Chapter 134
Perhaps holding on to his last hope, he asked, "Ai Xi, do you dare to tell me that you are not with other men?"

Ai Xi lowered her head, her eyes were red.

Seeing Ai Xi's hesitation, Chu Tianmo already knew, and said indifferently and disappointedly: "You don't need to answer me, I understand."

Ai Xi suddenly found that she couldn't explain it anymore, after all, she had indeed been with that man for a while.

She is no longer pure.

She knew that there was no result with this man, but she still wanted to ask one last thing, "Brother Chu, are you and Yueyue together?"

"That's right, I'm with her." He continued venting, "She's better than you, at least her feelings for me are pure, she won't compromise for money, and she won't do anything dirty !"

"That's really good!" Ai Xi nodded: "Brother Chu, you are indeed a good match, she will not compromise for money, her family owns a jewelry company, there is no shortage of money, unlike me, I am just poor Girl, I need money."

Chu Tianmo was suddenly agitated.

He rushed forward and held her shoulders, his voice raised a lot, "Ai Xi, since you need money, why don't you ask me for it? I have money, why don't you come to me? Why do you want to talk to someone else?" Go? You tell me!"

Chu Tianmo couldn't figure it out, he was young and promising, and his family was rich, why did this woman go with another man and be taken care of by him?
Why would she rather do such a nasty thing than come to him for help?
Seeing Chu Tianmo's emotional state, Ai Xi suddenly felt uncomfortable.

He is so excited, does it mean that he still cares about himself?
She couldn't help but want to explain: "Brother Chu, in fact, you misunderstood me..."

"What are you doing?" Ai Xi was interrupted by a clear voice.

Ai Xi just wanted to explain, but swallowed the words that followed.

Chu Tianmo let go of Ai Xi like an electric shock, and the two looked at the voice at the same time.

Li Yueyue was walking towards here.

She came to Chu Tianmo's side and took his arm, "Tianmo, what are you doing? Are you two talking?"

"Yueyue, don't get me wrong, I..." Chu Tianmo wanted to explain to her.

However, he glanced at Ai Xi.

Li Yueyue seemed to be waiting for him to explain, but seeing that Chu Tianmo didn't say anything more, she smiled and said, "Okay, I didn't misunderstand you, isn't it just talking? The sky is bright, what else can you do? I No mistake."

Chu Tianmo was inexplicably relieved.

But his eyes kept falling on Ai Xi, it was very complicated.

Ai Xi has been watching the two of them since Li Yueyue walked in front of them, and they are very close.

Ai Xi's heartache was more severe than imagined.

And Li Yueyue and Chu Tianmo's eyes also fell on Ai Xi, sizing her up.

Ai Xi was very embarrassed, as if she was a third party who forcibly stepped in.

"I'm leaving first." After she finished speaking lonely, she turned around and ran away. She had no reason to stay here.

Under normal circumstances, if her boyfriend cheated on her, she could justly scold them.

But in this situation, Ai Xi doesn't know any reason to blame them.

It can only be said that Chu Tianmo was with Li Yueyue at the most suitable time.

"Tianmo, Tianmo?"

(End of this chapter)

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