Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 277 Courting Death!

Chapter 277 Courting Death!

Beside the Holy Lotus Pond.

A series of chalcedony-like thunderbolts are falling. This is a small-scale thunderbolt. It doesn't look like a catastrophe, but like some kind of good luck.

But only Chen Ning knew what it was.

At this moment, his skin is as crystal clear as jade, which is the manifestation of the great achievement of the icy muscles and jade bones. If it is said, no one will believe it. A man has actually practiced the kung fu practiced by a woman to the point of great success!

At the beginning, the false emperor of Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion created this exercise because the woman's body was inherently weak. She wanted to gradually strengthen it through acquired practice, and finally use her thorough cultivation to refine the ice muscle and jade bone magic. This is the supreme female cultivation. method.

I'm afraid she herself didn't know that, countless years after she created the exercise, there was a man who practiced it to great success!

Chen Ning's breathing is as white as jade now, his skin trembles slightly, and all the impurities are removed, and his whole body looks more and more white.

He hasn't swallowed lotus seeds yet, because he feels that he can still temper it a little bit, and swallow lotus seeds after reaching the final unbeatable situation. At that time, he will break through the barrier of the physical body in one fell swoop.


at the same time.

Those big monsters who came back from Wanjiefang City also had dinner outside the territory of the Fox Clan.

"What's going on? There's clearly been a big battle here, why hasn't the Fox Clan been wiped out?"

"Is it possible that a generation of Fox King is really resurrected? Impossible, that guy has been dead for many years, how is it possible!"

"Could it be his backhand?"

"It's possible. A generation of fox emperors can be compared with those emperors in our race. There must be something powerful in it!"


After discussing with the big demons, they stepped into the fox clan's territory cautiously.

And the moment they stepped into the territory, Su Daji sensed it, not only her, but also Ximen Chuuxue and Chang'e.

Cultivators at this level, unless they deliberately hide themselves, as long as they are at the same level, they can easily find out.

"Looking for death! How dare you come here!"

Su Daji stood up abruptly, her face was already as frosty.

She was really angry this time, and originally wanted to settle accounts slowly in the future, but these guys didn't seem to take it seriously at all, and instead got worse.

"Since you're here, stay here!"

she said coldly.

And the three fox demons in the main hall also know that there are nine out of ten enemies coming, and they are not surprised. Over the years, the fox clan has no dignity at all, and the territory is a joke. It is said that it is the back garden of those guys, they can come and leave whenever they want.


The three fox demons looked at each other, but luckily a fox emperor appeared!
Although I don't know where Xiao Yu'er found a fox emperor, but these are not important, what is important is that she is a fox clan!


Su Daji didn't wait for those people to go deeper. Firstly, she really couldn't bear it anymore. Secondly, because Chen Ning was practicing in the Holy Lotus Pond, she didn't want the aftermath of the next battle to affect him.

Taking one step forward, the stars moved, and Su Daji appeared directly in front of those big monsters.

The sudden appearance of a person frightened the big monsters, especially the ascension monk, which made them even more afraid-if the woman in front of them sneaked up on them just now, at least one of them would die!
This is not an exaggeration, they are all soaring, one has the heart, the other is not aware of it, and the chances of success are very high under mental calculations or unintentional calculations!
Several big monsters looked at each other, and one of them, who looked like a bird, said, "You are the accident of the fox clan?"

"Ascension Realm, I never imagined that the Fox Clan hides so deeply that there are even Ascension cultivators!"

"Are you going to stop us?"

Su Daji's eyes were cold, and he said, "It's not to stop you, but to kill you!"

"I will leave you all today!"

After hearing Su Daji's words, the big monsters were taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha... Just relying on you? Everyone is ascending, how can you be sure that you can kill us?"

"Ridiculous! One person fighting five of us? Who gave you the courage to say such a thing?"

"It seems that the fox clan is indeed going to be exterminated, what a brazen thing!"


Several people ridiculed, but Su Daji's expression became colder and colder.

Behind her, two figures also appeared like water waves.

It was Ximen Chuuxue and Chang'e.

"Three people?!"

"Three ascended?!"

In an instant, the expressions of the five great monsters froze. They really did not expect that three ascended members of the declining fox clan would appear at the same time!

"The two of you are not monsters... No, you are human!"

"How courageous! How dare the human race sneak into my demon world!"

The five great demons seemed unbelievable that the human race dared to enter the demon world. Such a crazy thing had not happened for many years, but they did not expect that now that the human world was riddled with holes, something that had never happened before happened.

Su Daji sneered: "So what about the human race, if you stay, who knows!?"


No more nonsense, the appearance of Ximen Chuuxue and Chang'e also greatly increased her confidence, and she did not hesitate to do it directly.

Anyway, life and death have to be divided, it is useless to talk too much, the truth is the way to see the truth!

She chose the big monster like a roc bird, who was the one who mocked the most and had the most arrogant attitude. He didn't pay attention to the fox clan at all in his words.

When he said this, it was like rebelling against Su Daji's will, so he found him immediately.

The remaining four great monsters didn't seem to have expected that Su Daji would do it as soon as he said so, they roared and joined the battlefield, intending to besiege Su Daji to death.

But before they could make a move, an extremely sharp sword light separated them, Ximen Chuuxue drew his sword, and with a single stroke, he directly pulled away the two ascending monsters!
Before the remaining two could react, they felt a biting cold, and then the void exploded, and they were shattered by the cold!
Chang'e also took away two.

At this point, the five big monsters were separated by three people.

Even so, Ximen Chuuxue and Chang'e worked very hard. It is true that they are strong, but the other party is not weak either. They are also ascending, how weak can they be?

You know, both of them are not in peak condition, otherwise one hand can kill two ascending monsters!
Now I can only try my best to entangle them, let Su Daji make a quick decision, and help them in turn.


Su Daji obviously thought of this too, so he mercilessly moved his hands, and the nine tails were directly wrapped around it, covering the sky and the sun, which made people shocked.

"Nine-tailed Sky Fox?!"

The bird-shaped monster exclaimed, his eyes shone with incredible light.

Nine-tailed fox demon!

Even a generation of fox emperors only had seven tails, but now there is a nine-tailed sky fox!

He was terrified!

The will to fight is directly lost!

(End of this chapter)

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