Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 256 The death of Mahayana shocked the world

Chapter 256 The death of Mahayana shocked the world

If not, then the Mahayana monk who went to investigate the black mist might not be able to come back.

Chen Ning is waiting, and all living beings in the world are also waiting.

In fact, at this moment, the black mist is no longer a matter of Guangsheng and Cangming states, and the remaining sixteen states are also focusing on this.

"As soon as the Mahayana comes out, who will fight for the front!" Someone shouted such a slogan.

"The creatures in the black mist are slaughtered without resistance." There are also people who are extremely confident.

However, Chen Ning felt uneasy in his heart, and this uneasiness became more and more serious, as if some catastrophe was about to happen.

Mahayana is to die for!

This is his inexplicable feeling. He doesn't know the origin and he doesn't know where to follow, but he seems to know that this feeling is real!
The Mahayana monk sent by the Daming Mansion is an elder, ranked third, and people in the mansion call him the Three Elders. His cultivation level reaches the heavens and the earth, and there is no one weak in the Mahayana realm. The next step is to ascend and go to other great realms.

The third elder headed to the battlefield with overwhelming power, where the black mist raged most severely, and he guessed that the creatures in the black mist might still be there.

He is going to kill the creatures hidden in the black mist!
On this day, the eyes of all beings are gathered!
The origin of the black mist is unknown, which represents unknown and terror. Of course, among these top powers with a long history, there may be some records, and it is possible to know something about the origin of the black mist.

And Chen Ning also guessed this, so he was very contradictory. On the one hand, he felt that the so-called third elder would die, and on the other hand, he felt that he should not be so stupid. If there is a record, he must know the strength of the creatures in the black mist It is absolutely impossible to die, it should be self-confidence.

And he did guess well, not to mention other top forces, even the Daming Mansion has some records.


on Phoenix Mountain.

The land of the phoenix head.

A man in a blue gown stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were far away, and he seemed to be able to cross thousands of rivers and mountains, and see the land where the black mist was raging. His breath was peaceful, like a green pine, lonely and tall.


In a word, the wind and clouds are surging on Phoenix Mountain, the sky is clear, and strands of purple lightning appear in the sea of ​​clouds, making people horrified.

At the same time, the Master of the Azure Dragon Palace did the same, and looked at the place where the black mist was churning. In the dark pupils, the dragon shadow rolled and roared, and the breath cracked the sky!


The three elders have arrived!
The black mist covered the sky and covered the sky, completely covering this space, not to mention that you can't see your fingers, it's almost like the night is falling, no, it's darker than the night, it's so dark that it makes people palpitate!
"Where is the evildoer, you can catch him without letting go!"

The third elder looks like his beard and hair are white, but he is full of energy. He has only broken through the Mahayana realm for a hundred years, and he has enough life energy. It can be said that he is considered a strong man in this realm.

No one answered, but the black mist billowed like wolf smoke, which made people frightened.

"Humph! Courting death!"

The Third Elder didn't say anything, and directly started. He has the confidence to be able to rival the creatures in the black mist. Even though the palace master had warned him to be careful when he came, but as a Mahayana, he also has the pride of the Mahayana, and he has already stood up. At the top of this world, why be afraid of others? !

He only heard a loud roar, and when he waved his sleeves, the crimson light split the sky, and the flames soared into the sky. This is Dao fire, enough to burn the heavens!
Dao fire washed away, and the black mist made a sizzling sound, and it could be seen that the black mist was being dissipated.

It's just that there is too much black fog, and it is difficult to get rid of it all at once.

Apparently, the third elder also noticed, his eyes flashed, he snorted again, and then plunged into the black mist!


The moment he entered, black mist billowed.The rumbling sound shook the heavens and the earth—they were fighting!

"Who are you?!"

After a while, the voice of the third elder came out with a frightened voice, which resounded throughout the world.


Then roared again and again, all kinds of lights flickered in it, but they were quickly covered by the black mist, unable to burst out their own brilliance.


There was a loud noise, followed by a scream!
The black mist billowed and continued to spread.

At this moment, the cry of heaven descends!

In the eighteen prefectures, blood rained from the sky in the 36 prefectures. This is a special scene that only occurs when Mahayana and Ascension monks die!

In fact, the vision of the death of a monk in the Ascension Realm is even more terrifying, far more than crying from the sky.


"The Mahayana monk is dead!!"

"Dead! Dead!"


The eighteen prefectures were horrified, and all living beings in the world were terrified, especially in Guangsheng prefecture. Many monks were trembling. They were still confident before, confident that they could kill the creatures in the black mist, but the reality gave them a slap in the face, Mahayana died!
The Daming Palace Master's eyes were condensed, like a real ray of light shining on the heavens and the earth, passing through thousands of rivers and mountains, and came to the place where the black mist billowed.


A roar, earth-shattering, erupted from the black mist, and then, a big black hand protruded from it, directly scratching the eyes!
"Ascension? ... Or above ascension?" Palace Master Daming was extremely dignified, even if it was him, he was still half a step away from the realm of ascension!

Although it is only half a step, it is like a moat in the sky. After this half step, it will be a different world!

"It's also possible that it's not Ascension... Maybe it's because of the blessing of fighter jets in the black mist?"

He is deducing, but that kind of creature has already surpassed all things in the world, and it is extremely laborious to deduce.

a long time.

He sighed and said, "It's troublesome autumn!"


Chen Ning also saw the scene of heaven crying, everything was within his expectations, the only thing he didn't expect was that the Mahayana expert died so quickly.

In his opinion, it was not even half an hour before and after!

"Is it really that strong? Demon..." He frowned and pondered: "Who is the owner of that jade hand? With just one hand, she can crush a demon. What state is she?"

Facts have proved that the monks in the Mahayana realm are not enough to kill the demons in the black mist.

"In this way, isn't the four domains in danger?"

"No, I have to find a time to take Su Yingxuan and the others over. The Four Regions are not safe anymore. It won't be long before the black mist will wrap the Four Regions again!"

This is his guess, but he knows that it must be so, after all, there are still two living demons sealed in the sealing ground!

What's more, there are other sealed places in the four domains!


this day.

The whole world wept bitterly, monks in the Mahayana realm died, and the sky rained blood, making all living beings feel sad.

But after the desolation, there is fear—the black mist has not disappeared, and it is still spreading!
The monks who were close to the battlefields of the two states fled with their families, for fear of being contaminated by the black mist and becoming mummified corpses.

Chen Ning sighed, he didn't know the devil's footsteps at all, according to his cognition, even in the world of Shrouding the Sky, the World of the Tomb of God, the Perfect World, and many other worlds, not many demons were born.

"In this way, presumably this demon was born in this world itself?"

"A peculiar race?"

"A race full of tyranny?"

No, maybe it could be from outside...

He thought of another world with the same experience.

"Ancestral Talisman..."

(End of this chapter)

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