Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 334 How Shameless!

Chapter 334 How Shameless!

The Necromancers were also roaring, but they couldn't escape. Someone surrounded them with great mana, and they couldn't leave.

Some of these were the work of Fenghuang and their guardians, but more of it was the hands of Ximen Chuuxue and the three of them, which froze the surrounding space completely, and the dead spirits couldn't escape at all.


I can't even walk, so the only way left is to fight.

Immediately, the battle on the field became more and more terrifying, rays of light burst out, and strands of murderous intent criss-crossed.

Everyone is working hard!

Chen Ning still didn't participate in it, just stood with his hands behind his back, watching with cold eyes.

I do not know how long it has been.

He saw that the time was almost up, many dead spirits had died, Phoenix and the others were also injured, it was a good time for him to make a move.


The thunder disaster in the sky was almost brewing, and the thick dark clouds brought a depressing atmosphere, which made people feel inexplicably heavy.

Wisps of purple and glittering thunder and lightning entangled in the pitch-black clouds, like a swimming dragon.

Chen Ning looked up, the aura of this catastrophe was far less than that of the previous catastrophe of destruction in all directions, it seemed that he would not be miserable.

But others didn't think so, Fenghuang Longyuan and others all looked shocked, and Huo Ziyang was similar, they were all shocked by this imposing catastrophe.


It feels like the end of the world!
Chen Ning took a step forward to stay away from Heihuang and the others. In fact, he didn't need to stay away. Heihuang and Zhu Shijie had long since disappeared.


The lightning that was as thick as the mouth of the bowl landed and slammed into the surroundings. Immediately, the surrounding mountains trembled, the ground cracked, and ancient trees were knocked down, and then burned blazingly.

"Everyone, let's go! I must have almost got the crystals. I want to go through the tribulation, so don't involve everyone!"

When Chen Ning said something, Huo Ziyang only felt a toothache. Damn it, I thought this guy had found out his conscience. Now it seems that he is holding back a big move!
His face was black, and then his figure flickered, and he quickly backed up, walking out of the scope of the catastrophe.

Fenghuang and Longyuan also withdrew respectively, Fenghuang was alright, she felt that she had obtained a lot of crystals, and seeing Chen Ning crossing the robbery, she had no objection, but Longyuan was different, this kid had a murderous look on his face, staring at Chen Ning rather.I can't wait to kill him directly.

Of course Chen Ning saw Long Yuan's killing intent, but he didn't care. In his opinion, Long Yuan was far less fearsome than Phoenix.

"Tsk tsk, this couple, the male is weak and the female is strong, I don't know how long they can last."

He shook his head and reached the sky in one step, enveloping all the dead spirits in it.

At this moment, endless lightning fell at the same time, leaving only a piece of white light between the sky and the earth, and nothing could be seen.

The roar of the undead, the catastrophe belongs to yang, for them, that is a fatal killing opportunity.

"What a powerful catastrophe!" Someone said in shock, his eyes full of horror.

The sky was full of thunder, as if it had become a sea of ​​thunder, filled with a terrifying aura.

Chen Ning walked in it. To be honest, this catastrophe disappointed him.

His physical body has already been baptized many times, and it is as hard as divine iron. When these thunders land, they can only leave white marks, which cannot even be broken.

"Such a terrible catastrophe, he should die inside, right?" Fenghuang murmured, this catastrophe is too terrible, ask yourself, if she goes in, I'm afraid she won't last long.

"Huh! It's better to die! Such a person, even God will not tolerate it!" Long Yuan's eyes flickered, looking at Lei Ting with great pleasure.

It's just that they also know that Chen Ning is not dead yet. If he died, the catastrophe would have dissipated by itself, but now not only has it not dissipated, but it has a tendency to become stronger and stronger!

Electric snakes danced wildly one after another, and lightning was pervasive in a radius of a hundred miles, which was extremely terrifying.

There are thunder lights everywhere, flashing between the sky and the earth.

The undead were howling, they were suppressed by the thunder robbery, but found that the guy who should have been struck by the heavenly robbery was walking in the sky like a stroll!

Those lightning strikes that looked terrifying to them didn't even show a trace of blood on him!
"Is that human being?"

At this moment, this sentence echoed in the hearts of all the dead spirits.

Chen Ning was indeed extremely relaxed. To some extent, it wasn't that Tianjie was too weak, but that his physical body was too strong.

He already had great achievements in ice muscles and jade bones, and with the addition of Holy Lotus forging his body, his physical body has been further improved. It can be said that with his current physical body, he can completely fight against the out-of-body monks without losing the wind!

Chen Ning let the thunder strike, and walked like a stroll in the garden, picking up the crystals formed after the death of the dead.

The whole person is like the emperor in the thunder, all kinds of thunder and lightning are added to his body, but he is not injured in the slightest.

If you have to find two words to describe it, you can only say, terrible!

The dark clouds on the sky became thicker and thicker, as if the sky was about to collapse. Everyone looked at the center of the thunder in horror. There was a ray of light there, and they couldn't see clearly, but they still didn't give up and wanted to see clearly.

a long time.

The catastrophe still did not dissipate, Long Yuan's face was ugly, and there was even some fear in his eyes.

He was scared, Chen Ning was too perverted.

Such a cataclysm, even if he can't last long, is more likely to die in it!
Chen Ning ignored the thoughts of the people outside and just picked up the crystals on his own. After a while, he accumulated more than 600 crystals.

And all the undead are dead.

far away.

Hei Huang smashed his mouth, and said with a look of shock: "This kid is too perverted, damn it, such a catastrophe didn't even scratch the skin."

"Grass, are you still a human?"

"This Pig God agrees with you, this kid survived the catastrophe of destruction in all directions, he must be a disaster from the heavens!" Zhu Shijie shook his head and commented.

"Fuck? Dead pig, can you see inside Thunder?"

"What's the matter? You can watch it, but I can't see it? What's the point, dead dog, I told you before, don't provoke me, the pig gods are strong!"

"I'm usually patient, do you understand?"

Zhu Shijie groaned endlessly.


Finally, after the last thunderbolt fell from the sky, the dark clouds dissipated, and Chen Ning's figure appeared under the sky.

I saw that his black hair was like a waterfall, and his whole body was full of energy. How could he look like he just passed through the catastrophe?Not to mention being injured, he didn't even lose a single hair!

Everyone's pupils shrank, unbelievable.

"Grass, how strong is this kid? Damn, last time he was obviously a cultivator with a heartbeat. Did he eat an elixir or drink a divine liquid?"

Huo Ziyang grinned, his whole body was not well.

"Hahahaha...Everyone, please let me know, don't worry about the next undead, Chen will not want any of them, hehe, there are too many, and I can't even put the storage ring!"

He said with a smile, in the eyes of everyone, it was a shame.

More than 600 crystals!

It is estimated that his physical body can be improved a step!
(End of this chapter)

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