Chapter 260
Chen Ning didn't say a word, but his actions became more and more violent. He found that beheading this thing can also increase experience points, and the addition is more than killing people!
According to such an addition, I am afraid that it will not be long before he can set foot on the Golden Core.


With a loud roar, he pointed at the same time, and the Zhuxian sword art burst out, the sword light was crisscrossed, and the murderous aura was surging, not weaker than the devil's aura.


One of the crocodile-like monsters roared and rushed towards Chen Ning, but was cut in half by his sword.

Zhu Shijie was dumbfounded by the sidelines. He was fighting hard before, but he couldn't even deal with a monster. This thing couldn't kill him at all. Damn it, even if he couldn't win, he dived into the billowing black mist behind him, When it came out after a while, it was alive again, as if it had endless vitality.

In the end, he had no choice but to swallow all the residents of the small village into his belly, and only by this did he escape.

Seeing Chen Ning killing monsters like chickens now, his eyes almost popped out.

Chen Ning didn't know what was going on in Zhu Shijie's mind. At this moment, he used Yuxu Finger again, and saw a finger like a pillar of heaven topple over, with a bang, it overwhelmed a group of monsters, but there was no death.

He took the opportunity to deceive himself and wanted to fight with his physical strength - he wanted to test whether this monster was really indestructible, he had confidence in his physical body.


Raising his fist, he punched it out, the fist was covered with black and white light, and there was also the power of thunder calamity, under the beating of the electric arc, the aura was terrifying.


A punch directly pierced the chest of a monster that looked like an ape, and the jet-black demonic blood sprayed out, making a sizzling sound. However, Chen Ning's physique was as indestructible as jade, and it was useless to pour the demonic blood.


He roared again, his arms vibrated, and the ape monster was directly torn apart!

"It's really strong. This physique is only a little worse than mine that has experienced thunder training!"

Chen Ning sighed, these guys are too strong, if they don't need to exchange magic energy, they have no weakness at all, just like natural fighting machines.

"Boy, are you so bloodthirsty? Why are you so strong?" Zhu Shijie yelled in the distance, he didn't dare to approach, he was scared of being killed by these monsters before, his physical body was equally strong, stronger than Chen Ning Be stronger, these monsters hit him, although not fatal, but the pain was severe.

"Get out! Don't fucking disturb me, haha, I didn't expect, I didn't expect, these guys are still good things!"

Chen Ning's eyes flickered, and he realized that his experience value was jumping upwards, almost reaching the level needed to break through the golden core!

This is only three heads, if...

He looked at more than a hundred monsters here, excited, if they killed all of them, he might be able to reach the late Golden Core stage in one step!
Chen Ning took a deep breath and said, "To tell the truth, the secret technique has never been used since I practiced it. Today is just right, let's start with you!"


He is full of breath, this method is too domineering, the words are followed by the law, and the words are followed by the law. This is the power of the heavens. To control it with a human body is to act against the sky.

The reincarnation of gods and demons was activated to the extreme, and the magic of ice muscles and jade bones was also running. At this moment, Chen Ning felt unprecedentedly powerful, and he could fight in the late stage of Jindan!


In a word, the law followed, and strange fluctuations appeared from the void, and then enveloped the hundred monsters. In an instant, the void trembled and exploded, as if it could not bear this energy.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

A terrible scene happened, the monster exploded, one head after another, the black blood was sprayed everywhere, and it fell to the ground like a deep pit!
However, Chen Ning was not feeling well either. He was also trembling, his face was pale, his whole body was dripping with sweat, and his chest was heaving violently, as if he had reached the end of his strength.

"Grass, this method is too overbearing, it almost drained my spiritual power!"

No, at this moment, his dantian is empty, and even the traces of spiritual power in his flesh and blood have been pulled out, and his previously plump and crystal clear body has lost its luster and become a little dry.

And about half of the hundred monsters died!
Too strong, the vitality of these guys is too strong, under the cover of the rules, the damage is shared equally, and Chen Ning's cultivation base is not enough, it is difficult to display the true power of the words, if you let the flying monks come, I am afraid that a word, Even the ascension monks will die!
But the benefits are not without. In his mind, the system's prompt sounded:
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the early stage of Jindan!"

"Ding! In view of the fact that the host broke through the Great Realm, the system rewards a bottle of Yangdan Spiritual Liquid!"

Chen Ning was overjoyed, and he looked inside his dantian, and sure enough, a gleaming golden pill was floating in the center of his dantian.

The system was cohesive, and it didn't let him go through the process that ordinary monks had to escape from death.

However, he suddenly remembered one thing.

"Fuck, system, I'm going to cross the catastrophe again?!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the answer is correct!"

"...Damn it, why does I think you are happy?" Chen Ning looked up at the sky, then at the remaining fifty monsters not far away, and hurriedly said: "System, take away my breath, this catastrophe Can't cross now!"

Crossing the catastrophe is certain, he still wants to gain some benefits from the catastrophe, but it must not be now, besides, the place is full of devilish energy and raging monsters, it is too dangerous, if he tries to cross the catastrophe forcefully, he may be interrupted, and directly He was backlashed by the thunder, and died.

"Ding! Succeeded in suppressing interest, deceiving the way of heaven, and spent a total of 100000 points!"

"Are you fucking robbing!" Chen Ning wailed, but he didn't say much, he was used to it, and it would be strange if someday he didn't cheat points in this dog competition system.

After successfully breaking through to the Golden Core realm, all the previous side effects disappeared, and Chen Ning became alive again, and even his dried-up body glowed with luster and brilliance again.


He yelled again, he dared not use the words as he wished, this thing was too domineering, he put himself into it if he didn't pay attention.

Douzi secret display, evolution of many wonderful techniques, the power of attack, powerful and unparalleled.

When he hits it, he is a monster. He is now in the golden core state, and he feels stronger than ever before. He is full of lethality when he moves in the air.


And when Chen Ning killed the Quartet, outside this world, in the endless nothingness, a giant who reached the sky appeared, his body was full of devilish energy, and his eyes were like the sun!
"Words follow the law?!" The booming sound resounded, shaking the stars in the sky: "This law is the law of the emperor, how can it be tolerated in the world? Die!"

The black shadow stretched out its big hand like a vast mountain peak, trying to destroy Chen Ning.

And Chen Ning also felt a fatal threat at this moment, every cell in his body was trembling, every inch of flesh and blood was trembling!
"Who?! Die? Damn, I'm going to die?"

He was frightened and angry, and suddenly, as if he felt something, he suddenly raised his head, only to see that there seemed to be a cloud in the shape of a big handprint in the sky, and it was about to press down.


He roared, and the crisis of death rushed straight to his forehead. At this moment, he really felt that death was so close.



In the endless nothingness, at the moment when the big hand was about to fall into the world, a white and jade hand came out from an unknown place. The same hand, the same overbearing, slapped out, knocking the huge figure down. fly out!

(End of this chapter)

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