Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 217 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit

Chapter 217 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit (5)

Sui Wu looked at Er Er with a helpless expression on his face.

Forget it, don't bark if you don't bark, anyway, as long as she is happy.

"It's done, but are you sure you want to do that?"

Er Er nodded, "Give me the things."

"Have you ever thought that although doing so will make Gao Jing's face dull, it will directly affect the Ni Group. Now that Uncle Ni is in the hospital, the Ni Group is the leader of Gao Jing. If she has any troubles, she will directly affect the company's stock price."

Sui Wu spoke out his worries and worries, and as for her continuing to insist, he would of course support her to the end.

Er'er suddenly fell silent, which she really didn't expect. She wanted to impress Gao Jing, but she forgot where Gao Jing was now.

"But do I really just watch Gao Jing carefree like this? I'm not happy!"

Sui Wu knew that she was hesitating.

"Find a suitable opportunity, it's not impossible to punish Gao Jing."

Er'er pursed his lips, suddenly rolled his eyes, and looked at him obsequiously.

Sui Wu subconsciously took two steps back, "What the hell did you come up with again?"

"You still know me!"

"I think you should think about how to deal with Yin Ansheng now. If Yin Ansheng fails to get engaged to Ni Ya tomorrow, it will actually be a slap in the face to Gao Jing."

Er'er's eyes narrowed, "That's true, but Gao Jing's abuse of Xiaoya, it's impossible to just let it go! Isn't she looking like a living Bodhisattva and Virgin Mary outside? I have to let everyone Just look at her ugly face!"

Sui Wu didn't say anything, it was necessary for Gao Jing to punish her, she just needed to find an appropriate time.

After a while, he asked again: "Who do you plan to let Yin An give birth to laxatives tomorrow?"

"You, I don't trust anyone but you, so I'll trouble you to go."

"..." When he didn't ask.

"What? You don't want to?"

Er'er wrinkled his nose in displeasure, clenched his fist, and punched Sui Wu in the chest, "Brother, are you afraid of being found out by Yin Ansheng?"

"Joke! Am I afraid of Yin Ansheng?"

"Since my brother is not afraid, then this important task really belongs to my brother!"

After Er Er finished speaking, he remembered something immediately, with a serious face, and stretched out his fingers, "Brother, let me seriously remind you, if you tell Su Jing about this, it will ruin my good deed, and I will not do it in the future." Forget about you!"

Sui Wu rolled her eyes, is her brother the kind of despicable person who forgets his own sister when he has a partner?

"Call me brother!" He ordered with a cold face.

Er'er pouted, "Brother, brother, brother, brother!"

"That's almost it!"

Little thing, this key switch is too fast, and I was caught off guard, if I didn't let her scream a few more times when she changed her heart at this moment, so that she would become Nier later, it would be impossible.


The next day came quickly.

Earl barely slept all night.

Of course, there are still many people who didn't sleep all night.

Such as Yin Ansheng, such as Ni Ya, such as Gao Jing.

"Behave well for me today, if you dare to mess things up for me, I want you to look good!" In the dressing room, Gao Jing grabbed Niya's ear, gritted her teeth and whispered a warning.

Niya nodded vigorously, not daring to vent her breath.

If it weren't for the fact that she was engaged to Yin Ansheng today, and she was afraid that there would be marks on her body, she would definitely have been beaten last night.

But just this, the thigh still hurts.

It was my mother who pricked it with a needle, and it was very painful.

"Clean up quickly, Yin Ansheng will be here in a while!"

Gao Jing looked at the time and left the dressing room with graceful steps.

When she reached the door, she felt dizzy. She held onto the door frame and remained silent for a while before moving again.

I didn't have a good rest last night, and I was very dizzy. In addition, I haven't had a good rest during this period of time. The body is really overwhelmed.

In the past two years, she has obviously felt that her physical strength is not as good as before. This woman, indeed, is 40 years old, and all the functions of her body have degenerated.

Sighing, she walked towards the stairs.

I met Ni Junhang on the stairs.

"Mom, what time does the ceremony start?"

"I asked the master to calculate it. He said that ten fifty in the morning is an auspicious time. What's the matter? Are you busy? You are not allowed to go if you have something to do. Just stay with me honestly today! I will introduce you to people in a while. You are nineteen It's time to grow up, you can't always remember to play, your father is still lying in the hospital, and the things in the family company are all taken care of by mother alone, even if you don't do anything else, you should feel sorry for your mother."

Ni Junhang looked impatient, "I see, I just want to ask you when it will start. I have been waiting for two hours, and I haven't had breakfast yet!"

When Gao Jing heard that her son hadn't eaten breakfast, she felt distressed immediately, "Then go and eat quickly, don't starve yourself, come back early after eating, don't waste time."

"Understood." Ni Junhang waved his hands without looking back, and left the hotel quickly.

Outside the hotel, several men and women of the same age riding heavy motorcycles were already waiting for him there.

"Ni Junhang, why are you so slow? Everyone is waiting for you!"

"What's your name! I'm not here anymore! Walk around, the game will be over after a game, today Niya is engaged, I can't run for too long, or my mother will nag again, I'm going to annoy her to death, one day Late nagging, nagging so much that my ears can hear cocoons!"

"My mother is the same way, I won't let me do this, and I won't let me do that! It's so annoying! Let's go, run around!"

A group of boys and girls got on motorcycles, howling, and quickly disappeared into the traffic.

At 10:30 in the morning, Gao Jing looked at the time, feeling uneasy.

Although Yin Ansheng personally agreed to the engagement yesterday and announced it in the media, he has not shown up until now, which gave her an ominous premonition that she might be tricked.

"Director Gao, Mr. Yin hasn't arrived yet? The auspicious time is coming soon."

"I'll call him."

Gao Jing took out her mobile phone and turned around, but she didn't make a call. She suddenly remembered that her son who went out to eat at that time hadn't come back yet.

After thinking about it, she called Ni Junhang first.

I didn't answer the first time, but finally picked up the second time.


"Mom, I'll be right back—tom—"

Ni Junhang seemed to be running, the wind was very loud, and before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden loud noise.

The sound was loud and deafening.

Gao Jing's body trembled involuntarily, and the phone almost fell to the ground.

"Hanghang, what happened?"

"Hanghang, you talk to mom, what's wrong with you?"

There was no answer from the other end of the phone for a long time, Gao Jing's face was pale, and her palms were covered with cold sweat.


"Auntie, Ni Junhang, he...he got into a car accident..."

There was a "boom--", like a thunderbolt from the blue sky suddenly exploded in Gao Jing's ears, she swayed all over, and the phone fell to the ground.

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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