Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 215 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit

Chapter 215 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit (3)

Er'er trembled all over, and sat up abruptly in the next second.

"What did you say?"

Sui Wu looked at her with the gentle expression on his face as usual, and his voice was soft, "Mr. Ni's heart stopped suddenly just now, and he was sent for emergency treatment. I don't know what happened yet. I'll go and have a look."


There was a sudden pain in her head, and Er'er's back was instantly covered with cold sweat. She gritted her teeth and gasped for air.

Sui Wu went back a few steps, helped her to lie down, "Don't worry, I'll go check on the situation, just lie down obediently and don't get out of bed."

Er Er's lips moved, stared at him for a few seconds, and then confirmed one thing.

"You know it all?"

"Lie down well, or the wound will hurt even more if you pull it." Sui Wu didn't answer, and left the ward after putting her down.

Er'er lay restless on the hospital bed, his heart was hanging, and his nerves were tensely stretched together.

At this moment, she no longer cared about whether Sui Wu knew her identity, all she thought about now was her father's safety.

I hope he will be safe and sound, and he will definitely be able to turn the danger into a breeze.

She hasn't had time to be filial, so he can't just leave her alone.

Tears fell silently from the corners of the eyes, one after another, and soon wet the pillow.

After a while, Sui Wu came back in a hurry.

Er'er sat up quickly, wiped away tears and asked, "How is it? How is my father?"

Sui Wu looked serious, "The situation is very bad, I'll take you to see him."

Er'er pursed his lips, and tears welled up again. While getting off the bed, he cried and said, "My father will be fine, right? Right?"

Sui Wu nodded, bent down to put on her shoes, thought about it, and hugged her up.

Even though she is Ni Er in her consciousness now, she is his heart after all.

"I'll hold you to see him, don't cry."

Walking to the door, Sui Wu paused slightly, "Gao Jing and Ni Ya are both here, please pay attention later."

Er Er nodded, sniffed and wiped away the tears.

"Sui Wu, thank you."

"No matter what, I'm your brother."

Er'er looked at him, his mouth was flattened, and the tears flowed even more fiercely.

"Don't cry, it's fine if you don't want to call me brother, don't cry."

Er'er pursed his lips, wiped his tears and snot all over his clothes, then raised his head, "Are you not angry with me anymore?"

"What are you angry about?"

"I spit into your water glass."

Sui Wu glared at her, "I've eaten all the lollipops you left, but I've eaten less of your saliva?"

Er Er wrinkled his nose, "Then your expression was so scary at that time, I thought you were really angry."

"I was really angry at the time, but I'm not angry now. It's just that if you mess around like this in the future, I will definitely beat you up."

"If you beat me, I'll beat your sweetheart."

Sui Wu looked down at her, "Does she hurt you? You are self-torturing."

"It hurts in my body, it hurts in your heart."

"When did you learn to be so vicious?"


"little bastard!"

"You scold me!"

"How about scolding you? I still beat you."

As Sui Wu spoke, he slapped Er'er on the buttocks. While speaking, he had already arrived outside the door of the emergency room.

Both Gao Jing and Niya were there, and they had been arguing a long time ago, especially Gao Jing, whose face was blacker than charcoal.

Sui Wu glanced at Gao Jing indifferently, and stepped forward with Er'er in his arms.

Er'er also noticed Gao Jing's gaze at this moment, and before he looked at it, he felt that the gaze was malicious and full of viciousness.

She sneered in her heart, she was really blind before, and her father also had bad eyesight, so he would marry this woman!

She didn't intend to say hello to Gao Jing, but she looked at Ni Ya.

To Niya, her feelings are complicated. On the one hand, she feels sorry for her, but on the other hand, she is also angry at her cowardice.

Gao Jing has already tortured her like this, won't she resist?Wasn't it very powerful and arrogant before?Why is it now a doll at the mercy of others?Gao Jing will do whatever she asks her to do, will she also eat shit if she is asked to eat it?

Niya didn't dare to look at her, she felt guilty and guilty, and she didn't dare to say hello to her, so she could only lower her head, which was almost down to her waist.

Er Er sneered, "What? You also feel ashamed to see me? Now you know how to lose face. When you climbed into Yin Ansheng's bed, where was your face?"

She didn't want to say these words, but she couldn't bear it.

"Er Xinxin, what are you? When will it be your turn to comment on Xiaoya and Yin Ansheng's affairs! You don't know how to be ashamed when you are so young and surround yourself with a man all day long! I really don't know how your parents educated you! "

Before Sui Wu got angry, Er'er put his arms around his neck and said, "Brother, when did a mad dog come into this hospital? Don't you drive him away? Barking and biting people here, you won't be afraid of being disturbed." The doctor in the operating room? Hurry up and call the security guards with tools to drive them away, it's disgusting!"

"Er Xinxin, you—" Gao Jing was so angry that her face turned red and white, and her hands were already raised. It seemed that she was used to hitting people with her hands, and she couldn't help but use her slap to solve the problem.

But after seeing the look in Sui Wu's eyes, he put it down again, "Idiot! I don't know as much as you!"

Er'er sneered, "I don't know who has a mother but does not have a mother. Talk to me about upbringing here, what a joke!"

Although she didn't know everything about Gao Jing, she also knew that Gao Jing was an orphan. She grew up in an orphanage and was adopted by a kind man when she was 16 years old, so that she could go to college.

Gao Jing used to say that the most regrettable thing in her life was that she didn't even know what her parents looked like.


Gao Jing raised her hand again.

Er'er stretched his neck without hesitation, turned his face sideways, and poked his own face with his fingers, "Hit it, come on and try it."

"Er Xinxin, can you stop talking? I beg you."

Seeing her mother getting so angry, Niya couldn't help but speak.

Unexpectedly, Gao Jing found an outlet to vent, and her raised hand fell on her face.


After a slap, Ni Ya fell directly to the ground, five finger prints were impressively printed on her fair face.

Er'er's expression froze, his eyes glowed with ice, and his voice was extremely cold, "Gao Jing, that's all you have!"

Gao Jing clenched her fists, her face was distorted and ferocious because of anger and forbearance, and she looked extremely terrifying.

Er'er didn't want to stay any longer, and looked coldly at the people lying on the ground. They were already like this, they were still indifferent, they still didn't resist, they deserved to be beaten to death, they were worthless!

"Brother, let's go see Uncle Ni."

Sui Wu nodded and took her to disinfect.

In the disinfection room, she said, "I want the monitoring just now."

Sui Wu was slightly startled, "What are you going to do?"

Er'er stared at the ground with frosty eyes, and said coldly: "Give Gao Jing a big gift tomorrow!"

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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