Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 216 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit

Chapter 216 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit (4)

After disinfection, Sui Wu led Er'er into the operating room through the side door.

The atmosphere in the operating room was tense.

Ni Changtian's condition is quite bad. Although his heartbeat has recovered at this moment, it is very weak and extremely unstable.

For the rest, the doctor can do nothing but rely on his own willpower.

Seeing Sui Wu and Er'er, the chief surgeon sighed softly, "Talk to him, maybe the situation will improve."

Sui Wu nodded, and someone pulled a cart over, adjusted it to the same height as the operating table, and put Er Er on it.

Immediately afterwards, he told her, "Be careful, don't tear the wound."


"I'm next door, call if something happens."

The doctors and nurses temporarily went to the inner room connected to this operating room, and there were only Er Er and Ni Changtian here.

Er'er bent down, and gently pressed his small face against Ni Changtian's icy face. Although his heartbeat had recovered now, his whole body was still icy cold.

"Dad, I'm Er Er."

"Father, you can't just leave me alone. If my mother leaves, if you leave too, I will really be an orphan in the future."

"Gao Jing is not good at all, she is so bad! If Dad leaves, Gao Jing will definitely abuse me every day, and maybe I will be tortured to death by Gao Jing in a short time! Dad, do you want to watch Er Er be abused? Was Gao Jing killed?"

"Dad must not want to, right? So you must wake up quickly, otherwise no one will protect your Er Er."

"Dad, Dad, can you talk to me? You have been sleeping for so long, and you can't sleep anymore."


Bright teardrops slowly rolled out from the corners of Ni Changtian's eyes.

Er'er didn't notice, he was still crying and talking, crying and crying, but he fell asleep crying himself.

Sui Wu didn't listen to her for a long time, and walked over to have a look, with a helpless expression on her face.

Heartless, heartless, this child is even bigger than Xinxin, and he can still fall asleep at this time!

He shook his head slightly, carefully picked her up, explained a few words to the chief surgeon, and then left the operating room.

When they came out, Gao Jing and Niya were not outside.

Err fell asleep and had a dream...

In a boundless sea of ​​flowers as far as the eye can see, Er'er was excitedly collecting beautiful flowers when someone called her suddenly.


She raised her head suddenly, then grinned, dropped the flowers in her hand, and ran towards the man.


"Slow down, don't fall!"

While admonishing, Ni Changtian also ran towards her, bent down and hugged her in his arms.

"How did you come here?"

"There are so many beautiful flowers here, where is Dad? Why are you here?"

"Daddy is here to see your mother."

"Mom?" Er'er was wondering, but not far away, Er Ruxue was standing there with a smile in her white dress. She was as beautiful and charming as Er'er remembered, "Mom!"

Er Ruxue ran towards her and Ni Changtian with a smile. The breeze blew by, and the hem of her white skirt fluttered with the wind.

Er Er hugged his father's neck with one hand and mother's neck with the other, sat on the arms of both of them, pouted and asked, "Mom, are you dating Dad here? Why did you leave me alone? You are too bad!"

Erruxue laughed, and Ni Changtian laughed too. The wind carried the laughter to every place in the sea of ​​flowers, even the flowers were infected, and they bent over with laughter.

But suddenly, the sky darkened, and the heavy rain fell in an instant.

"Ah! It's raining! Mom and Dad, let's go home!"

Ni Changtian nodded, and carried Er'er from Er Ruxue's side, holding Er'er in one hand and Er Ruxue in the other, and ran towards the house not far away.

But while running, Er Ruxue disappeared.

Ni Changtian stopped with his hand empty.

Through the heavy rain, he saw Er Ruxue standing two meters away from him. The whole person seemed to be covered by a layer of fog, so he couldn't see clearly.

"Xue'er, what's the matter with you? Come here quickly."

Er Ruxue shook her head, her voice became a little ethereal, "Brother Tian, ​​I won't go back with you and Er Er, you go back, promise me, take good care of Er Er, take good care of yourself, and live well."

"Xue'er, come here and let's go home together."

"Mom, why don't you come home with me and Dad? Don't you love us?"

"Er Er, mom will always love you and dad..."

As the voice fell, Er Ruxue's figure gradually disappeared, and finally disappeared completely.



The heavy rain stopped suddenly, only Ni Changtian and Er'er's heart-piercing shouts were heard between the sky and the earth.


Earl opened his eyes suddenly.

"Xinxin, are you awake?"

Opening her eyes and seeing Er Yuan, Er Er's eyes flickered, she knew that she was dreaming just now, and she returned to her childhood.

"Dreamed about... Mom?" Eryuan asked softly.

Er Er let out a "hmm", knowing that he must have misunderstood, but she did not explain.

Suddenly, she also forgave this man.

The elder brother said that he used to think that she was the child of his mother and another man, so he treated her like that, but later he realized that he had made a mistake, so he regretted it.

In this life, who has never done a dirty thing, so be it!
She took a deep breath, looked at him and called out, "Dad."

No matter what, no matter she is Nier or Er Xinxin, he is her father.

Now she has two fathers. Speaking of which, fate loves her more.

Eryuan's eyes turned hot, and he nodded, "Hey!"

"What about brother?"

"It is said that there is something going on with Mr. Ni, so he will go and have a look."

Er Er nodded, hoping that there would be good news in a while.

"Are you hungry? Dad asked the chef to cook for you. What do you want to eat?"

"Just do something, I'm not particularly hungry."

"it is good."

Eryuan turned around and went out, and kept wiping his eyes outside the door. Seeing this, Basil stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong, sir?"

"I got a bug in my eye, tell the kitchen to cook for Xinxin, mix meat and vegetables, and cook some porridge."


After a while, Sui Wu came back, Er'er saw him, his heart tightened, his lips moved but he didn't dare to ask.

Sui Wu understood what she meant, stepped forward, and gently pinched her cheek, "Don't worry, I'm out of danger, observe for another night, and I can transfer back to the ward tomorrow."

Er'er pursed his lips and nodded vigorously, and couldn't help crying again.

"It's a good thing, don't cry."


Er'er wiped away his tears, stretched out his hand and hugged him actively, "Thank you."

"Call me brother."

"..." Er'er kept her mouth shut, it was too awkward, even though she knew she should, she couldn't yell, it was okay to pretend, but seriously she couldn't yell.

"not called?"

Er Er suddenly let go of his hand, looked up at him, and changed the subject openly, "Where is the surveillance I asked you to get me? Have you got it?"

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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