Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 218 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit

Chapter 218 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit (6)

Gao Jing couldn't take care of anything at this time. When she heard the person on the phone saying that Ni Junhang had a car accident, she had only one person in her mind at this time, her son!
"Brother, I just saw Gao Jing leave the hotel suddenly, in a hurry, with a very bad face, is something wrong?"

Su Jinghao came to the hotel a long time ago, but has been hiding in the dark.

When Yin Ansheng was called, Yin Ansheng was sitting on the toilet in the bathroom with a painful expression on his face.

He has had diarrhea since he got up in the morning, and he didn't pay much attention to it at first, because he has hardly had diarrhea for so many years, thinking that it might be because he didn't sleep all night last night and drank too much red wine on an empty stomach, so he didn't worry about it.

But who would have thought that it would become more and more serious later on. From going to the bathroom every half an hour at the beginning, to now I just squatted on the toilet and couldn't get up at all.

"Brother, where are you now? It's time soon."

Yin Ansheng let out a "huh" and pressed his hands on his stomach, with a painful expression on his face.

This diarrhea is really nothing, it feels like it could kill him.

"Brother, where are you? Could it be that you are really still asleep? You are not afraid of offending Gao Jing, and I will fight you hard! All the people who come here today are people with heads and faces."


As soon as he said a word, his stomach hurt again, and Yin Ansheng bit his lip instantly.

Su Jinghao heard his strangeness, and frowned, "What's wrong with you?"


Yin Ansheng barely said a few words, then hung up the phone quickly, threw the phone aside, and pressed his stomach with both hands.

No, it's not going to matter if it goes on like this.

But the point is, let alone go to the hospital now, even if the medicine box at home is downstairs, he doesn't even have the strength to go down to get it.

Today, I am really embarrassed to the extreme!

But for a person whose face is more important than his life, getting him to call someone to take him to the hospital is as difficult as heaven.

After Su Jinghao's phone was hung up here, she had a puzzled look on her face. There was something wrong with the voice on the phone just now, what happened?
After thinking about it for a long time, she still couldn't figure it out, so she decided to call Yin Ansheng again to find out.

Yin Ansheng heard the phone ring, glanced at it, but didn't reach out to answer it.

But Su Jinghao persevered, beating over and over again.

In the end, Yin Ansheng finally compromised, which was actually a compromise for his own face.

As soon as the phone was connected, he said first, "Come here, hurry up!"

Then it hung up again.

Listening to the sound of "beep beep beep", Su Jinghao was so angry that her face was puffed up, it was really inexplicable!
However, she was also used to being called by him and then left as soon as he called.

So he got into the car and ran to his residence.

She rang the doorbell, but no one opened the door for a long time, so she took out the key by herself.

"elder brother?"

There is no one on the first floor, but on the second floor?

What are you doing, today is a big day for engagement anyway, so it's fine if you don't go out, is it possible that you are still asleep?

Su Jinghao came to Yin Ansheng's bedroom, the door was ajar, she knocked, but there was no sound from inside.

Gently pushed it away, poked his head in and looked, but there was no one inside.

"Brother? Yin Ansheng?"

"Bring me the medicine box."

At this time, an extremely weak voice came from the bathroom.

Su Jinghao trembled all over, and walked quickly towards the bathroom, "Brother, what's wrong with you? Why don't you feel uncomfortable? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Just about to push the door, Yin Ansheng scolded, "Don't come in!"

Su Jinghao paused and looked anxious, "Then what's wrong with you? Is it serious?"

"medicine chest!"

"Okay, okay, medicine cabinet."

Su Jinghao ran downstairs in a hurry, carried the medicine box up after a while, squatted on the ground at the door of the bathroom, opened the medicine box and asked, "What medicine do you want? I'll find it for you."

The door of the bathroom suddenly opened from the inside, and Yin Ansheng dragged the medicine box in.

"Boom!" The door slammed hard again.

Su Jing was so shocked for a long time before she recovered, she pinched her chin with her fingers, and couldn't figure out what kind of disease the person inside had or where she was injured and needed medicine, but she couldn't let her see it.

After thinking for a while, she decided to call Er Er.

Er Er was watching a movie in the ward, when he heard the phone ringing, he glanced at it and ignored it.

Why don't you answer the phone?
Su Jing frowned and hit her again.

Still no one picked up.

Damn girl, why don't you answer the phone?
She sent Er Er a message: something happened to my brother!
When Er Er saw the news, his brows raised. It seemed that the effect of the medicine had already come up, but at this point, Yin Ansheng probably couldn't take it anymore!

Then she picked up the remote control, paused the movie slowly, and called Su Jinghao back.

As soon as it rang, Su Jinghao picked it up, "Er Er, why didn't you answer my call just now?"

"I didn't hear it when I went to the bathroom. What's wrong? Is there something wrong? Or is Yin Ansheng's engagement to Ni Ya canceled today?"

"I thought you were angry and didn't answer my call!" Su Jinghao curled her lips, "The engagement probably won't go on."

"what happened?"

Er'er covered her small mouth with her hands and smiled, but she knew what was going on.

Sui Wu kept shaking his head and sighed at the side, the kid's level of lying is really getting higher and higher, almost reaching the point of proficiency.

Alas, he stood up with a sigh and walked towards the door.

"elder brother!"

Seeing him go out, Er'er yelled, don't even try to call Su Jinghao!
Without stopping, Sui Wu said without looking back, "I'll go to see Uncle Ni."

Er Er muttered in a low voice, "That's about the same."

Today, she wants to punish Yin Ansheng well, make him reject her, make him get engaged to Niya after turning his face, what does she think of her heart!

Su Jinghao heard her words sharply, frowned and asked, "Er, what do you want your brother to do?"

"He doesn't chat with me, I'm angry!"

"Oh! By the way, something happened to my brother! Don't you care about him?"

"What did he do to me? Shouldn't you ask Ni Ya? Ni Ya is your brother's fiancee, your sister-in-law!"

Before Su Jing could speak again, Er'er hung up the phone quickly, then stuffed the phone under the pillow, picked up the remote control to cancel the pause, and continued watching the movie.

It's just that after watching it for 2 minutes, Sui Wu came back in a hurry.

"Brother looks flustered, is something wrong?"

Sui Wu took a deep look at her with a very serious expression, "Ni Junhang was in a car accident and was just sent to the hospital."


Er'er opened his mouth wide in surprise, and in the next second, his complexion changed suddenly, his blood was gone, and he suddenly lifted the quilt on his body and fell to the ground.

"What did you say? Hang Hang got into a car accident? Is it serious?"

"It's not very good."

Er'er's legs went limp, and he almost knelt on the ground.

Sui Wu quickly supported her, "Don't worry, maybe nothing will happen."

"He's my younger brother, can I not worry!"

Er'er shook him off, didn't even bother to put on his shoes, and walked towards the door quickly, but Sui Wu grabbed his arm.

"It's useless for you to be anxious now." Sui Wu paused, and expressed his doubts, "Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

Er'er was taken aback and looked at him, "What do you mean?"

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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