Chapter 278 Beheading
There was a lot of fighting outside, beside the holy lotus pond, Chen Ning didn't know at all, but even if he knew, he had enough confidence in the three of them, after all, they were all god-like characters, and the only one, Ximen Chuuxue, was given a different status by the system. Life is not easy.

He is ready to devour lotus seeds!

It was not picked by him, but the holy lotus had matured before the Fox clan left it, and there were lotus seeds left over, which happened to be cheap for him this time.

The holy lotus seed is crystal clear, the size of a longan, exuding the brilliance of white jade, wisps of pure spiritual power entwined around it, and even a cloud-like spiritual energy belt can be seen!

The lotus seed is the essence. Since the holy lotus was picked by a generation of fox emperors, it has only matured twice, and it took endless years to mature twice. One can imagine how majestic and pure the energy contained in this lotus seed is!
Chen Ning looked at the lotus seeds in his hands, smiled slightly, and swallowed them in one gulp.

In an instant, endless energy erupted and washed away in his body. At this moment, he turned into a container, and the lotus seed was like an exploding star. The endless energy was tumbling, washing his body!
And the small-scale snow-white thunder and lightning in the sky smashed down crazily like no money. Under the combination of inside and outside, Chen Ning's physical body is rapidly strengthening!

And just when Chen Ning broke through the physical barrier, the battle outside also reached a fever pitch.

That bird-shaped big monster is already dying, being pressed and beaten by Su Daji, his whole body is dripping with blood, especially in the area between the forehead and eyebrows, a small black hole burst open!
This is the injury of the soul secret technique!
The three fox demons below sighed. Seeing Su Daji's battle process, they finally realized that for so many years, the insistence of the fox clan has always been wrong. I chose the physical way that I am not good at.

No wonder the fox clan will decline, this is an inevitable result, from the moment they made a wrong choice, today's "fruit" is doomed.


The big monster couldn't take it anymore, it roared and turned into its own body, it turned out to be a roc bird!
Look at the dots of golden light on the wings, it is the clansman of the Dapeng who was in the Body Fit Realm before.

"Hmph! Is it useful to turn into the body? Today is your copper skin and iron bone, and my mother will kill you!" Su Daji was furious, and fortunately Chen Ning was not here, otherwise she would be dumbfounded. This is still the enchanting and charming woman?Why do you look like a Shura Yaksha?

On the other battlefield, Ximen Chuuxue and Chang'e also had the upper hand. Although they couldn't kill the four great monsters, they had no time to care about others. They could only watch the big roc being crushed and beaten by Su Daji.

As expected, the roc in its original form could hold on a lot and couldn't beat Su Daji, but he was able to run and win. From the golden light on his wings, it could be seen that this roc was definitely a close relative of the golden-winged roc. With a flutter of wings, he played a tug-of-war with Su Daji for hundreds of miles under the sky.

There is no way, there is really no way to win!

If I don't give up a little more, I am afraid that I will really explain it here.

In fact, he wanted to run away directly, but he found that he was always locked by Su Daji, and he couldn't make long-distance jumps at all. As a result, he had to take the next best thing and run wildly under this sky.

As for losing face, if you lose it, you lose it, which is better than losing your life.


Chen Ning is still absorbing the power of lotus seeds, 8 is too vast, even if he absorbs it crazily, his dantian feels a little full, but the energy in his body is still raging, like a rushing river, which is difficult to calm down.

"Damn, I overestimated myself a little bit, idiot, wouldn't I blow myself up like this?"

He was a little worried, and now he was using these energies to cleanse the flesh and blood, even the spinal fluid in the spine was washed away, replacing it with new bone marrow.

At this moment, his physical body was unprecedentedly strong, as if he could smash a mountain with one punch!
Moreover, the violent energy in his body gave him a feeling that he had to vent, and this feeling intensified his illusion of invincibility.


I don't know how long it took, but Chen Ning couldn't hold on any longer, but he felt that the energy in his body was still raging, and his flesh and blood had reached saturation, and he couldn't absorb it at all.

Just when he was about to give up these energies, suddenly, a powerful suction burst out from his sea of ​​consciousness!

Endless energy was drawn into the sea of ​​consciousness along the newly condensed flesh and blood.

And in this process, he found that he could not control it!

Not under his control at all!

"Damn it?! No way? If you can't explode your body, you can't even explode your sea of ​​consciousness! Why the hell is it better to explode your body!"

He wailed unceasingly, feeling more and more reckless. He knew that he would not eat lotus seeds until he entered the Nascent Soul Realm.

But there is no regret medicine to sell in the world, and now I can only...

"System! Damn, I'm going to die, why don't you hurry up and help me out!"

"Ding! After testing by this system, the host has not yet encountered a crisis, and the system's automatic defense function has not been activated!"

"Grass mud horse, look, isn't this a life-and-death crisis? My sea of ​​consciousness is about to be stretched... burst..."

As Chen Ning was talking, his eyes suddenly widened, and he saw that his spirit was absorbing the vast energy!
Not only the soul villain, but also the two dragon shadows wrapped around the villain's arms are also absorbing it!

Gradually, the villain became brighter, and the phantoms of the two real dragons became more solid!
"Fuck? Can you still play like this?" He was in doubt, but after the doubt, he was afraid. Just now he really thought that his sea of ​​consciousness was going to be broken. After all, the energy was too majestic, even Jiang He would not However, and he is just a small container beside the river, it is difficult to carry too much.

It's just that he didn't expect his soul to be so powerful, able to swallow such a vast amount of energy.

With no worries, he let the villain swallow it to his heart's content. As for why the villain can swallow it so well, he doesn't know and can't figure it out.

And he has always been an ostrich to deal with things that he can't understand.



With a cry, the roc was torn in half by Su Daji!

Blood was flowing. At this moment, Su Daji was like a peerless witch, bathed in demon blood, becoming more and more terrifying.

Dapeng bird died completely, and his death made the other four big monsters terrified, and they no longer had the desire to fight.

Now that Su Daji is free, it is easy to kill any one of them!
"Everyone! Come up with the ability to press the bottom of the box, otherwise today will be our death day!"

One of the big monsters roared mournfully, and turned into its own body while roaring.

It turned out to be a giant tiger, a colorful giant tiger!

"Heh, so what if all four of you turned into bodies? You're all going to die today!" Su Daji, bathed in demon blood, was extremely ruthless, and flew directly to meet the colorful giant tiger!

(End of this chapter)

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