Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 282 New Arrival, Doing One Vote?

Chapter 282 Newcomer, do you want to vote?
Chen Ning's heart was like a thunderbolt, and it was true that he was shocked by the idea of ​​Zhu Shijie.

However, he quickly thought about it in his mind, and felt that the feasibility was very high, and the only thing he needed to pay attention to was whether the Dafa of Changing Heaven and Earth could be seen through by others, which was a big hidden danger.

"System, is there a more advanced secret technique of camouflage? It's best to change even the breath!"

Chen Ning doesn't care about the points anymore, he took the "suggestion" of the Pig Ten Commandments to heart, and if he succeeded, he might be able to make a lot of money this time!
"Ding! Hold your breath and prolong your power, you need to spend 1580000 points to buy it!"

When Chen Ning heard this, his brows frowned. He was familiar with the technique of holding breath and cicada prolonging. Damn, isn't this a technique created by Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang?How can it be more powerful than Changing the Heaven and Changing the Earth?Besides, it's not a way of pretending to hold one's breath and prolong one's power, is it?

He expressed his doubts.

"Ding! This method has been systematically transformed, and it has already surpassed the ordinary, comparable to the method of the emperor of heaven!"

Only then did Chen Ning nod his head. The system has been reformed, so there is nothing more to say.

After a while, he took out four jade slips, handed them to Ximen Chuuxue and the others, and said: "This is a secret technique of disguise that is more profound than the Dafa of Changing the World. Be seen through!"

The three of them raised their brows. They really didn't expect Chen Ning to take Zhu Shijie's words seriously. Now it seems that Wanjiefang City is about to cause another storm.

But the three of them are not afraid. Although the Ascension Cultivator is not the strongest in the heavens and the world, those higher-level big shots are all gods and dragons, so there is no need to worry too much.


When they entered Fangshi, they had already changed into their outfits, the four of them and one pig all changed in one way, and the ten rings of pigs turned into a pink and tender pig, which was held in Chen Ning's arms as a pet.

At first, when Chen Ning saw the changing appearance of the Pig Ten Rings, he was almost disgusted. This guy who changed was clearly Peggy's appearance. He made the Pig Ten Rings change again. Paige of the Four Realms...

Hearing this, Chen Ning beat him up again, but this guy was unwilling to change anything, so he simply appeared in front of everyone with this image.

As for Chen Ning and the four of them, they all turned into demons!
Anyway, they want to do some business of robbing the rich and helping the poor. The human race and the fox race can't be dragged into trouble, so only the demon race is the best scapegoat.

And the effect was beyond their expectations, the demons seemed a little scary, so that people passing by saw them far away, and he even heard someone whispering, saying that these lunatics are coming again.

However, Chen Ning was not angry, and even a little bit secretly happy. The worse the reputation of the demons, the more beneficial it would be for him to do next!
This time he changed the appearance of Mo Jiutian, and as for the next "behavior of taking the blame", he did not have the slightest psychological pressure.

"It doesn't look like anything extraordinary, it's similar to those places in the Four Regions, it's just a trading place."

Chen Ning rubbed his chin. He had heard Su Daji say that it was chaotic here, and he thought that he would be able to get a job if he came in. Now he needs to make a long-term plan.

"Damn pig, what the hell did you propose, don't drop the chain at a critical moment this time, or I'll pull out your pigskin!" He threatened through voice transmission, afraid that the Ten Rings of Pigs would fall off the chain, regardless of what he said before. , but if there is a crisis, I am afraid that this dead pig will run faster than anyone else.

"Don't worry, this Pig God won't lose the chain if he says anything this time. Damn, these guys are so rich!"

"Look, that guy with a crooked nose, what the hell, is the longevity jade hanging around his neck!"

"Also, look at the stuff on the top of the head with eyes, grass, what the hell, he's wearing clothes made of ice and fire silk!"

"Oh my god, look at that woman with a huge ass, grandma with such a leg, her head is shining! This is Baoguang! There is a heavy treasure, there is a heavy treasure! Boy, how about we fuck her in the first vote ?!"

Zhu Shijie was so excited in Chen Ning's arms that his whole body was trembling. The dead pig seemed to have been opened up to the "Second Channel of Ren and Du".

"Boy, you're new here, so let them know how miserable life is!"

Chen Ning was speechless, damn, are you crazy?Didn't figure out anything, figured it out, dare to do it?Are you not afraid of death? !

His face darkened, he slapped Zhu Shijie, and said: "You f*ck be quiet, wait until you understand the situation first!"

He is now wondering whether this dead pig has been swapped, why is there such a big gap between the front and the back, and why he was not normal this time when he was obviously cowardly before.

Zhu Shijie was resentful, but Chen Ning could feel that the dead pig was still trembling, and he didn't even take his eyes off the woman with the big ass. It could be seen that he was eyeing her.

However, he was also very curious about what kind of treasure that woman possessed that could manifest a precious light above her head, even the four treasures he used to suppress the devil in the Four Regions did not have this level.

"Damn it, is it still the Immortal Emperor's weapon?"

He shook his head, expelling the idea, just joking, if someone really dared to walk outside with the Immortal Emperor's magic weapon, they would have been killed long ago.

"It is estimated to be some special magic weapon."

He speculated that there might be some special functions that just presented such a scene.

Zhu Shijie was staring at the woman. It was obvious that he did not intend to let her go. Chen Ning also secretly remembered her aura. To be honest, he was also a little curious, what kind of treasure could have such a change.


Looking around and walking, Chen Ning suddenly thought of a question.

"System, can I check in here?"

I checked in at the territory of the Fox Clan before. I don’t know if it was because of the decline of the Fox Clan for so many years or something else. Anyway, I checked in once and got nothing, so I got some experience points.

"Ding! Checked in by the system, you can check in here!"

"Do you want to check in?"

"Check in!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host..."

While walking, Chen Ning listened to the notification sound in his head, but there was no special change on his face. The things he got by checking in this time were quite satisfactory, and there were no treasures of great value.

"Fuck, what the hell is Wanjiefang City, a place where so many treasures are gathered, but such a few things have been produced, what a fool, so fake!"

He complained in his heart, but generally speaking, it was much better than the fox punch card.

Just when he was depressed, a roar suddenly came from his ear.

"Fox family! Humph! This time must be revenge! If they dare to come to Fangshi in the future, I will definitely pull out their skins!"

"The matter of the holy lotus seed seems to be impossible."

"Who said there is no way, just give benefits and let those guys from the Yaozu destroy the Fox Clan!"

Chen Ning sighed, knowing Su Daji's face without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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