned to look at her, "Is there anything else?"

She grinned, "Thank you brother."

"Stop the sweet talk!" Sui Wu snorted before leaving.

But Ke Er clearly saw the corners of his lips slightly raised when he snorted, knowing that he was not really angry with her.

She pursed her lips and smiled.

Seeing the interaction between their brothers and sisters, Eryuan was very warm and sweet, and was very happy in his heart.

"Father, let's continue what we said just now."

After sending her brother away, she can give her father drugs at will, haha, anyway, now her father is afraid of melting in his mouth and holding her in his hand for fear of falling, any unreasonable troubles of hers will be satisfied by her father, and more Besides, she wasn't fooling around this time, she was serious.

"Father, I can't blame him for what happened with Yin Ansheng. He was insane at the time. I could actually run away, but I was obsessed with him, so I just... Dad, don't let people deal with him, okay?" it is good?"

It was only when Liu Mengtian's family came to her door yesterday that she found out that because of what happened at the banquet, her father taught the Liu family a lesson, and she didn't want Yin Ansheng to be punished too.

Although Yin Ansheng and Liu's family can't be compared at all, it's not good to lose both.


"You like Yin Ansheng that much?"

"Well, I won't marry unless he is!"

Eryuan stared at her with a dull expression, and said in silence for a moment: "Then what if Dad doesn't agree with you being together?"

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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