I will cherish you all my life

Chapter 113 He's Crazy

Chapter 113 He's Crazy

His voice was too nice to hear.

What's more, his tone is a thousand times gentler than Huo Chengting's.

The man in front of him is no longer Huo Chengting, but a different one. He is a very handsome and clear man, and he looks very comfortable.

Unlike Huo Chengting, who is cold and gloomy, like a devil.

Ai Xi suddenly felt relieved a lot, calmed down, and followed Rong Ye's voice and began to take a deep breath.

My whole heart has settled down a lot.

Huo Chengting was on the side, his face extremely ugly.

He never knew that men would be jealous too.

Rong Ye smiled softly, his eyes were like a spring breeze: "Hey, that's it, take a deep breath, let yourself calm down, you are safe now, nothing happened."

Suddenly, Ai Xi shook her head and said, "I'm not safe, I'm not safe!"

For some reason, she had an inexplicable sense of dependence on the man in front of her, and immediately held his hand: "Help me, save me, take me out of here, okay?"

"What?" Rong Ye was a little surprised.

Huo Chengting stepped forward and pulled Rong Ye over: "Okay, you guys go to eat, leave this to me."

Rong Ye was pushed back by him, and took a few steps back. Yu Anqi stepped forward to support him: "Are you okay?"

Rong Ye shook his head: "It's okay. Are you caring about me?"

He smiled lightly.

Yu Anqi frowned: "I don't have time to flirt with you, and I don't want to see what's going on right now."

Yu Anqi's anger continued unabated and became more and more intense.

But in such an occasion, she obviously couldn't have an attack.

Huo Chengting sat beside Ai Xi and hugged her, "Xi Xi, with me here, I will protect you."

In return for his comfort, she erected her thorns like a hedgehog: "Why are you protecting me? I'm not safe because of you! Can you let me go, I beg you! It seems that tonight's Come on, can you let me go?"

The man's face suddenly turned cold, covered by a haze, he said coldly: "Xixi, you are tired and need to rest, I will take you to take a bath."

As he spoke, he hugged Ai Xi.

"Don't! Don't touch me! Huo Chengting, please let me go, okay? You already let me go tonight, you can't go back on your word!"

"But you're back!" Huo Chengting's furious voice echoed in the room: "Ai Xi, as I said, don't appear in front of me again when you leave, or I won't let you go again. You keep your word, so shut up now!"

For this woman, it is impossible for him to let go.

Ai Xi was stunned, looking at him in astonishment, tears falling drop by drop.

She broke down and cried: "You bastard, you are hopeless, pervert!"

Rong Ye was also dumbfounded, and quickly asked, "What's going on? Did you two quarrel?"

Huo Chengting turned his head and said impatiently: "Go out first, just leave it to me."

Yu Anqi finally couldn't hold back her anger, she was about to say something when Rong Ye stopped her, "Let's go out."

Yu Anqi was unwilling to speak, but was interrupted by Rong Ye, who gave her a wink.

Afterwards, Rong Ye pulled Yu Anqi out.

Rong Ye even deliberately closed the door.

Yu Anqi was furious, "He's crazy, did you see that? He's crazy, that woman beat him, but he didn't get angry, he's crazy!"

Repeating these three words with An Qi, he went crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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