Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 304 Women are not something you can mess with

Chapter 304 Women are not something you can mess with

Chen Ning yearns for it!

He was looking forward to the power of Ximen Chuuxue and the Demon Emperor, the terrifying power of turning clouds and rain with one hand.

If you don't move, you're done, and if you move, the world will change.

"But this level is only halfway through cultivation, and it has never reached the peak!"

"The Immortal Emperor!"

His eyes were fiery, and he became more and more determined in pursuing the path of those big shots!

There was an explosion in the sky, which caught his attention, and he saw that the winner was already divided, Ximen Chuuxue was unparalleled in swordsmanship, and stabbed the Demon Emperor, the blood of the demon flowed, filled with the meaning of rage.


The Demon Emperor roared, full of anger, he actually lost?how is this possible?who is he?It has been [-] years to achieve the realm of the spirit emperor, and it is not an exaggeration to say that one foot has stepped into the next realm!
Now it has failed miserably?

Not to mention he couldn't believe it, even the other four emperors were shocked.

Most importantly, Ximen Chuuxue was not injured at all!
Chen Ning was also in a daze. Although he had confidence in Ximen Chuuxue, he really didn't expect him to be so straightforward, and directly stabbed the Demon Emperor right through with a sword!
How many people in the world can accomplish such a feat?

Chen Ning attributed this feat to himself without any psychological pressure: "Hey, I made Ximen Chuuxue move. To a certain extent, I also participated in this battle between the spirits and emperors." fighting!"

He winked happily at the sky, his face was full of excitement, as if the Demon Emperor had been pierced by him.

But soon he couldn't be happy, because he saw the horror of the spirit emperor—the demon emperor's body was full of magic light, and his body squirmed for a moment, and the pierced chest unexpectedly condensed quickly until it was intact!

"Is this the reason why the spirit emperor is hard to kill?" He widened his eyes. Now that he is in the Nascent Soul realm, he can reconnect severed limbs. But it would be too extravagant to be like the Demon Emperor.

"You lost!" Ximen Chuuxue spoke again, this was the second time he spoke, but it seemed that he was slapping the face, which made the Demon Emperor look ugly.

"Let's fight again!" The Demon Emperor refused to accept, and he didn't believe it, so he was defeated just like that.

Strictly speaking, he is not considered defeated, he just lost one move, and he is not dead yet, but people at their level are too difficult to kill, so losing this move can also be said to be defeated.

Chen Ning could hear it clearly from below, and sneered, "Damn it, if I could kill you, I would have let Ximen Chuuxue kill you long ago, and why are you pretending to be aggressive here?"

"Chang'e, Daji, you all come on, since the devil emperor wants to die, let him be fulfilled!"

Time has been delayed for a long time, and now there are only five enemies, he knows without thinking, there will definitely be spirit emperors coming one after another, after all, ten Heavenly Emperor Tokens are on him, this is the biggest temptation!

The two women nodded and rushed towards the sky in an instant, forming an encirclement trend with Ximen Chuuxue, enclosing the Demon Emperor in the middle.

"What? Want to besiege the Emperor?" The Demon Emperor sneered, he was not afraid, and he was very confident, not to mention that he also had spirit emperors on his side, more than Chen Ning.

Sure enough, after Su Daji and Chang'e went to the sky, the four emperors on their side also moved, forming an anti-encirclement vaguely.

Chen Ning saw clearly from below, snorted coldly, his eyes were cold, he was thinking, if Xu Que and Chen Zhan were not unable to summon, he would have let these guys know that death is not impossible!

"System, can character cards be sold?"

He remembered asking once, but didn't buy it because it was too expensive.

"Ding! Character cards are not sold in the mall, they can only be obtained by lottery!"


Chen Ning almost vomited old blood to death, Mahler Gobi, this system really has the essence of a profiteer!

In order to cheat his points, he didn't even sell them in the mall. He knew it clearly, it was nothing more than a lottery to get him more points!
"Puffing Nima..."

He said it weakly, originally he wanted to buy one or two character cards, and then summon them over to give these spirit emperors a blow, but now it seems that it is simply an extravagant hope!

He looked up at the sky, the atmosphere was already tense, but there was no trace of fear on the faces of Ximen Chuuxue and the others, instead it was calm and calm, as if they could solve the current crisis.

This can't help but make Chen Ning hopeful - maybe he can fight five against three?


Just as he was thinking this way, the battle under the sky broke out in an instant.

Those four emperors only wanted to force Chang'e and Su Daji back, but seeing that they didn't have the slightest intention of retreating, they also became annoyed and joined the battle.

For a time, the energy storm raged in the sky, the terrifying long sword, the billowing devil energy, the immeasurable light, and the sky-reaching foxtail all gathered together, creating boundless terror.

Chang'e danced lightly, with a bright moon above her head, wearing a white dress, like a fairy under the moon, her beautiful dance is even more beautiful, but the five spirit emperors on the opposite side did not dare to be careless. They found that this dancing posture contained the ultimate killing intent !
Su Daji also used all her strength to transform into the real body, a white fox with nine tails, with extremely fast speed, jumping between the five spirit emperors with ease.


At this moment, the four emperors knew the difficulties of the Demon Emperor. How could they be three spirits?Damn, even seven or eight of them would believe it!

And at this moment, they finally paid attention to it, their eyes became solemn, and they even had real murderous intentions!
Before, they only wanted to kill Su Daji alone, but now seeing Ximen Chuuxue and Chang'e, they are also so against the sky, and now they want to kill them too.

As for Chen Ning and that pig below... they are all trivial matters, one finger can crush them to death hundreds of times!

But Chen Ning, who could be crushed to death a hundred times by one of their fingers, was talking with Zhu Shijie.

"Boy, this pig god still thinks it's not right, our first choice is to run away!" Zhu Shijie looked up, and was frightened when he saw it, fearing that Ximen Chuuxue and the other three would lose.

However, Chen Ning didn't have the slightest intention of retreating. Just kidding, if he doesn't scare them this time, I'm afraid it will be more difficult in the future, let alone the next Tiandi Monument. To pass through the guards of the world!

He didn't expect that there would be a fight sometime, and if there was a trouble, he wouldn't be able to get in.

Thinking about it this way, he didn't like the Ten Commandments of Pigs, so he slapped it and said, "Grass mud horse, dead pig, if you shake the army's morale again, believe it or not, I will throw you out?!"

He stared, Zhu Shijie immediately faltered, shrinking his neck, not daring to speak.


The battle continued in the sky, Ximen Chuuxue fought two spirit emperors alone, a demon emperor, and a spirit race emperor. The three of them went to the sky and fell into the earth. Rushed out, wrapped in a monstrous storm.

When Chang'e and Su Daji dealt with the other three emperors, they were also violent and their energy was raging.

 Ask for a ticket!Ask for a ticket!Ask for a ticket!Say important things three times!
(End of this chapter)

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