Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 261 The Birth of Tianjiao, Revolutionize the World!

Chapter 261 The Birth of Tianjiao, Revolutionize the World!
The jade hand was extremely domineering, with a wave, the stars exploded and turned into dust, the huge black figure was blown away, knocking down countless stars along the way!

"Roar!" The pitch-black figure roared angrily, shaking the sun and the moon, causing the endless nothingness to vibrate, extremely terrifying.

But the jade hand didn't care about it, just reached forward and grabbed it suddenly, as if all the heavens and worlds were included in one hand.

"Human Emperor?! No, Human Emperor died long ago in the last ancient era. Who are you?!"

"The heavens and worlds are no higher than the false emperor, why are you still alive!"

Holding the two big stars in both hands, Hei Ying slowly straightened his body, his sun-like eyes stared at the jade hand, he couldn't believe that there were such characters in the world today, who could knock him down with just one hand. fly out.

The owner of the jade hand didn't speak, but just waved his hand, as if telling this terrifying demon to go away.

"Too much deceit! So what if I am the Supreme Immortal Emperor? Although I haven't reached that level, I'm only half a step away. I'm afraid you won't make it!"

"Kill! Today, the Emperor's Taoism must dissipate!"

The black shadow roared, shook the galaxy with a sound, and then also slapped out a big hand, covering the sky and the sun, covering the sun's rays. In the nothingness, it was already dark, but at this moment it became more and more dim, and you can't see your fingers!

The demonic energy was tumbling, earth-shattering, and the black shadow rushed towards Yushou with unparalleled aura. He wanted to penetrate the space and fight directly with the owner of Yushou.

But obviously he was thinking too much, and it was difficult to match until he reached that level, and he couldn't realize the extraordinaryness of that level.

Raising the jade hand, the ray of light bloomed, and it was just lightly patted out. Immediately, hundreds of millions of stars trembled, and the brilliance flickered, as if they were about to be shattered.

Slapped on Heiying's body, and with a bang, he was sent flying again, but it was difficult to cause any substantial damage, after all, it was just one hand, and it was already a shocking feat to be able to knock back a Half Emperor.


The black shadow roared, he was not reconciled, it was just a hand, not the body, he didn't believe it, he couldn't beat it.

"The devil is in the world!"

With a loud roar, the demonic energy surged to the sky, and in this nothingness, it seemed like a rushing tide, rolling in.Where the black mist passed, the stars burst and their brilliance disappeared.

Jade Hand seemed to feel the threat, paused for a moment, and then burst into immeasurable light, indistinctly, in the light, there was a woman's figure manifested, her face could not be seen clearly, but she had a magnificent posture, her whole body was crystal clear, radiant and brilliant, There was no extra movement, just raised his hand and struck horizontally, rays of light bloomed, and the breath was overwhelming!
"It's you?!"

The phantom seemed to know the woman, and he was terrified, even his sun-like eyes were full of horror.

"You didn't leave?! Didn't you follow that supreme existence?"

The woman was still silent, but her movements became more and more elegant, but there was a huge killing power in the elegant, and in an instant, the phantom roared in pain, he was injured, his chest burst, and he could not recover, there was a kind of Tao that was pervading, blocking him One's own Tao does not allow the broken body to recover.


The phantom was angry and unwilling, but there was nothing he could do about it. It was only half a step away, but it seemed like a natural moat, difficult to overcome.

"You can't protect him for the rest of your life, the Human Sovereign's Taoism must dissipate, otherwise, all the heavens will attack him!"

The phantom retreated, and he didn't dare to fight anymore, because he felt an extreme murderous intent, and the magnificent woman became murderous, if she stayed, she might not be able to leave!

The war outside the sky stagnated, and the phantom disappeared at the same time as the woman.


Chen Ning was puzzled, he looked up at the sky, and the feeling of impending death disappeared again.

"What's going on? Who wanted to kill me just now? Feisheng? Damn it, did I get exposed? People from Phoenix Mountain and Qinglongtan came here?"

He was terrified, the big handprint in the sky just now was too terrifying, as if it could destroy a whole world, it made him feel unavoidable, as if he would die no matter where he fled.

This guy doesn't know yet, the words he opened out of the treasure chest almost killed him.

Quickly dealt with the remaining monsters, Chen Ning and Zhu Shijie fled directly, staying away from this area, it was too dangerous, if they were not careful, their lives would be gone.


at the same time.

The 36 governments of the eighteen states in the world finally organized a decent counterattack, and it was no longer those stragglers who lost their lives for nothing.

The proud are born!
Take this as a road of experience, compete with monsters, sharpen yourself, and at the same time eliminate harm for the people.

Guangzhou Shengzhou.

The daughter of the master of the famous palace, used the technique of the nine phoenixes to suppress and kill 49 monsters outside the magic energy, shaking the world!
The holy son of the Lie Yangzong killed 36 monsters with endless flames, and killed a monster that was half-stepped out of his body with a seriously injured body. Everyone praises it!

In Xingqing Prefecture, a holy son died in battle!It's just that he used his dying body to forcefully drag and kill a demon who is out of his body.

According to legend, that sect went crazy, the holy son died, and its disciples fell into frenzy, fighting with monsters for half a month, and dispersed the demonic energy in that place alive, and no more monsters appeared.

Chen Ning felt uncomfortable when he heard such rumors, but he also admired him very much. This is a real monk, big and heroic!
"In the past half a month, the targeted murderous intent before has not appeared. Could it be that he gave up? Or did I guess wrong? It's not the Ascension Cultivator from Phoenix Mountain or Qinglongtan."

He had been hiding from XZ for half a month. He thought that the pursuit would be endless, but he didn't expect that there would be no follow-up except for that one time.

He also dealt with many monsters along the way, but now he has a tendency to kill them all. There are too many, and in the 36 mansions of the eighteen prefectures, there are more and more places where the devil energy infiltrates. There will be new places.

"Tianjiao was born, is this to start the road to hegemony?" Chen Ning touched his chin, he was sitting on a big bluestone, surrounded by corpses, and the dark blood flowed hard to dissipate.

He is now in the late stage of Jindan, and he is just one step away from entering the Nascent Soul. The thunder tribulation he crossed seven days ago almost killed him, but this guy is not a good person. The power of thunder split it apart abruptly!
The strength of Chen Ning's catastrophe can be imagined. Although this time is not a catastrophe of destruction in all directions, it is also a catastrophe of chaos. Under ninety-nine and eighty-one thunders, let alone monsters, even he himself is almost It's over, the fault is that he has already purchased enough supplies from the system for crossing the catastrophe, this time he is really a little nervous.

"Golden Core late stage, hehe, I feel stronger than ever before, and I can fight Nascent Soul!"

He squeezed his hands, his eyes were bright, Zhu Shijie took advantage of the gap between him slaughtering the monsters to release the villagers who had swallowed him, and was leading them to a relatively safe place at the moment.

He had been fighting all the time before, so he had no time at all. Now that he has free time, he just let him do it. Otherwise, he would keep running around with hundreds of mortals, and accidents would easily happen.

(End of this chapter)

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