I will cherish you all my life

Chapter 114 A good show

Chapter 114 A good show

But it looked like she was crazy.

Rong Ye held Yu Anqi's shoulder and said, "Calm down, this is Huo Chengting's own life, it has nothing to do with us, we have no right to interfere."

"Rong Ye, what do you mean?" Yu Anqi looked at him in astonishment, "Are you going to stand by and watch Ting become like this because of that bitch who came out of nowhere? You are his good friend." My friend, are you going to stand by and watch?"

"I'm indeed friends with him, but that doesn't mean I can interfere in his private life, An Qi, be more sensible."

Just as Rong Ye finished speaking, there was a burst of screaming from inside the door.

"Ah! Don't! Let me go!"

"Ai Xi, no matter how dishonest you are, I won't be polite to you. My patience is limited. Don't think that you can do whatever you want because you helped me tonight!"

"Huo Chengting, I regret it. I shouldn't have helped you. I should have shot you. I hate you!"

"It's too late, Ai Xi, from the moment you turned your head, you are doomed, you will never try to escape from my palm in this life!"

The room was full of women's cries of pain and men's violent flames.

Rong Ye frowned slightly, and said in disbelief: "I just saw such a good show when I came back. It's interesting."

Seeing that Rong Ye actually smiled amusedly.

Yu Anqi couldn't bear it even more, and raised her hand to hit him.

Rong Ye quickly grabbed his wrist: "An Qi, I like you, but that doesn't mean you can hit me at will."

He shook her hand away, and his face became much colder.

"You are all crazy, I can't take it anymore, you go crazy here, I want to get out of here!"

Yu Anqi turned and left, Rong Ye chased after her.

"Angie, don't do this."

He wanted to comfort her, but Yu Anqi said impatiently: "Don't follow me, you stay here."

Rong Ye spread his hands and said, "I don't plan to stay here anymore. I'll say hello to him later, and I'm leaving too. I said I'm just joking about living here."

"No, you have to live here."

"What?" Rong Ye frowned.

Yu Anqi rushed forward and grabbed his suit: "You live here, help me take a good look at the two of them, and see what they want to do, and that woman."

"You think of me as your eyeliner, right?"

Rong Ye's face was very deep, a little disappointed.

"How can this be eyeliner?" Yu Anqi said flatteringly: "We are good friends, didn't you say you like me? Since you like me, don't you just want to make me happy, as long as you help me, I'll be happy, okay?"

"I like you, you want me to make you happy, but do you deserve to make me sad?" He coldly shook off her hand, "Don't do this, I won't help you."

Yu Anqi bit her lip, tears fell drop by drop, and cried bitterly, "How could you do this to me? It's all fake."

"An Qi, don't cry." Seeing her crying, he seemed a little panicked: "Can you stop doing this?"

Suddenly, Yu Anqi stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips.

After kissing for a while, she let go of him, "This is your reward, are you satisfied? Please."

Rong Ye's slender fingers touched his lips, and at the end, he evoked a smile: "Satisfied, don't worry, I will help you look after him."

(End of this chapter)

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