Chapter 210 Engagement (8)

The next morning, Er Er's operation was carried out as scheduled.

Before the operation, Er Er met with Yin Ansheng alone, without Sui Wu and Er Yuan present.

"Yin Ansheng, there is something I want to tell you now."

"You said the same after the operation."

Yin Ansheng's expression was calm. He thought about it all night last night and made a decision. He wanted to tell her after her operation that he didn't want to burden her psychologically.

In fact, he also guessed what she might say, but he didn't allow it.

"You can do the operation at ease first, and I have something to tell you when you come out."

Er Er shook her head, although her brother and other doctors had told her over and over again that the risk of this operation was not great, so she should not think too much about it, but she didn't know what was wrong, she always felt faintly uneasy, like an operation Accidents happen.

So no matter what, she has to tell him now, even if he doesn't want to listen, she has to say it.

Because, she was afraid that after she went in, she would never have a chance to say anything.

"Yin Ansheng, no matter whether I am safe or not after this operation, I will never pester you again, really.

I always knew that you hated me and didn't like me. I always pestered you shamelessly, trying to make you fall in love with me. I know that love cannot be forced, and the melon that is twisted is not sweet.

What happened that night was just an accident, and I did it willingly. At that time, you were delirious, but I was sober. If I didn't want to, you wouldn't be able to do anything to me.

So, you don't have to feel guilty, and you don't have to be responsible to me, and I don't need your responsibility.

The marriage I want must come together because two people love each other. I will not and will not allow my marriage to be mixed with any impurities.

None of us should mention what happened that day, just forget about it, and we can still be friends in the future, if you want.

Really Yin Ansheng, I am very happy and lucky to meet you. It is you who let me taste the sweetness of love, but also the sourness in it.

No matter what, I am very grateful to you. Even if you hate me, you will still try your best to cooperate with my unreasonable troubles. Thank you for your tolerance. "

After finishing speaking, Er Er took a deep breath. In fact, letting go was not as difficult as she imagined. At least, she didn't feel so heartbroken, shed no tears, and she wasn't hysterical.

This is really good, for her, for him.

Yin Ansheng didn't speak, just looked at her quietly for the first time, but it was obvious that he was distracted and didn't know what he was thinking.

Er Er smiled and did not disturb him, letting the nurse push her into the operating room.

When the door of the operating room was slowly closing, she couldn't help but take one last look at him.

She told herself that this was the last time, the last time to see him.

The moment the door was completely closed, she saw Yin Ansheng's eyelids suddenly raised, and she didn't know if it was her illusion, but she actually saw the panic and bewilderment in his eyes.

She smiled slightly, shook her head, she must have read it wrong, it must be so.


The operation lasted a full six hours, from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon.

At [-]:[-], Er Er was pushed off the operating table, out of the operating room, and transferred to the sterile ward for observation.

The effect of the anesthetic had not worn off, and she was still asleep.

Through the glass, Sui Wu and Er Yuan looked at her outside, she was so soundly asleep that she didn't move at all.

Eryuan was very disturbed, endured and endured, and asked: "When will Xinxin wake up?"

Sui Wu pursed his lips and was silent for a while before replying: "It's hard to say, maybe an hour or two, maybe a day or two, maybe..." It will take a long, long time.

But in the end, he didn't say the following words, but looked at Er'er solemnly, praying in his heart that she would wake up soon.

Two hours later, Er Er did not wake up.

Four hours later, she still hadn't woken up.

Ten hours passed, and she still showed no sign of waking up.

24 hours have passed...

36 hour……

After 48 hours, Eryuan finally couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

Sui Wu still stood with a serious face, his back straight, and he didn't move.

But as time went by, his eyes became darker and darker.

Suddenly, his dark eyes lit up and he almost held his breath.

Her eyes were fixed on the person on the hospital bed without blinking, and her eyelashes were trembling slightly. Although it was only a slight trembling, he still saw it clearly.

His heart was beating like a drum, and the first smile in two days finally appeared on his face.

For about ten seconds, Er'er's eyelids also trembled, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

Realizing that she was in a clean white room, she was stunned for a moment, her eyes rolled slightly.

This is a hospital, why is she in the hospital?

Sui Wu laughed, but tears also rushed out.

For two full days, for 48 hours, did she know how she tortured those who were waiting for her to wake up?

"Miss Er, you've woken up!"

The nurse was very excited. She didn't know how she got through these two days.

"I'm going to call the doctor!"

Er'er's lips moved slightly, but she couldn't make a sound. She tried to swallow her saliva a few times, and then she felt a little more comfortable in her throat.

"Little bastard!" Sui Wu wiped away tears and patted the glass with his hands.

Earl heard the voice and turned his face to look over.

Only then did she realize that there was a person standing outside the window. She moved her lower lip, and just about to call him, she frowned suddenly, her head aching violently.

There were countless images swirling towards her from all directions and rushing towards her at high speed, one by one, they all penetrated into her head, as if they were going to burst her head.

She hugged her head, curled up in pain and shivered like chaff, and the hospital gown on her body was soaked in cold sweat in an instant.

"Xinxin! What's wrong with you, Xinxin?"

Seeing this, Sui Wu turned pale with fright, and slapped the glass vigorously.

After taking a few shots to react, he ran towards the door.

The nurse and the attending doctor just arrived and stopped him outside the door.

"Doctor Sui, go and put on the sterile suit first, she is not completely out of danger, it is very dangerous for you to rush in like this!"

Only then did Sui Wu calm down, took a deep breath, and went to disinfect and change into sterile clothes.

"Miss Er, Miss Er, can you hear me?"

Er'er had a splitting headache at this moment and was in pain, but she still heard someone talking to her.

She slowly opened her eyes.

"Miss Er, tell me how you feel now."

Er Er moved her lips and only said one word, "It hurts!" But it seemed that she had exhausted all the strength in her body, and then she passed out.

Sui Wu changed into a sterile suit and came in, the inspection was over.

He asked nervously, "How is it? Is she all right?"

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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