Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 281 Heading to Fang City

Chapter 281 Heading to Fang City
Shenglian got her wish.

The [-]% certainty that I thought before was still low. After seeing Chen Ning's "sugar-coated cannonball", the three big monsters of the fox clan directly handed over Shenglian without the slightest reluctance.

There is no way, no matter how they look at it, they have made money. This kind of "business" that makes money without losing money has to be done!

On the surface, Chen Ning "suffered a loss", but this kind of thing is that the beholder sees benevolence, and the wise see wisdom, so there is nothing to say.

At this moment, Zhu Shijie was looking at Chen Ning with a resentful expression on his face. His expression almost disgusted Chen Ning to death. A pig with a resentful expression was creepy no matter how you looked at it.

"Boy, now that the holy lotus is also in hand, there is no need to say, first come ten or eight holy lotus seeds, and let this pig god make a tooth sacrifice!"

Zhu Shijie opened his mouth loudly, and Chen Ning immediately stepped forward after hearing it.

Damn it, this dead pig is crazy, and there are ten or eight of them, you think the holy lotus seeds are Chinese cabbage on the side of the road!
"No, not a single one!" Chen Ning's face darkened, this dead pig is too greedy, even more greedy than the Black Emperor, the key is that he has no integrity.

Pig Ten Precepts immediately became unwilling, "Fart, kid, this pig god can see clearly that Shenglian has children, and there are many more!"

He jumped up and down, scolding Chen Ning for being heartless, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

Chen Ning was quite speechless. Mahler Gobi, I got the holy lotus by my own ability, and it doesn't matter to you. Which bridge did I tear down?

In the end, under the tireless harassment of Zhu Shijie, Chen Ning had no choice but to give the dead pig a holy lotus seed.

Since then, he has a clearer understanding of the lower limit of the Ten Precepts of Pigs. Damn, in the past few days, the Ten Precepts of Pigs have been like a dog's skin plaster, and he can't even shake them off.

"Master is going to Wanjiefang City?" Su Daji was a little surprised.

"That's right, I want to go and see, the heavens and the worlds, hehe, I get excited just thinking about it!" Chen Ning's face was full of excitement. To be honest, he really hasn't seen many races. The concept of "Myriad Realms" is only a cognitive level, and I have never really seen it.

Su Daji frowned, and said: "Wanjiefang City is a bit chaotic. To some extent, it is a black market. No one is in charge. It's all about self-consciousness. It's too dangerous for the master to go."

"It's okay, you guys will follow. Besides, this time we will all go as the Fox Clan, and it just happens to let people from all over the world see and see how powerful the Fox Clan is!"

Chen Ning knew that Su Daji meant to stay here, but he didn't want Su Daji to stay here. On the one hand, it was because of the coerciveness of the system, which would definitely send her back to the original world. On the other hand, it was because if Su Daji stayed It's a bit troublesome to get off, after all, she is not from this world.

Leaving so many things before is also based on this idea, making the fox clan stronger than anything else.

Going to Wanjiefang City now, it happens to make a bright future with the reputation of the fox clan!
As for whether they will fight...

Chen Ning felt that there would definitely be a fight. Where he was, it was comparable to "Conan the God of Death"!

A group of people went to Wanjiefang City.

At the same time, discussions about the Fox Clan in Wanjiefang City became more and more widespread.

There are even some hot-tempered guys clamoring to exterminate the Fox Clan!

Their desire for the holy lotus seeds is too strong. Ever since a generation of fox emperors picked the holy lotus from the dead, the reputation of the holy lotus has spread since then. For those races that are good at physique, the holy lotus is their treasure!
"Isn't the fox family in decline? Can you kill five ascending monsters?"

"Could it be the backhand left by a generation of fox emperors? But it shouldn't be. It's not that the fox clan has never encountered a crisis of genocide in the past. Even if there are some backhands, they should have been used up long ago!"

"Damn it, why do you want to think so much? From my point of view, go directly to the demon world, destroy the fox clan with lightning speed, and take away the holy lotus!"

"That's right. If the old fox clansmen were still alive, it would be fine for Shenglian to stay in the fox clan, but what right does the fox clan have to keep Shenglian now!"

"The demon world is not so easy to enter. Don't look at the monster clans in the demon world who don't have a good look at the fox clan, but as long as we dare to go in, I'm afraid they will be unanimous. In this regard, the demon world is quite similar to the human world. .”

"Hey, my physical body is only half a step away from getting out of the body. This time I followed the elders of the clan to ask for a holy lotus seed, but I didn't expect this situation."


Wanjiefang City was completely plunged into riots, which had never happened since the establishment of Fangshi.

However, it is also understandable that this is caused by a combination of various reasons.

One reason is that these guys came here from their respective worlds, it is too far away, and the cost of coming here is not small, and the second reason is that because the historic site is about to be opened, many people want to go further before the historic site is opened. After that, I have a better grasp.

But now it has become a dream bubble, how can we not make them angry?
If this matter was put on Chen Ning, it is estimated that this guy would have turned the table a long time ago.

At this moment, in the endless void, Chen Ning looked at the radiant ball of light not far away and exclaimed. He really did not expect that Wanjiefang City would be in such a scene.

"Good guy, the place that connects the heavens and worlds is different, it's so gorgeous!"

"You haven't gone in to see it. If you did, I'm afraid you wouldn't think so. Who knows, Wanjiefang City is the most chaotic? Killing people and stealing goods is a common thing, and it's not easy to be caught after committing a crime. After all Going to any great world at will is like looking for a needle in a haystack." Su Daji covered her mouth and chuckled.

On the side, Chang'e and Ximen Chuuxue also showed strange expressions. Chen Ning saw it in his eyes and immediately knew it. It is estimated that the system did not falsify the memory about this aspect. In other words, it is also the first time for the two of them to come to Wanjiefang city.

On the contrary, Zhu Shijie jumped up and down, and said excitedly: "Boy, this is our blessed land! It seems that the great cause of robbing the rich and helping the poor can be completed here!"

What the fuck? !
Chen Ning's eyes widened. He really didn't expect that Zhu Shijie would have such an idea. Even if it was him, he planned to be a man with his tail between his legs this time, but why did this usually cowardly group of Zhu Shijie seem to have beaten chickens? It's like blood, can't it be rampant?
"Dead pig, are you not sick? Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor here? Don't want to live anymore?"

"Grass, boy, you are so stupid! With your secret technique of changing the world, people from all heavens and myriad worlds gather here, and you can change your face with a shot, who the hell knows!"

When Chen Ning heard it, his heart was shocked, his eyes flickered with horror, damn it.This dead pig has become smarter!

"Damn it! Why didn't I think of it?!" He slapped his thigh. From this point of view, this place is really their blessed land!

(End of this chapter)

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