Chapter 20


Bai Hanxue's gaze was fixed, tearing apart the void, she could do it too, but this is Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion's densely restricted medicine garden!Not to mention that there is a large protective formation outside, but many of these restrictions covering the medicine garden are confined to the space, but this person can actually tear the space and come here.

not simple!
It's not easy!
Chen Ning hid in a corner, his eyes almost popped out, his jade feet were crystal clear, and immediately after that, a snow-white jade leg protruded from a crack in space.


Chen Ning finally couldn't bear it anymore, his nostrils were bleeding, ah no, it was blood from his nostrils!

"Look! Look quickly! That kid is over there!" Zhu Shijie, with an excited face, stretched out his hoof and pointed at Chen Ning's hiding place, looked at Bai Hanxue, his small eyes were full of embarrassment, hehe, this pig god You are so wise and mighty, how could it make you feel bad?snort!Not to mention there are no doors, not even windows!

Chen Ning took off the invisibility talisman on his body, pointed at Zhu Shijie and cursed: "You are crazy! You don't even look at any beauties here, you have to stare at me! What a fool! I have nothing to say, I have to eat pork kidneys today! "

Just talking, Chen Ning felt strange, he saw that the three people in Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion looked at him strangely, as if there were flowers on his face.

So, Chen Ning put his hands on his hips, "Look! Look at your numbness! Is there a flower on my face?! Grass! A group of women who have never seen the world, what? Seeing such a handsome man as I am, do your legs tighten? , I can’t walk anymore!”

Anyway, the card character has been summoned, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

What do you disagree with?
Then just touch it!
Chen Ning's nostrils were turned to the sky, and he was arrogant.



Bai Hanxue and Li Ziling sneered, as for Su Yingxuan, she had already looked at Chen Ning like a god.

How much does this person want to die? ? !

"I wipe?"

Zhu Shijie looked at Chen Ning in shock, his small eyes looked up and down, as if he didn't recognize him.

"Boy, your head was kicked by a donkey? So awesome?"

"Also, are you sick? Why is the nosebleed constantly?"

Zhu Shijie was full of doubts, then seemed to think of something, backed away crazily, and looked at Chen Ning with horrified eyes at the same time: "Little...Bi Zizi, are you suffering from some filthy disease!? Damn it! Ma, you won't infect this pig god, right?"

Chen Ning's face darkened.

"Male Gobi, stupid. Fuck, you got sick when you stepped on a horse, and your whole family got sick!"


"Enough! Presumptuous!!"

Bai Hanxue was going crazy, this time, Li Ziling stepped forward with a condensed expression, and stood with Bai Hanxue.

"Today, you are all going to die! The majesty of Feng Hua Xue Yue Pavilion cannot be challenged!"

"Hehehe..." There was a crack in the space, and a sweet laughter came out. Chen Ning hurriedly covered his nose. He managed to stop the bleeding, but he couldn't stop it.

As the saying goes, "One drop of essence, ten drops of blood." From Chen Ning's point of view, he wasn't spraying blood, he was spraying. jing!
"Master, I'm so scared, Daji wants to be hugged by the master."

"Mist Grass?!" Chen Ning felt that he couldn't do it anymore, who the hell is calling!Why do you want to hug when you come up!Hey, but he likes it!

With a sound of shock, Daji finally stepped out of the space crack.

Chen Ning was completely lost. He had seen the character card before, otherwise he would not have said that the system was yellow. It was just that he did not expect to see a real person now, and he realized that this is a fairy!Still a goblin who can fascinate people more than they pay for their lives!

So beautiful!
It is so beautiful that there are no words to describe it.

Chen Ning can only pay tribute with his crotch.

"System! System! Can this person not be recycled?!"

Chen Ning wiped his nosebleed, and asked a question that he felt must be asked.

"Ding! Su Daji is a card character. In theory, it can only appear when summoned by the host, but if the host is willing to spend 100000 points, the system will not take back Su Daji."

"Fuck you Mahler Gobi!" Chen Ning regained consciousness from Su Daji's beauty in an instant: "Are you crazy about scoring points?! Hmph, why do you want to take back the characters I summoned by my ability? Only 100000 points can make her stay, I think you just want to cheat points!"

"Don't spend it! I won't spend it even if I die! I want to whore for nothing!"

Chen Ning roared in his mind.

"Ding! This system sincerely advises the host to be in awe of this system. If Su Daji is forced to stay, the system can take coercive measures!"

"Grass mud horse..."

Chen Ning was dumbfounded. Although he didn't know what the coercive measures were, it was certainly not a good thing, but he was reluctant to let him spend 100000 points. After working for a long time, he could barely accumulate 500000 points.

"By the way, system, have you caught the holy medicine!"

"Ding! 99% of the business of catching the holy medicine has been completed!"

After hearing that it was 99% complete, Chen Ning's mind became active again. He now has 500000 points, plus the 1000000 points of the holy medicine, adding up to 1500000 points.

He looked at Su Daji, who was smiling like a flower, and felt hot in his heart, "My f*cking backhand is 100000 points!"

But when Chen Ning was excited, Bai Hanxue and the others were shocked.

Part of the shock was due to Su Daji's beauty. Even though the three of them were all first-class beauties in the world, they had to admit that the woman in front of them was really a beauty in the world, and every frown and smile were so perfect.

"Are you going to kill my master?"

Su Daji's voice was melodious, and her eyes were full of tenderness. She walked slowly to Chen Ning's side, and stretched out her hand to hold his arm. Immediately, Chen Ning felt warm and soft in his arm, so scared that he hurriedly covered his nose again.

"Damn, if you squirt at this time. Jing, ah bah, if you squirt blood, it would be really embarrassing."

Zhu Shijie, on the other hand, looked confused, "Boy, who is this girl?"

As he said that, he revealed a hint of disgust, and looked at Chen Ning full of regret.

"Tsk tsk, you're so ugly, boy, I didn't expect you to be so good at it, you don't have any eyesight at all, hey~ Would you like this pig god to be merciful and introduce you to some good-looking sows?"

"Mom, you are paralyzed!" Chen Ning is going crazy, you really like pigs, and you want me to be like you?
Snake disease!

"That's right, this son is so bold that he came into my Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion medicine garden together with this perverted pig to cause harm. It's not enough to vent his anger if he doesn't kill him!"


Su Daji smiled coquettishly, her voice full of charm, "Do you want to kill all the members of the Jihuan Sect?"

As soon as she finished speaking, not only Bai Hanxue and the other three looked puzzled, but also Chen Ning and Zhu Shijie were puzzled.

Extreme joy sect?
What kind of sect is the Extreme Huan Sect?
Why haven't you heard of it?

Sure enough, Bai Hanxue said coldly: "I've never heard of it! But so what if it's a top sect? I have no fear in Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion!"

"So there's nothing to say?"

Chen Ning felt that Su Daji even rubbed against his arm
What a fucking embarrassment!

(End of this chapter)

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