I will cherish you all my life

Chapter 115 The Disgusting Kiss

Chapter 115 The Disgusting Kiss

His teasing fingers lightly brushed her delicate face.

Yu Anqi breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'm leaving, wait a while and tell him."


Yu Anqi wiped the tears from her face, turned and left.

Rong Ye hugged her arms and stood there with a gloomy expression.

"Hmph!" He sneered, and a sneer flashed across his handsome face.

He took out a towel from his suit pocket and wiped off Yu Anqi's breath from his lips, with a disgusted expression on his face.


late at night.

Rong Ye tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

The curiosity in his heart prompted him to get up from the bed, sneaked through three corridors, and came to the room of Huo Chengting and Ai Xi.

He went up the stairs cautiously, staring at the door, there seemed to be the sound of a woman crying from inside.

When there was only the last step left, suddenly, a cold voice came: "Mr. Rong, what are you doing?"

Rong Ye was startled, and looked back.

If he hadn't held on to the handrail in time, he would have fallen straight down.

"Steward Zhang, are you still awake at this late hour?"

Zhang Shen held the flashlight in his hand and said, "Mr. Rong, I should ask you this question. Why are you still up so late? The guest room is so far away from the master room. What are you doing here?"

"It's nothing, I can't sleep, I wanted to chat with Cheng Ting, but it seems that he fell asleep, so I'll go back first."

Rong Ye spoke naturally, put away the embarrassment on his face, and went downstairs.

"Good night." When passing by Zhang Shen, he greeted him.

Zhang Shen nodded and smiled: "Good night."

After Rong Ye left, Zhang Shen looked expressionless, glanced at the door of Huo Chengting's room, and then left with a flashlight.

"Can you stop crying?" Huo Chengting smoked cigarettes one after another, staring indifferently at the woman beside the bed.

Ai Xi hadn't slept and was crying.

She gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Bastard, I saved you, so you treat your benefactor like this? Won't you repay your kindness?"

"Repay the favor?" He smiled coldly, and threw away the cigarette butt in his hand: "Okay, I'll repay the favor now, and lie down for me!"

He pushed Ai Xi on the bed and tore off her pajamas.

"What are you doing?" Ai Xi stretched out her hand to block him.

"Don't you want me to repay your favor? Ai Xi, I am very grateful to you for saving me now, and I want to reward you!"

His eyes were filled with unparalleled fanaticism and possessiveness.

"You bastard, let me go, what are you going to do to me?"

"Ai Xi, you can't run away, just lie in my palm obediently, don't even think about going anywhere. Do you think I'll give in if you pretended to be crazy before? You can't pretend now, be good."

Regardless of her resistance, he took her roughly.

Ai Xi cried until her voice became hoarse.

After everything was over, she was drenched in sweat, sobbing in pain, trembling all over, clutching the bed sheet tightly with both hands, excruciating pain.

Huo Chengting leaned against the head of the bed, panting heavily, frowning.

It's obviously a hearty thing, but why does it feel like a thorn in my heart?
It is obviously a soft body, but hugging it is like hugging a hedgehog, and it hurts all over his body.

"Ai Xi, what exactly do you want me to do? Can't you follow me a little?"

Obviously this woman saved him, so he should be gentle and obedient to him, but her thorns hurt him.

He was born arrogant, cold, and used to being superior, but one day he suddenly had such a woman, how should he lower his posture?
(End of this chapter)

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