Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 333 Across the Tribulation

Chapter 333 Across the Tribulation
As for why Chen Ning and the others were not killed.

Fenghuang asked himself, he didn't have that method yet, although there were powerful people in their company, there might not be no one on Chen Ning's side!
Although it seems that they are all Nascent Soul cultivators, Phoenix has already received a voice transmission from his guardian.

The man and the woman were too calm, no matter whether it was evil spirits or undead spirits, they failed to make them have the slightest mood swings.

Such a person, if not a fool, is extremely advanced!
Fenghuang would rather believe in the latter, after all... Whose idiot can cultivate to the Nascent Soul Realm?

Chen Ning nodded, that's right, since he doesn't have that strength, he should say it nicely, Lao Tzu is not unreasonable!
"Okay! Don't worry!"

Chen Ning fully agreed.


at the same time.

The human world was full of wars, and the evil spirit was basically absorbed by Chen Ning. There were only some remote places that had not been visited yet. There was even a great battle in the realm of the emperor of the spirits!
Reaching hundreds of millions of miles, the blood rained continuously on the sky, and it never stopped!

The main reason is that the human race was too aggrieved this time, and the world was almost destroyed by a kind of gas. How does this make those high-ranking big shots think?

Isn't it a slap in the face?
This is the time when you are angry, but the Necromancers come together at this time, you say, who will you beat if you don't?
Chen Ning's thoughts were similar to those of those big shots, except that he was in an irritable mood and was distracted by some people from the Four Regions, but he couldn't go back now, so he just pretended to be a member of the Necromancer family.
"Stupid pig, why didn't you lie to me? Is this thing useful?"

Chen Ning fiddled with the pitch-black crystal in his hand. Although this thing did indeed flow with abundant energy, he still felt that it was not as mysterious as Zhu Shijie said.

To be able to act on both the soul and the body at the same time, such a treasure, even if the Necromancers have not been killed, they are really amazing.

"Nonsense, boy, if you don't want it, then give it all to the Pig God!" Zhu Shijie stretched out his hoof to snatch it, but Chen Ning was faster and put the crystal back into the treasure grid.

Seeing that they couldn't grab it, Zhu Shijie couldn't help but smiled and said: "Although this thing has miraculous effects on the body and soul, the effect will weaken as the dosage increases, so it can't be effective all the time."

Chen Ning heard that, that's right.

Damn, if it works all the time, wouldn't the Necromancers be killed off?
But even so, this pitch-black crystal is considered a treasure!

He sighed, the world is really full of wonders, one race is actually a rare treasure.

"Rumors say that the Necromancers themselves are transformed from these crystals, and after death, they just restore their original bodies, just like the monster race. No matter how they changed during life, they will return to their original appearance after death." Pig Ten Commandments explained again. A few words.

Chen Ning is not interested in this.


After an unknown amount of time, they finally encountered a bunch of dead spirits again!
Not bad!

Exactly a bunch!
From a cursory look, there are at least a thousand necromancer monks!

It is densely packed, and even has the realm of the late Nascent Soul!

Everyone's eyes are shining!
"Brother Chen, please give us a chance!" Fenghuang was about to rush forward, but she suddenly thought of Chen Ning and his way of attacking in groups, so she sighed and said it anyway.

Chen Ning didn't care either, he had already obtained a lot before, and Zhu Shijie also said that this thing is useless if it is used too much.

The most important thing is that there are too many of them, even if they are asked to go up and kill them, they probably won't be able to kill many in a while.

"You go ahead, I'll keep my word. I'll do it after each of you has collected enough 50 yuan crystals. After that, each of you will rely on his own ability."

There are less than ten people in Phoenix and the others.It's almost 500 yuan if you pay full bills.

No problem!

Huo Ziyang showed a surprised look, what the hell?Has this kid changed his gender?

How easy it is to talk!
But as soon as he set his sights on the undead, he knew why Chen Ning said that.

If it was him, I am afraid that he would not fight for anything at this time.

There are too many undead!

I don't know who roared, and the battle broke out in an instant.

Chen Ning stepped aside.

Both Zhu Shijie and Heihuang showed surprise. They thought Chen Ning's concession was just polite words, but they didn't expect him to really give in like that.

"Boy, don't you want to fight?"

Zhu Shijie looked at those necromantic crystals, and swallowed hard. Those things were too tempting for him, and Yaozu pays attention to the physical body, and he is no exception.

The same is true for the Black Emperor, but he has grabbed a lot before, plus some sporadic undead along the way, he has enough.

"Boy, this emperor thinks that you haven't held your fart well? Are you going to make a big move!"

The big black dog grinned and laughed. He has always been very accurate in seeing people. This is a black-hearted guy, and he is not so easy to talk to.

After all, he is such a dog too!

Chen Ning did not answer him, but showed an inscrutable smile.

He stared at the battle on the field.

Fenghuang and others are worthy of being the pride of the human world, even if they are placed in the heavens and myriad worlds, they can still compete for a place.

What surprised him the most was Huo Ziyang. This kid looked the same from the beginning to the end, very elegant, and he was able to handle the dead with ease, as if he hadn't done his best yet.

After watching for a while, Chen Ning stopped paying attention, he was about to prepare his own big move!

"System, remove the method of restraint that deceived Heavenly Tribulation for me, I want to overcome the catastrophe!"

He broke into the Nascent Soul before, because in the demon world, the system deceived the catastrophe. Although the human world is chaotic, it is not like the demon world. There are a lot of spirit emperors chasing him. Timing, otherwise, if it is delayed, the power of Heavenly Tribulation will accumulate and become stronger, and he will be the one who will be injured at that time.

"Ding! The method of deception has been removed!"

Chen Ning looked up at the sky, and sure enough, in just an instant, clouds from all directions were vaguely gathered on the sky, and they were condensing into a calamity cloud.

The change in heaven certainly attracted the attention of all.

"Who? Who wants to cross the tribulation?" Someone shouted.

"Quick! Use all your strength, otherwise the undead won't survive for long under the thunder disaster!"

For a moment, Fenghuang, Longyuan, and Huo Ziyang were all making wild moves, beheading and killing as many spirits as possible.

But the necromancers are not weak, even if the Nascent Soul realm is not as good as them, they can still resist one or two. In this way, they can only retreat and kill those who are not as good as them.

"Fuck! Kid, isn't this the big move you've been planning?" Hei Huang bared his teeth. He thought that Chen Ning had a backhand, but he didn't expect him to be so domineering, and he summoned Tian Jie directly.

"Heavenly calamity is yang, undead is yin, yang is against yin, just right, we can keep them all!"

This is why Chen Ning crossed the catastrophe.


There is no limit to the calamity, and strands of thunder and lightning flicker, shuttling between the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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