Chapter 133
Li Yueyue said: "No, you guys go eat first, I still have something to tell my good friend, after all Ai Xi finally came back."

"What can I say to her? Yueyue, you are just too kind. You treat her as a good friend, but she dismisses you."

Several girls stared sharply at Ai Xi.

The classroom was very quiet, so the voices of these girls were particularly loud, and they deliberately increased their voices.

Li Yueyue smiled lightly and said, "Okay, you guys go eat first."

"OK then."

Several girls left afterward, booing Ai Xi before leaving.

Only Li Yueyue and Ai Xi were left in the classroom.

Ai Xi stood up and came to Li Yueyue, "Can we talk?"

Li Yueyue closed the book, hugged her arms, leaned on the chair and said, "Didn't you see that I didn't leave? Why are you asking knowingly? What do you want to talk about? Tell me."

"What's the matter with you and Chu Tianmo? Do you still remember that I called Chu Tianmo that night? Why did you answer the call?"

Li Yueyue snorted coldly, "Ai Xi, do you still have the nerve to ask me? You don't know what you did yourself?"

"What have I done?"

"Ai Xi, stop pretending. You act innocent and harmless all day long. In the end, it's not for money, you can even sell yourself. Don't think I don't know. You are with Chu Tianmo just for his sake." Money? It's a pity, he is not someone like you who can touch him. The girl who can match him will never be you. "

"So, do you think it's you?" Ai Xi's voice was very calm, although under the calm was a slightly aching heart.

"I don't want to talk to people like you anymore. Ai Xi, from now on, just keep your tail between your legs. Your reputation is already rotten."

After Li Yueyue finished speaking, she left the classroom.

Ai Xi probably guessed it, she had called Chu Tianmo before.

Chu Tianmo said that she was with some benefactor.

Immediately, she had an ominous premonition, could it be...


Ai Xi saw Chu Tianmo from a distance, he just got off the car.

Ai Xi's first reaction was to run away.

But thinking of that incident suddenly, she wanted to explain to him that even if it was impossible for the two of them to break up, she didn't want him to misunderstand her.

"Brother Chu." Ai Xi called him from a distance.

Chu Tianmo was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head, seeing the woman behind him, his stern face was overwhelmed with surprise: "Xixi."

Hearing Chu Tianmo call her Xixi, Ai Xi suddenly felt like crying.

She approached him, "Brother Chu."

"Ai Xi, why are you back?"

"Do you think I shouldn't come back?" Ai Xi asked back.

Chu Tianmo's face became ugly, "Why are you still coming back? Or were you abandoned and had to come back?"

Ai Xi smiled bitterly and said: "I understand. When I passed by just now, I saw that they were all discussing me. They said that I was hired by some benefactor, so I dropped out of school and went abroad with him, but now I am being paid by him. Abandoned, so come back disheartened. Do you believe this right?"

Chu Tianmo's straight figure stood there in a daze for a long time, and then said coldly: "I really didn't believe it at first, but the facts have proved..."

"Facts?" Ai Xi sneered, "Brother Chu, tell me what is a fact, gossip?"

Chu Tianmo clenched his fists and looked at the person in front of him, forcibly restraining himself.

(End of this chapter)

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