Chapter 211 Engagement (9)


With a soft hum, Er'er slowly opened his eyes.


Sui Wu had already held her hand the moment she opened her eyes, "Does your head still hurt?"

Er Er looked at him, dazed for a moment, then shook his head, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"If you feel any discomfort, you must tell your brother."


"Brother called someone to check you up. If you're fine, you can transfer to the general ward."


After Sui Wu left, Er'er turned his eyes and looked around, he was still in the ward where he woke up earlier.

After a while, the doctor came to check her. All indicators were normal, and she was out of danger and could be transferred to the general ward.

After being transferred to the general ward, Er Er saw Er Yuan, Ba Le, Luo Yu, Yin Ansheng and Yin Zhenyun.

Everyone was very happy when she woke up, but when she really got together in the ward, they didn't know how to speak for a while.

So they all kept silent tacitly.

"Would you like something to eat?" Sui Wu then came in and asked softly.

Er Er shook her head, she is not hungry at all now, just a little thirsty.

"Pour me a glass of water, brother."

"it is good."

Before Sui Wu could pour water, someone handed over a glass of warm water.

It was Yin Ansheng. Since he entered the ward, he saw her licking her lips from time to time.

Sui Wu took the water and brought it to her mouth.

Er Er drank a few sips, feeling that the pain in his throat was finally not so uncomfortable.

"Drink more, your lips are very dry."

After taking a few more sips, she couldn't drink any more. She shook her head and said softly, "I don't want to drink anymore."

He paused, as if thinking for a while, and said, "Thank you."

Sui Wu was putting the water glass on the cabinet next to him, when he heard her say these two words, he paused.

After putting down the water glass, he turned to look at her.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he felt that she woke up a little differently this time, a little calm, and even a little indifferent to the people in this room.

"Xinxin, are you not feeling well?" He asked worriedly.

Er Er looked at him, shook his head slightly, with a calm expression, "I'm fine, brother, I'm just a little tired, why don't you all go back and rest first, I'm fine now."

Sui Wu stared at her, feeling more and more that something was wrong with her.

It was obvious that she was alienated from him in her heart, but she deliberately expressed closeness in her words.

what happened?

Is it because of Yin Ansheng?
He heard all the conversation she had with Yin Ansheng before the operation.

But even so, she shouldn't alienate him because of Yin Ansheng, right?He is an older brother, not an outsider.

Is that restoring memory?If that was the case, shouldn't she be closer to him?
Sui Wu frowned slightly, thought for a while, then nodded, "Then you take a rest, brother is outside, call brother if you have something to do."

"it is good."

Sui Wu turned around and left first.

After that, Luo Yu and Baoli also went out, Yin Zhenyun moved his lips and wanted to speak, but in the end he turned around and went out without saying anything.

After a while, only Er Yuan and Yin Ansheng were left in the ward.

"Xinxin, you should have a good rest. Dad will come in after you have rested, okay?"

Er Er looked at Er Yuan with a cold expression and no words.

Eryuan has also noticed her strangeness, and his heart is in a mess. Before she underwent the operation, he had already thought of this result, and now it has really come true.

She regained her memory, remembered the assholes he did to her, and she blamed him and hated her.

"Xinxin, you remember it, right?"

"You go out first, I'm tired, I want to rest for a while."

"..." Eryuan's lips twitched a few times, nodded, turned the wheelchair, and left with a lonely expression.

Only Yin Ansheng was left, and he still stood there motionless with his eyes downcast, not knowing what he was thinking.

Er Er ignored him and just closed his eyes.

Before waking up just now, she had a long and painful dream. It was not a dream of one person, but two people.

One is Nier and the other is Er Xinxin.

All the past, happy, sad, happy, sad... Bit by bit, like a movie revisit, slowly returning to its place in her mind.

Now she doesn't even know who she is, if it's Nier, but this body doesn't belong to Nier, if it's Er Xinxin, but there are so many memories of Nier in her memory.

Who is she?Who should it be?

"My heart——"

Yin Ansheng called her suddenly, and slowly raised his eyelids, "I don't agree."

Earl opened his eyes and looked at him, "What?"

"I don't agree with what you said to me before the operation."

Er Er frowned slightly, probably because she was too obsessed with who she was and who she wasn't, so the memories of the two people would keep spinning and entangled in her mind, and she couldn't be like a normal person, who could immediately remember He said that thing, but a little lagging, slow.

She took a deep breath and told herself that it was Er Xinxin who was facing Yin Ansheng at this moment.

"So what if you don't agree? Anyway, I've already made my decision."

"I don't agree with your decision. This is a matter between the two of us. How can you alone have the final say."

Er'er chuckled and looked at him, "Then what do you want?"

"We'll get engaged when you're out of the hospital."

"Engaged?" The corner of Er'er's mouth curled into a sarcasm, "Yin Ansheng, the person who likes you is Er Xinxin, not me."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she suddenly realized that she had turned back into Nier again.

It seems that the person who dominates this body is Nier, and Nier's heart is relatively weak.

Thinking of this, she suddenly laughed, thinking of a book she had read before, the protagonist had a split personality, one person at a time, and another person at another time, making others think they were twin sisters, one with a gentle and introverted personality , a fiery passion.

Simply treat yourself as having a split personality disorder, so that you don't have to worry about whether it is Er Xinxin or Nier.

Yin Ansheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and stared at her for a long time. After a long time, he moved his lips, "Have you recovered your memory?"

"Hmm." She raised her eyebrows, her eyes gleaming with pride, "What? Are you disappointed? Or are you in love with me? When did you find out that you fell in love with me? When I had surgery?"

Yin Ansheng didn't make a sound, just stared at her, his heart was galloping, the waves were turbulent, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

It's not that he didn't think that one day she would remember those forgotten memories, but he didn't expect that it would be so fast.

And it was when he had made it clear what he wanted for her.

But at this moment, he was asking himself whether the person he fell in love with was just Er Xinxin, or Er Xinxin who carried Nier's memory.

He was contradictory and hesitated, wondering if he should stop the thought that he had just settled down just now.

Seeing that he was silent for a long time, Er'er let out a long sigh, and was about to speak when he suddenly turned around and strode away.

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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