Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 21 It's a crime to see? !

Chapter 21 It's a crime to see? !

Su Daji's frowns and smiles are all seductive. It is estimated that everyone present, except for the strange thing of Zhu Shijie, even those women are attracted by her, let alone Chen Ning.

"Fuck, it's so soft and slippery! Damn, it's too bad, I can't stand it anymore!!" Chen Ning shouted in his heart, and his crotch had already saluted.

"Cough cough."

He coughed twice, then turned his head and looked at the peerless face beside him seriously and said: "Baby Daji, play with them first, let me go and do something!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Ning bowed his body, trying to pull back.

This matter is very urgent!
"Master, don't go~~"

Hearing this charming voice, Chen Ning bowed even harder. He made a dark noise and said in his heart, bone-corroding fairy!

On the opposite side, Bai Hanxue and Li Ziling were already full of murderous intentions, they were too presumptuous, and they didn't take them seriously at all.

"I don't care what kind of extremely happy sect, today he and that pig will die!"

"Hey! Don't! Don't say that. See, I am a person who loves me anyway. If you want to kill it, kill that pig. By the way, give me some spare ribs when the time comes, so I can try something new."

Chen Ning hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop Bai Hanxue from speaking, but the way he bent over to cover his crotch was really funny.

"Damn it! Boy, why are you crossing rivers and tearing down bridges, dismantling mills and killing pigs!"

Zhu Shijie finally realized that the "ugly" woman was here to save the boy.

Damn, you actually want to leave this pig god and fly solo? !


no way!

Not to mention the doors, the windows are all welded to death!
"Pavilion Master! This pig god wants to report! That kid is trying to get your holy medicine!"

"Hit your mother so hard!"

Chen Ning yelled, shit, this pig is really unreliable.

"System! Have you got the holy medicine?!"

"Ding! The business is about to be completed! Please prepare the host to run away!"






"Ding! Successfully captured the holy medicine, and the business is completed."

"Ding! In view of the fact that the host obtained the holy medicine for the first time, the system rewards a special gift package, is it open?"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the holy medicine, the system rewards an additional 100000 experience points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the initial stage of the Condensed Yuan Realm."

"Ding! Because the host snatched the Holy Medicine from Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion and first obtained the hatred from Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion, the host needs to resist the pursuit of Fenghuaxueyue Pavilion until it successfully enters the next big realm. If the task is successful, the system will have special rewards!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 1000000 points!"

Listening to the system notification sound in his head, Chen Ning straightened his waist. He wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, but in the end there was a sharp pain in his crotch. It turned out that his pants were strangling his little brother.

In pain, he quickly squatted down, and all the joy in his heart was gone.

"Grass mud horse, sure enough, people still can't be too arrogant, easy to talk about eggs."

As soon as Chen Ning squatted down, Bai Hanxue's expression changed, "Where's the holy medicine?! The breath of the holy medicine is gone!!"

When Li Ziling heard this, she also hurriedly reached out her spiritual sense to check, but her expression turned gloomy instantly. How could there be any breath of holy medicine in this medicine garden?
"Hahahaha, Master of the Great Beauty Pavilion, is the pig god right? That kid doesn't look like a good person at first glance. He said a long time ago that he would come to steal the holy medicine from your Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion. This pig god disagrees, saying that there are wise and powerful people." How could it be possible to steal the holy medicine with the Lord of the Great Beauty Pavilion? In the end, this kid even beat me up, saying that he couldn’t steal the holy medicine, so he stole you saintesses!”

I rub?
Chen Ning clutched his crotch, listening to Zhu Shijie spitting stars flying around, almost died of anger.

This shameless pig!
"Silly pig, don't beg me later!"

Hearing the words, Zhu Shijie squinted at Chen Ning with his small eyes, and said, "Huh! This pig god has long since turned his back on the dark and turned to the bright, and doesn't bother to be with people like you!"

On the other side, Su Yingxuan was already in a daze, but now she is even more dazed.

"Steal me?"

She blinked her eyes, stared at Chen Ning blankly, and was stunned for a moment.

Su Daji looked at this scene with great interest. The system had summoned her and arranged an identity for her subconsciously, and this identity was mainly served by Chen Ning, so she didn't have any doubts at the moment, but instead wholeheartedly Chen Ning stood behind him.

"Little thief! This time, no one in the sky or on earth can save you!"


Bai Hanxue and Li Ziling finally made a move.

When Zhu Shijie saw it, he groaned and wanted to run away, but how could Bai Hanxue let him go?Even though Chen Ning stole the holy medicine, the ten precepts of pigs are still higher than Chen Ning in Bai Hanxue's heart.


Bai Hanxue stretched out her jade finger and pointed at the Pig's Ten Rings suddenly. Suddenly, a gust of cold air gushed out, quickly covering the Pig's Ten Rings, freezing them into an ice sculpture.

"After I kill that little thief, I'll make you a pervert!"

"Cao Nima, this pig god is a good pig!!!"

Zhu Shijie's eyeballs rolled around, but he couldn't move, he was sealed in the ice.

When Chen Ning saw Bai Hanxue and Li Ziling coming up, he was startled, and hurriedly shouted: "Baby Daji! Help!"

"Hehehe, master, you are too cowardly."

Chen Ning blushed when he heard the words, but he couldn't say anything, he could only stammer.

I am timid?Who the hell is that?The owner of the Wind Flower Snow Moon Pavilion!The boss who stands at the top of the Eastern Region!A small shrimp like me probably isn't enough to pinch.

Chen Ning rolled his eyes, and was about to back off and let Daji deal with these two people. He completely believed in Daji's strength, not to mention that he was summoned by the system, even in the list of gods he saw on Earth in his previous life, Daji was not weak!
Nine-tailed fox!

In this fairy world, even more terrifying characters!
But he saw at a glance the pink pig on Su Yingxuan's chest standing in the medicine garden.

"Hey, Paige."

Chen Ning smiled strangely, his figure flickered, and quickly approached Su Yingxuan.

He had just completed the task of catching the holy medicine, obtained the 100000 experience points rewarded by the system, and had successfully broken through into the condensed realm.

If it is said, no one will believe it. In just a few days, a mortal without the slightest cultivation has directly crossed three realms!
This is completely unreasonable. Anyone who dares to say it will be regarded as a lunatic by the world.


Seeing Chen Ning rushing towards her, Su Yingxuan's expression became unnatural for a moment, "He doesn't really want to steal me, does he?"

Su Daji had already started a fight with the two people from Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion, one against two, and she was able to do everything with ease, without losing the slightest advantage.


Su Yingxuan was ashamed and indignant, her long skirt fluttered like a fairy in Guanghan, Fenghuaxueyuege had already practiced the magical art of icy muscles and jade bones, and now it set off Su Yingxuan's beauty even more.

"Hey! Don't do it, I'm appreciating, do you understand appreciating? Beautiful things must be appreciated."

"Go to hell!"

As soon as Su Yingxuan pointed it out, white light shot out, piercing towards Chen Ning.

"Damn it?! Take a look, even if you look at it, it's against the law?!"

(End of this chapter)

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