Chapter 208 Engagement (6)

Sui Wu packed up his things and went downstairs with a bag. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, his eyes went dark, followed by burning pain in his cheeks.

The bag in my hand fell to the ground, but fortunately the bag had a zipper, so the contents inside did not fall.

He covered his face and took two steps back, only then did he see the person who beat him clearly.

Yin Ansheng also punched him, because his abdomen hurt so much, his pulling almost cost him half his life!

Sui Wu rubbed his face, and said gloomyly: "It seems that someone is being lazy!"

The bodyguards were all hiding in the dark, but he heard his words clearly.

Just now they didn't expect that Yin Ansheng would go forward to beat up the second prince, now it's all over, and they will be dealt with.

Yin Ansheng gritted his teeth, intending to punch Sui Wu again, but just as he got up straight, he pulled his belly again, causing him to gasp in pain.

"Sui Wu, if you are a man, you can play alone with me."

Sui Wu nodded, took off his coat, threw it to a bodyguard who came out, and then geared up to fight Yin Ansheng.

The corner of Yin Ansheng's mouth twitched, "I won't fight you today, a gentleman doesn't take advantage of others' danger."

After speaking, enduring the pain, he straightened his waist and left.

Sui Wu sneered, "Shrinking your head like a turtle!"

Yin Ansheng gritted his teeth and was about to turn around when the cell phone rang in his pocket. He found out that it was an unfamiliar number, and he wanted to hang up, but he hesitated for a while before picking it up.

"Yin Ansheng is me, I use my father's mobile phone, what are you doing? I'm hospitalized, come and see me in the hospital!"

Yin Ansheng pinched the phone with one hand and his abdomen with the other, "Are you hospitalized? I'm going to be hospitalized too. Who will visit me?"

Earl was startled, "What's wrong with you? What happened to you? Where did you get hurt?"

Er Yuan looked at her daughter's nervous face, and couldn't help but sigh, what a worthless little thing!
There are so many good men in the world, so I have to post it to Yin Ansheng!

Aware of his sharp gaze, Er'er looked sideways at him, and grinned at him, but the smile was extremely ugly.

Seeing this, Eryuan felt even more upset, and his brows frowned.

Er'er was afraid that he would regret not letting her be with Yin Ansheng just now, she had used both soft and hard tactics just now, and only persuaded him to agree with her to be with Yin Ansheng just now, but he would regret it later.

She covered her phone and quickly explained, "Dad, Yin Ansheng is injured, and I'm worried about him."

Er Yuan glared at her, turned the wheelchair, and went to the door, not bothering to look at her anymore, the more he looked at her, the more he felt that she was worthless.


"Call your phone!"

"Oh." Let go of your hand, and quickly asked again, "Yin Ansheng, what's wrong with you?"

Yin Ansheng turned his head and glanced at Sui Wu. Sui Wu had just put on his overcoat, picked up the bag on the ground, and was about to leave.

He gave Sui Wu a cold look, and said calmly: "I'm injured, I need to go to the hospital."

"Is it serious? Are you alone now? No, I'll send someone to find you. Where are you?"

"It's okay, your brother is nearby, let him take me to the hospital."

Sui Wu snorted coldly, "Dream!"

Pass Yin Ansheng and stride away.

Yin Ansheng was not in a hurry, and said unhurriedly to the phone: "Your brother doesn't care about me, Er Xinxin, I can't drive a car."

"Give your phone to your brother, and I'll tell him."

"You call him."

"Okay, then you stay on the side of the road first, don't run around."


Yin Ansheng pursed his lips, hung up the phone, and simply stood still.

Sui Wu's cell phone rang quickly, he hung up and didn't answer it, got into the car, started the engine without hesitation, turned around and left.

Glancing at Yin Ansheng from the rearview mirror, he sneered, let alone showing his heart, even Eryuan, he didn't care about him!

Er'er saw that the phone had hung up, and continued to call, and Sui Wu didn't care if he called again, letting the phone keep ringing on the passenger seat.

Er'er was very angry, and shouted at the door at the top of his voice: "Dad!"

"What's wrong?" Eryuan came in.

"My brother bullied me!"

Eryuan raised his eyebrows, and then said helplessly, "Xinxin, you also know that your brother and father have a bad relationship."

Er'er was so angry that his face was puffed up, "I don't care! Yin Ansheng was injured, and my brother was beside me but didn't take him to the hospital. My brother is too much! If you don't let your brother take Yin Ansheng to the hospital, I will die for a week. Not talking to you!"

"You..." Eryuan sighed, "Xinxin, it's not fair for you to do this to Dad."

Er Er flicked his face, "I don't care!"

Er Yuan has nothing to do with her, the point is that he can't stand her not talking to him for a week, if that's the case, he will suffocate to death.

He sighed, "Give the phone to Dad."

Earl smiled immediately, and handed him the phone with a smile.

He called Sui Wu himself.

When Sui Wu saw the incoming call, he glanced at it, probably because he had a feeling in his heart that he knew that there was a replacement, but he still didn't answer it.

Cursing his lips, he wanted to see what she could do. If he didn't deal with her, she would be lawless!
No one answered the phone, Er Yuan's face darkened, and he turned to look at Er Er.

"Xinxin, your brother won't answer the phone, or else Dad will ask your Uncle Luo to pick up Yin Ansheng?"

Er'er knew about Sui Wu's bad temper, and with what happened the day before yesterday, he must be arguing with Yin Ansheng.

So he didn't continue to make trouble for no reason, and nodded, "Okay, then let Uncle Luo go in person."

"You, you!"

Eryuan really didn't know what else to say, the girl with her elbows turned out, she is not married yet, if she is married, she may still deny her relatives.

He shook his head, turned and went out.

Not long after, Sui Wu came to the hospital.

Er Er flicked his face, not looking at him.

"Er Xinxin, don't think that I won't beat you up if you're injured and hospitalized. I'll settle the matter with you and Yin Ansheng after you recover."

"Brother is a big liar! He broke his promise!"

Sui Wu hooked his lips and smiled, "Aren't you planning to talk to me?"

Er'er was so angry that he kicked his calf on the bed.

"I think your head doesn't hurt anymore, so just make a fuss!"


Sui Wu couldn't help laughing, he's still getting engaged, a kid who hasn't grown up and loves to lose his temper is still getting engaged, how funny!
He opened the things he bought on the way and handed them to her, "Eat."

Er'er glanced sideways, his originally sullen little face suddenly smiled, reached out and grabbed a piece of meat to burn, and took a big bite.

"Delicious! Thank you brother!"

"Hey, did you buy you off? Isn't brother a big liar?" Sui Wu teased her.

Er'er rolled his eyes, "Look at your measure, you're still a man!"

After a while, Yin Ansheng also came, and was supported by two people to the ward.

Er'er was dumbfounded when he saw this, "What's wrong with you, Yin Ansheng?"

No matter that I can't get out of bed yet, I want to go down when I lift the quilt on my body, but being held down by Sui Wu, he stares and scolds her, "What are you doing? He's not dead yet, he's alive and well, just lie down for me. !"

He straightened up, turned around and punched Yin Ansheng again accurately, "Don't you want to be hospitalized? As you wish."

"Brother, what are you doing!"

In a panic, Er'er fell headlong from the hospital bed.


 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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