Chapter 207 Engagement (5)

Yin Ansheng had a good night's sleep, and for the first time in history, he slept until noon the next day before waking up.

After a full sleep, the whole person's spirit is very good.

Picking up the watch on the bedside table and checking the time, it was nearly twelve o'clock, and it was time for lunch.

He sat up, picked up his cell phone and called Er Er.

What happened the night before yesterday had to be settled for her today.

The first time, no one answered.

Call again, still no one picks up.

Yin Ansheng didn't continue beating, got up, took a shower, changed his clothes, and went out.

I drove straight to Er'er's house, and when I arrived, I rang the doorbell, but no one opened the door for a long time.

not at home?
Just wondering, the phone rang.

He thought it was Er'er calling, and he was ready to deal with her, but when he took it out and took a look, he found that it was Gao Jing.

Staring at the screen, he thought for a moment, then picked up.

"Yin Ansheng, where are you now?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Gao Jing's questioning voice came out.

Before he could speak, he said again: "Don't think that if you delete all the news, you can pretend that nothing happened! My Ni family is not so easy to bully!"

"Then we'll wait and see?" Yin Ansheng smiled coolly and hung up.

Then I called Er Er again, this time I finally got through, but it was not Er Er who answered, but Sui Wu.

"Yin Ansheng, do you still have the face to make a phone call?"

The words were inexplicable, Yin Ansheng frowned, "Sui Wu, what do you mean?"

"What do I mean? You still have the face to ask me what I mean?"

"..." Yin Ansheng also turned dark, but immediately realized something, his eyes shrank, "You know?"

"Shameless!" Sui Wu was so angry that he didn't even want to talk to him, so he simply hung up.

Listening to the sound of "beep beep", Yin Ansheng moved his lips, touched his nose, and then smiled lightly. It would be better if he knew, so that he would not have to think about finding a suitable opportunity to tell him , which saves trouble.

Just as I put the phone in my pocket, it rang again.

This time it was Yin Zhenyun who called, "Where did you go? Come back to me right away!"

"I'm busy right now."

"Did you go to Er'er? Come back to me right away! Gao Jing found a bunch of reporters, and now he's going to Er'er's house. You will only add to the chaos there, so hurry up!"

Yin Ansheng's face slowly sank, and he held the phone tightly, "I see."

This Gao Jing really pushes an inch!

As soon as the person went downstairs, before he had time to walk out of the door of the unit, a group of people swarmed in.

The spotlight was on him, flashing wildly.

Yin Ansheng subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes, and from the corner of his eye he saw Gao Jing who was sneering triumphantly outside the crowd, so he simply let go of his hand.

"Is it convenient for Mr. Yin to reveal the date of engagement with Miss Ni?"

"I heard that Mr. Ni and Mr. Yin originally planned to match you and Ms. Ni, but because Ms. Ni is too young, you have not made it public. Are you planning to make it public now?"

"Mr. Yin, is the lady you hugged at the Ni family banquet on New Year's Eve related to you? You seem very close."

"It is said that the lady's name is Er Xinxin, and she is still friends with Miss Ni. Is it true?"


Yin Ansheng listened to the reporters' questions, and the veins on his forehead twitched.

He doesn't care what others say about him, but he feels very sorry for getting Er Xinxin involved in Gao Jing's well-designed game.

As for Gao Jing's vain attempt to marry Ni Ya to him, it's just a dream.

His Yin Ansheng's marriage, except for himself, no one can make decisions for him.

As soon as the report comes out today, without him doing it, someone will naturally clean up Gao Jing.

Eryuan will not let her go if she is the first one, if you don't believe me, just wait and see.

Yin Ansheng suddenly stopped being angry, and even looked forward to seeing Gao Jing in a mess. This woman has been pretending for too long, and it's time for someone to tear her ugly face off.

Sure enough, within 5 minutes, someone came to disperse the reporters.

"Yin Ansheng, you really shameless!"

Sui Wu came back to get Er'er a change of clothes, but unexpectedly, he saw Yin Ansheng surrounded by reporters downstairs. He was also on the road just now, and he learned what happened yesterday from Basil.

He didn't pay much attention to the news on weekdays, and he was in the hospital all day yesterday, so he had no idea that so many things had happened.

He heard all the questions the reporter asked Yin Ansheng just now, and basically understood the whole thing.

He always thought that Gao Jing was ambitious and scheming, but he never thought that she would even do such a thing to ruin his daughter's innocence.

That's right, she didn't even care about Niya's life or death, so how could she care about Niya's innocence?

I really doubt that Niya is not her own at all.

Otherwise, how could there be such a mother?

"Hmm." Yin Ansheng raised his lips disapprovingly, took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, and put it in his mouth.

"I've seen idiots. This is the first time I've seen someone as stupid as you, who was drugged and designed. You're really promising!"

While speaking, Sui Wu had already come to Yin Ansheng, and when he lowered his head to light the fire, he punched out accurately and quickly.


The lighter and cigarettes fell to the ground. Yin Ansheng hooked his waist, covered his stomach with his hands, and grinned in pain.

"Sui Wu, you are courting death!"

He gritted his teeth and went forward to fight back, but was restrained by the bodyguards who came back with Sui Wu.

"let me go!"

Yin Ansheng had never been humiliated like this before, the corners of his mouth smoked with anger, his nose flared, he struggled, but he couldn't break free, like a trapped animal.

Sui Wu stepped forward, clenched his fist and blew lightly on the side of his mouth, and then punched it out forcefully.

Yin Ansheng glared and gritted his teeth, the veins in his neck were bulging.

"Sui Wu, you wait for me!"

"You still dare to threaten me?" Sui Wu sneered, and beckoned to the bodyguard, "Hit me to death, and you don't have to be responsible if you beat me to death."

After saying that, he shook his hands and left taking a deep breath.

The punch just now was not aimed, and it hit Yin Ansheng's belt buckle, and it hurt him to death!

In the elevator, he looked down at the back of his hand, and saw a large bruise.


He cursed under his breath and kept blowing on the bruise.

Of course the bodyguards downstairs would not beat him to death, after all, this was their uncle.

What's more, if the princess knows that they are bullying my uncle, it would be strange if they sharpened their heads!
It's just that the second prince ordered it, so it's okay not to fight.

"That...young lord, I offended you. You don't remember villains, please forgive me, please forgive me."

While muttering, the fist had already been punched out, and after two punches, he walked away.

The rest of the people also punched twice each. Although they were merciless in their strikes, they were all Lianjiazi after all, so the shots were so light.

There are a lot of people in a group, a dozen or so, and after one round, it is enough for Yin Ansheng to bear.

The key is that after the fight, all these people ran away like rabbits.

Yin Ansheng was left lying on the ground in embarrassment, unable to get up for a long time.

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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