Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 220 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit

Chapter 220 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit (8)

It was only after Ni Ya left the dressing room that she found out that Hanghang was in a car accident!

Before she could change the wedding dress on her body, she took a taxi to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, I saw Gao Jing standing outside the emergency room, with her hands tightly hugging her shoulders, her body bent like an old lady, her back was lonely and desolate

As soon as her nose became sour, tears flowed out, no matter what, she was her mother.

Seeing her like this now made her feel distressed.

Although her mother treats her badly, she treats Hang Hang very well.

Now that such an accident happened to Hanghang, my mother must be very sad and sad.

Sometimes she is also jealous of Hang Hang, but no matter what, Hang Hang is her younger brother, and she never thought of causing trouble to him.

"Mom, Hang Hang will be fine."

Ni Ya stepped forward and gently supported Gao Jing's trembling body.

Gao Jing slowly raised her head to look at her, stared at her for a long time, but suddenly pushed her away, raised her hand and slapped her!

"Bitch! It's all because of you! If it wasn't for you, nothing would happen to Hang Hang!"

In this slap, Gao Jing almost used all his strength.

Niya's two teeth were knocked out abruptly, and blood flowed from her mouth.

She lay on the ground and didn't get up for a long time.

Gao Jing didn't feel that what she did was too much. On the contrary, she stepped forward and kicked her in the stomach hard.

"Bitch! Let me tell you, if something happens to Hang Hang, I'll beat you to death!"

Gao Jing at this time has completely disregarded her own image and any influence, she only has one thought in her heart, no matter what, her flight will be safe and sound, she can do nothing, she just wants this son.

My face hurts, my stomach hurts, and my heart hurts even more.

At this moment, Gao Jing completely destroyed the last bit of love for her mother in Niya's heart.

She curled up and lay on the cold floor, but she didn't even dare to cry out for pain.

She could only grit her teeth tightly and tell herself, just bear with it, everything will be fine when she moves to live with Yin Ansheng.

At this moment, Yin Ansheng seemed to be her umbrella, a safe haven.

In fact, she knew very well that this was her own whimsy.

Yin Ansheng didn't like her, he could even say he hated her.

But apart from comforting herself in this way, she didn't know what belief and motivation she had that could support her to live.

Sometimes she also wanted to die, but she knew she couldn't die.

That night, the phone call she overheard shocked and frightened her.

Only then did she know that her father's car accident was really planned and arranged by her mother.

In fact, one morning before her father's accident, she overheard the phone call from her mother. It should be that her mother was planning for her father's car accident.

It's just that she was too stupid to think deeply.

If at that time she had been more considerate and reminded her father to make up her mind, maybe nothing would happen to her father.

So she regrets it!
Regret my carelessness, hurt my father, and hurt myself.

So she can't die, she has to live, maybe one day her father will wake up, and she can let her father know Gao Jing's true face.

Now for Gao Jing, she hates nothing but hate.

She hated Gao Jing for turning the man who had been married to her for nearly 20 years and loved her into a vegetable for her own selfishness.

She hated Gao Jingsheng even more for raising her, but he didn't treat her as a human being. He beat, abused and humiliated her every day and never gave up. In order to stabilize her position in the company, she let her sleep with those old men!Even in order to climb up the big tree of Yin Ansheng, he did not hesitate to design Yin Ansheng, drug Yin Ansheng, and let her climb Yin Ansheng's bed!
Such a woman is not Ni Ya's mother, she is a devil!

Where Gao Jing couldn't see, Ni Ya's eyes seemed to be poisoned, she stared fiercely at the ground, her small hands clenched into fists.

One day, she will kill this demon with her own hands!

Most definitely!
At that time, she will definitely let her suffer ten times and a hundred times the pain she gave her today!

Ni Junhang's operation ended at one o'clock in the afternoon. Although his life was saved, it is uncertain whether he can wake up, and one of his legs was amputated.

When Err heard the news, he pursed his lips tightly and looked up at the ceiling.

She told herself, don't cry, don't cry!
But the tears still flowed uncontrollably. Last year, she died in a car accident on the spot, and her father became a vegetative state in a car accident. She has not woken up yet. Now Hanghang is also in a car accident. Why are they all accidents?Why?
Sui Wu saw her in such pain, but didn't know how to persuade her.

Standing there looking at her, I couldn't help but get red eyes.


Er'er covered his face with his hands, tears flowed from his fingers, and his shoulders kept shaking.

"Cry out, it will feel better to cry out."

As soon as Sui Wu held her in his arms, she let out a "wow" and burst into tears.

The cries were distraught and deafening.


In the evening, Niya packed up her things by herself. She didn't pack the unimportant ones. She just packed a few clothes and the gift her sister gave her before she died. She took a suitcase and took a taxi to Yin Ansheng's residence.

Yin Ansheng was not at home, and she rang the doorbell for a long time but no one answered. Maybe she was at home, but she just didn't want to open the door for her.

However, she won't leave either. No matter what Yin Ansheng's purpose for letting her move in is, she knows that Yin Ansheng won't fight her no matter what, won't punish her for not eating for a day, and won't let her She went to sleep with those disgusting men.

In fact, she knew that she was just blindly confident, maybe Yin Ansheng would be a more terrifying devil than Gao Jing.

But right now, she has no choice.

In this Yunhan City, at least Yin Ansheng can compete with Gao Jing. Apart from him, she can't think of anyone else who can get her out of Gao Jing's clutches.

Maybe, maybe Er Xinxin can do it, but she dare not gamble.

What's more, Er Xinxin already hated her because of her engagement to Yin Ansheng, even if she went to find her, she wouldn't bother her.

Therefore, only Yin Ansheng.

Niya put the suitcase flat on the ground and sat on it.

It was very cold in the winter night. Although she was wearing a thick down jacket, she was still shivering from the cold.

It was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and Yin Ansheng hadn't come back yet.

The lights in the villa were not on either, probably because he was not at home.

Wait, maybe he'll be back in a while.

At four o'clock in the morning, Yin Ansheng drove back and saw a person at the gate from a long distance away. He frowned, and he couldn't tell who it was with the headlights.

It wasn't until he got to the door that he realized that it was Niya. She must have fallen asleep.

He suddenly remembered what he said to her in the hotel today, and his eyes immediately darkened.

The sensor door opened slowly, he kicked the accelerator and the car entered the yard, and then the door closed again.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Yin Ansheng drove out again.

Seeing that Niya was still lying at the gate, he frowned unhappily and honked the horn a few times.

The people on the ground did not respond at all, as if they were dead.

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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