Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 255 Taking advantage of the chaos, black mist sweeps

Chapter 255 Taking advantage of the chaos, black mist sweeps

"Planting frame to blame?"

Fenghuang and Longyuan were stunned, and looked at each other, a little unbelievable, the two of them always thought that Chen Ning was from Cangming Province, and they didn't think deeply about it, but now that they heard it, they were somewhat enlightened.

This is not to blame the two of them, it was too irritating at the time, and they were not allowed to think deeply.

Let me ask, two Nascent Soul cultivators were overthrown by a heart-beating cultivator, how could there be so many thoughts about who he is?It is estimated that he is full of unwillingness and anger.

"Impossible!" Long Yuan shook his head, he frowned and said, "The other party admitted that he is from Cangming State..."

As he talked, he didn't feel confident himself. Yes, the two people on the other side were right, identities can be disguised, they can be framed, there is no doubt about it.

Fenghuang also frowned, but soon she relaxed her brows—there was nothing to say, even if she was really wrong, she couldn't stop at this moment, otherwise Guangsheng and the two prefectures would be completely reduced to a laughing stock!
You can only make mistakes and make mistakes. To continue this war, you will have to wait at least two days. No, wait until they catch someone.

Of course, they have the final say on the person who is caught...

It's nothing more than finding a step down.


The battle between Guangsheng and Cangming is still going on. The two sides seem to be really jealous and have invested countless monks. Chen Ning guessed that the strength of these two states can destroy the four regions!
And he himself was also surprised, even though two days had passed, he still hadn't regained consciousness, and he still couldn't figure out that he had directly caused the outbreak of a war, causing countless casualties.

He is afraid to go out now, and carefully hides in an inn, buying all kinds of food directly from the system for fear of being caught if he goes out.

"Fuck, this matter, Ma Dan, when did it end?"

Chen Ning angrily took a bite of the Texas Braised Chicken, his lips and teeth were fragrant, but he couldn't hide the "sadness" in his heart.

Yes, sad.

Damn, it's so sad, the dragon and phoenix inheritance has been obtained, and he has also cultivated, but it seems that there is no use for it now, and he dare not use it at all. Instead, it seems to have put a layer of shackles on himself. Now it is difficult to break free, and it is also difficult to escape. .

"Could it be that this is the end of my overseas trip?"

He sighed, it would be too embarrassing to return to the Four Regions like this.

"Why don't I ask Chen Ning in white to take the bag?"

This guy rubbed his chin and thought it was feasible, but he was a little bit afraid that if he was seen through by a big shot, not to mention the loss of a doppelgänger, the main body might also be implicated.

Chen Ning sighed in the inn, he really couldn't think of a way out, although he thought about it back and forth, it was impossible to leave any excuses, the fear is that the two palace masters will do it themselves, when the time comes, with their Mahayana cultivation base, Maybe we can find him.

"I can only take one step at a time. Mahler's Gobi is really not good. I can only call!"

This is also a matter of no choice, relying on himself, if a master of the Mahayana realm is found, there is no way but to wait for death.


But Chen Ning was thinking too much. Three days later, when the battle between Guangsheng and Cangming reached its peak, something happened suddenly!

The black mist descends overwhelmingly!
That's right, it's the black mist that Chen Ning saw in the Four Regions!

Descending on the battlefield!
In one day, thousands of monks died and turned into dry corpses!

And the black mist has the tendency to spread, spreading from the battlefield to both sides, sweeping parts of Guangsheng and Cangming, as if summoned by the god of death, where the black mist passes, all living beings will die!

For a time, the world was shocked!
It is even more frightening than the war between the two states. After all, this is unknown and terrible. No one knows what it is.

A powerful and distracted man went to investigate, but before he got close to the black mist, he was directly grabbed by the strange black hand protruding from it, and died instantly.

How much power can there be in the world?Such a strongman couldn't hold on for even one round, and this time, the world was completely shocked.

There are creatures in the black mist!

Terrible creatures!

Once they die together, those big figures in Guangsheng and Cangming states also know that the strange creatures in the black mist are at least at the level of crossing the catastrophe!
It may also be above the tribulation, comparable to the Mahayana realm of the palace master!

The eyes of all 36 prefectures in the eighteen prefectures in the world have gathered. By the time Chen Ning knew about it, the three combined powers had already died!

"Grass, no way? So fierce?!"

Chen Ning stared at the inn, unbelievable, as if he couldn't believe that the black fog was so fierce.

"Damn it, you didn't come to chase me, did you?" He couldn't allow him to think otherwise, because he remembered that in the four regions and the sealed land, there were still two demons being suppressed!

Thinking of this, Chen Ning shuddered directly. If it was true, then he really summoned Ximen Chuuxue and the others to come over, otherwise, he would die without knowing how!

In the sealed ground, formation patterns are overwhelming, but even so, the two demons almost ran out. The most important thing is that they have been sealed for endless years!
"No, I have to go out, otherwise I won't know anything, the news is too closed!"

Chen Ning looked serious. The appearance of the black mist was good or bad. Fortunately, he should be able to go out freely. The eyes of the world must be attracted by the black mist. Even if there are still people who remember him, it may not take too much energy .

It's not good...

It was the reason for Heiwu's visit, why? Was it, as he guessed, to seek revenge from him.


When Chen Ning walked out of the inn, he directly felt the fear of all beings.

On the street, everyone is in danger—the black mist has not yet been controlled, and it is still spreading. Wherever it passes, it turns into a dead zone, with no signs of life.

"The world is in chaos! This is the prelude to the world's chaos! It's so weird, and I don't know how many people will die."

"Fart! Scary talk, hum, I have countless masters in Guangsheng Prefecture, even if it is a creature in the black mist, it doesn't make sense to be invincible!"

"Hehe, do you think those powerful people will take action? No, indifference is human nature, unless disaster befalls you."

"...Have you heard? The Daming Mansion sent an elder from the Mahayana realm to investigate the black mist!"



Walking on the street, Chen Ning heard pessimism, optimism, fear, and relief in his ears, all the vicissitudes of life were revealed.

"A master in the Mahayana realm?..."

He frowned, wondering if he could deal with the demon in the black mist.

It's hard to say, at least he has never heard that monks in the Mahayana realm can wrap the land of the two states.

But the black mist can!
Chen Ning thought of the scene he saw outside the four domains, the endless black fog enveloped the four domains, as if to uproot them.

"And the owner of that white jade hand... what realm is it?"


The white and jade hand that saved him in the void space was so strong that he couldn't see what it was like.

It’s okay if it’s in the Mahayana realm, but if it’s not…

(End of this chapter)

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