Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 221 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit

Chapter 221 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit (9)

Yin Ansheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the people on the ground, his eyes gradually became colder and colder.

Two minutes later, he took out his mobile phone and made an emergency call.

After that, he left the residence.

Ni Ya woke up again and found that she was in the hospital. She looked around and couldn't remember why she came here.Who sent her here?
Suddenly she was taken aback, and sat up, is it dawn?

Seeing her wake up, the nurse called the doctor to examine her again and told her that she needed to be hospitalized for observation for a day before being discharged.

"What's wrong with me?" Niya asked.

"Don't you even know you have a high fever? Fortunately, it was delivered in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Then... who sent me to the hospital?"

This is what Ni Ya wanted to know. Last night, she was waiting for Yin Ansheng outside Yin Ansheng's house, and then fell asleep. She didn't know if he came home last night or not.
Could it be that Yin Ansheng sent her here?If so, can it be said that Yin Ansheng is actually not as cold-blooded and ruthless as she thought?

The nurse thought for a while and said, "It's a man, tall, and looks good!"

Ni Ya nodded, pursed her lips and smiled, it should be Yin Ansheng.

In this way, she can be regarded as saving her life.

At noon, someone came to deliver food to Niya, but she couldn't remember where she had seen this person. He was tall and good-looking, but he had a straight face, which made people uncomfortable.

She asked, "Mr. Yin asked you to bring me food?"

Shen Ruixing glanced at her, nodded, said nothing, put down his lunch and went out.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Niya called him to stop.

"Do you know where Mr. Yin is now? I want to talk to him."

"Miss Ni can call Mr. directly."

Shen Ruixing replied lightly, then turned and left again.

Ni Ya opened her mouth and snorted, "Who is he, just like Yin Ansheng, an ice cube! If there is a master, there will be subordinates!"

Shen Ruixing didn't actually leave, but just stood in the corridor outside, so these words fell into his ears verbatim.

There was no expression on his face, but his eyes were a little colder.

Sui Wu went to work today, came to check the wards, saw Shen Ruixing, and knew that he was Yin Ansheng's bodyguard.

He paused, thinking, Yin Ansheng still lives in the upper courtyard?

He planned to go over and satirize him, but he didn't expect that the person in the ward was Ni Ya.

Sui Wu narrowed his eyes immediately, Yin Ansheng's bodyguard was outside Ni Ya's ward, didn't the engagement ceremony not take place yesterday?

At noon, Sui Wu got the news that although yesterday's engagement did not take place, Ni Ya had already moved to Yin Ansheng's residence yesterday evening.

In other words, these two people are living together now?
Sui Wu's heart suddenly surged with anger. Before that, he was still suspecting that the engagement between Yin Ansheng and Ni Ya was fake, and it might be some kind of conspiracy by Yin Ansheng, because from Jinghao's words, I heard some clues.

But now, they are all living together, so there can be no fakes anymore!
I really can't see that Yin Ansheng is such a superficial person!

He was definitely blind before, and he thought that if Xinxin really got together with him in the future, it would be the child's blessing.

Looking at it now, fortunately, Xinxin was wise and chose to let go, otherwise, how many grievances he would suffer in the future!

Sui Wu returned to Er Er's ward, Er Er was having lunch, and there was a table of dishes on the table in front of her, for her to enjoy alone, which was extremely extravagant.

"Brother, come and eat! There is something you like!"

Sui Wu looked at her, and didn't know if she was really heartless or if she was hiding it too well.

Yin Ansheng got engaged to Ni Ya yesterday. Although some accidents happened later and the ceremony was not held, she always kept a very calm attitude. Unlike before, if someone took a second look at Yin Ansheng, she would be angry for a long time, and she would even be angry. There is a crazy idea to hide Yin Ansheng and only let her see it alone.

But now, it's like a different person. Has Yin Ansheng been completely put down?
"Brother, why are you in a daze? Don't you want to eat?"

Sui Wu rolled his eyes a few times, nodded, "I'm going to wash my hands."

"Go quickly, after washing and eating, I can't eat so much by myself. My father said that I ordered it myself. If I can't finish eating, I will be punished for not eating at night. It's too much. The weight of each serving is so much." Big, how could it be possible to finish it!"

Er'er muttered, stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth, and chewed, his big eyes were so beautiful that they were bent into small crescents.

Sui Wu washed his hands and came out, snorted and said, "I hear what you mean, is it because you can't finish eating that you think of me?"

Er'er pursed his lips and laughed, "Brother, you know, don't tell the truth, otherwise it's meaningless, eat quickly!"

She handed over a pair of chopsticks, and Sui Wu sat down by the bed, stuffed a piece of beef into his mouth, and glanced at the dishes on the table.

"You ordered all of them?"

Er'er bit his lip embarrassingly, "It's just that I suddenly have a big appetite and want to eat delicious food... Hehe, brother, do you think I'm going to exert myself?"

"Strength?" Sui Wu ate a mouthful of rice, not understanding what she meant, "What kind of strength?"

"It's about growing up! I'm 19 years old, and I don't have a chance if I don't grow up again. Now that I suddenly eat so much, I must grow up."

Sui Wu looked disgusted, "Didn't you eat a lot when you saw rice someday? It's been 18 years, and I haven't seen how tall you are. I think, you don't develop well vertically, but you are booming horizontally. It will be miserable."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at her lightly, seeing that her face was puffed up with anger, and continued to say: "If that's the case, I really won't be able to marry."

Er'er was really angry, so he couldn't say something nice for her to hear, could he?
One Yin Ansheng and one Ni Ya already made her worry enough, not only did he not try to comfort her to make her happy, but he even gave her a knife!
Simply too much!It's so inhumane!

She pursed her lips angrily, clenched the chopsticks tightly in her small hands, and stared at him vigorously.

"Sui Wu, don't be too proud of yourself! Believe it or not, I can encourage Su Jing to break up with you. Anyway, no one wants me, and I can't see other people's affection!"

"..." Sui Wu moved his lips and was about to speak, but she beat her to the front again.

"It's still too late to apologize to me, otherwise, you will cry then! Hmph!"

Sui Wu laughed, and stuffed a piece of chicken into her mouth, "Look at you! Threatening brother? If you have the ability, go and fix Yin Ansheng."

As soon as the words fell, he himself changed his face immediately, he really didn't know which pot to open and which pot to lift.

Er'er's face suddenly turned cold, and he half-closed his eyes, "I heard that Xiaoya moved to live with Yin Ansheng last night, do you know about this?"

Sui Wu was slightly startled, "How do you know? You sent someone to monitor Yin Ansheng?"

Err didn't deny it, it was acquiescence.

"Just wait, the best show is yet to come!"

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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