Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 303 Ximen Fuxue's True Strength

Chapter 303 Ximen Fuxue's True Strength

The war is about to start.

There is nothing to say. The two sides chased and fled, which is a hostile relationship, and it is useless to talk too much.


Ximen Chuuxue was the first to erupt. The swordsman was already sharp and the heaviest to kill. Now that the enemy is chasing him, how can he not kill?

A flash of sword light moves in all directions!

Ximen Chuixue flew in white clothes, with one hand on his back, and the other pointing to a sword, he rushed to the sky, facing the five emperors of the ten thousand realms who were in the realm of spirits.

"What a strong sword intent!" The Demon Emperor was surprised, raised his brows slightly, and was shocked by Ximen Chuuxue's demeanor.

"This person has gone extremely far in the way of swordsmanship, and he is walking in the pure way of swordsmanship. He has no other distractions, and he is only focused on the sword!" The emperor of the spirit clan also sighed, his eyes sparkling.

"Nowadays, there seems to be no such people in the heavens and worlds. Oh, no, there seems to be a guy in the Buddhist clan, an ascetic monk. Hehe, the Dharma is also exquisite and unparalleled, and it is so powerful." Because the ascetic monk of the Buddhist clan once suppressed and killed the emperor of the undead clan!
This is amazing, the king of the spirit realm is hard to kill, but that ascetic monk forcefully wiped out the king of dead spirits by himself!
The few people were very confident, standing on the sky and commenting on Ximen Chuuxue, not paying attention to him at all.

If it was Chen Ning, I'm afraid I couldn't bear it long ago, and just rushed up to do it, no matter how many people you have, as long as you can do it, it counts as one.

But Ximen Chuuxue didn't show the slightest extraneous expression, he was as cold as a sword, a sword with a sharp edge!
In this way, the five spirit emperors on the opposite side looked like clowns.

Soon, they also found out, and then stared at Ximen Chuuxue with gloomy faces.

"court death!"

Finally, the emperor of the Demon Race couldn't bear it any longer. The Demon Race was already domineering, let alone the Demon Emperor. At this moment, he was angry, and the demonic energy was billowing, sweeping thousands of miles, and even the sky turned black.

"Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you today, so let's see if the spirit emperor is really that hard to kill!"

"If the ascetic monk can do it, so can the Emperor!" The Demon Emperor roared, and then charged towards Ximen Chuuxue with a monstrous devilish energy.

Chen Ning and others were watching from below, but he didn't ask Chang'e and Su Daji to go up to help, it was unnecessary, besides, he also wanted to see how far Ximen Chuuxue had gone.

You must know that there are differences in strength and weakness in the realm of spirits, and he is not sure how strong Ximen Chuuxue who has just stepped into this realm is.

Not to mention him, even Chang'e and Su Daji, Chen Ning has never seen them go all out, it seems that no one can make them go all out.

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that there was nothing wrong with this situation. These three people had some connections to the sky. Although these emperors of all realms were strong, they were definitely not as good as them.

Just as he was thinking, Ximen Chuixue moved, and he waved his fingers together, the sword light pierced through the space, split the demonic energy, and went straight to the Demon Emperor.


The roar was shocking, it shattered the sword light, shattered the space, and formed a monstrous storm.

"So strong!"

Chen Ning was shocked below.Whether it's Ximen Chuuxue or the Demon Emperor, both are beyond his reach, they are too strong, and moving mountains and mountains with a wave is no longer empty talk.


The sound of thunder rolled in the sky, the Demon Emperor stretched out his hand to grab it, and the thunder gathered all over the sky, forming a terrifying saber, which slashed hard at Ximen Chuuxue!
Immediately, the lightning flashed, and the bowl-thick thunder and lightning coiled around, covering Ximen Chuuxue in it.

"So what about the spirit emperor? This emperor has accomplished this realm for [-] years, how can you be the one who can resist?"

He shouted loudly, intending to chop Ximen Chuuxue to death.

Just when Chen Ning was worried, Ximen Chuixue moved. He saw his body glowing with divine light, and with a wave of his hands, suddenly, thousands of sword shadows separated from his body, whistling across the void.

"Fuck?! Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect?!" Chen Ning was amazed. He would also return Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect, but it looked very different from Ximen Chuuxue's. There seemed to be an essential difference between the two.

"It doesn't matter, I'll ask after the fight."

He raised his head nervously, looking at the terrifying scene in the sky that seemed to destroy the world.

Thousands of sword shadows were criss-crossing, shuttling through the demonic energy, and the demon emperor's eyes showed surprise, as if he did not expect Ximen Chuuxue to be so strong.


After fighting for such a long time, Ximen Chuuxue said the first sentence, only one word, but it caused the sky to vibrate, as if it couldn't bear his sharpness and was about to collapse.


At this moment, countless sword shadows suddenly rose from the sky and the earth, some jumped into the sky from the mountains, some jumped out of the river, and some appeared on the ground.

The whole world seemed to have turned into a world of swords, and the endless sword intent was swept away.

Chen Ning below couldn't take it anymore, being protected by Chang'e and Su Daji, the Pig Ten Commandments was even more unbearable, he collapsed on the ground long ago, unable to lift his head.

"Ma Dan, so strong?!" The shock in Chen Ning's eyes almost overflowed.

He has always known that Ximen Chuuxue is strong, but he really didn't expect him to be so strong. You must know that he has only entered the realm of spirits, but he can already fight against the old demon emperor.


The endless sword light howled, turned into a dragon with sword aura, and rushed towards the Demon Emperor roaring.

That terrifying aura made the faces of the other four emperors change. They thought they couldn't do this.

"Could it be another person like an ascetic monk? One who can kill the spirit emperor?"

"It should be said that these pure cultivators are so strong, are we going the wrong way?"

Some emperors even had doubts about their own path.

Chen Ning was also agitated.

"Wan Jian Guizong is so strong? Judging by the momentum, it is not much worse than Zhu Xian Sword Art."

He rubbed his chin, thinking that he had never used the Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, and he always felt that this method was suitable for large-scale battles. Fighting alone or the sword art of Zhuxian is more powerful. Oh, this is clearly a terrifying Taoist technique capable of killing gods and immortals!

"It seems that I will use Wanjian to return to the clan from now on..."

He looked up at the sky, the battle between Ximen Chuuxue and the Demon Emperor had reached a fever pitch, and the Demon Emperor displayed many wonderful skills, but Ximen Chuuxue only had one sword from the beginning to the end.


Suddenly, Ximen Chuixue pushed back the Demon Emperor for three thousand miles with a fist and sword, and the billowing demon energy roared as the Demon Emperor retreated, covering the sky and the sun, and the sky here was already pitch black.


The Demon Emperor roared.

"You are very strong, not necessarily weaker than an ascetic monk. You have the capital to kill the emperor of spirits, but this emperor can do it too!"

He waved his hands, turned the world upside down, and the devilish energy raged, forming a gigantic mouth with boundless terror, trying to swallow Ximen Chuuxue into it.


There was nothing to say, Ximen Chuuxue directly stretched out his hand to grasp it, and a crystal long sword appeared, and then he cut it out. In an instant, the sky fell apart, and the monstrous mouth was instantly destroyed.

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(End of this chapter)

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