Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 336 Shocking Change!evil spirits!

Chapter 336 Shocking Change!evil spirits!
In fact, Chen Ning still doesn't know why the system is so obsessed with points. It just wants to swallow some treasures to increase the level. Chen Ning also understands, but he has never understood the persistence of points.

Could something as illusory as points be able to nourish the system?
Do not understand!

The battle in the distance has reached a fever pitch.

The monks of the human race are dying, and many members of the undead clan have turned into crystals.

Roar shocking!

For the human race, the necromancers are invaders, and for the necromancers, they came to the human world to become stronger, but now they find that these human races are crazy, this is just to fight a race War!

The Necromancers don't know how frustrated the Human Race has been over the past ten days, suppressed by the evil spirit, and can't solve it at all. Finally, the former sages of the Human Race will solve the evil spirit, and the Necromancers come to join in the fun again.

The human race is venting the rage and depression in their hearts!

Both sides are roaring, all kinds of light are intertwined, bursting in the void, the horror is boundless.

Zhu Shijie and Heihuang are very slippery, they never fight the undead head-on, they are all stealthy and sudden black hands.

Needless to say, the efficiency of the two of them is quite high, and they picked up at least a hundred crystals in a short while!
Chen Ning is still wrangling with the system.

"System, to open up a super-long-distance space channel, I have already spent points, why should I still let me give out space stone points?!"

"Ding! The points spent by the host are needed to build the space channel itself, and the space stone is not counted!"

"Your sister, you just want to steal points!"

"Ding! All interpretation rights belong to this system!"

"I signed a contract with you!"

"Ding! It's written in the contract, and the final interpretation right belongs to this system!"

"...I am a mud horse!"

In the end, Chen Ning gave up. No one could do anything to deal with a rogue system.

"How many points is the space stone?" He asked weakly.

"Ding! The system is priced, no one cheats! It takes 300 million points to buy a space stone!"

"...What about building a space channel?"

"Ding! It takes 900 million points to build a space channel!"

"Hehe, I thank you, I haven't asked for [-] million points yet!"

Chen Ning smiled but didn't smile, damn, this system is getting darker and darker, it's like hundreds of millions of points when you open your mouth and shut your mouth.

Cao Nima, do you really regard Lao Tzu as a local tyrant?



No points at all!

I would rather cross over by myself!

Just like when it came!
Chen Ning snorted coldly, and then cut off the communication with the system. He was afraid that he would be pissed off if he continued.


When everyone was fighting with the undead, a monstrous evil suddenly appeared in an unknown corner of the human world!
Soar into the sky!

Instantly swept across the four surrounding states!

Countless human races were terrified, the evil spirit was too shocking, if the evil spirit before was a dead thing, then the evil spirit this time is a living thing!

This is an evil spirit!

The Necromancers felt the deepest, they were yin, and now there was something even more yin than them, and they noticed it almost instantly.

The undead clan retreated immediately, and just like that, the mighty army of undead fled in a hurry, all flocking to Tianyuan.


The dead spirits came to the human world because of evil spirits, and now they are frightened back by the evil spirits.

Everyone felt the difference for the first time.

"Boy, something's wrong. These undead spirits suddenly went crazy and fled quickly. It's far from the consequences we caused, but it seems to have encountered bigger troubles!" Zhu Shijie and Heihuang quickly came to Chen Ning's side, so Said.

In fact, Chen Ning knew what happened without them talking.


The system just told him that more than 6000 devouring robots were scrapped in an instant!
He remembered letting the system place devouring robots in different states, but now that the evil spirit has dissipated, many devouring robots have gathered together.

Now more than 6000 of them are suddenly scrapped, and combined with their characteristics of devouring evil, I am afraid that there will be even more terrifying evil coming!

Chen Ning looked very solemn.

He is not afraid of evil spirits. After all, this thing is a dead thing that can be swallowed by the system. What he is really afraid of is living things, evil spirits!
It's a terrifying creature like the great evil spirit sealed in the Heavenly Emperor's monument!
at the same time.

The eighteen prefectures shook at the same time, and the monstrous evil spirit descended, sweeping across the mountains and rivers, and plunged the world into a terrible disaster again.

Countless monks raised their heads in horror. They finally knew why the Necromancers fled so quickly. What the hell is a bigger one coming!
evil spirits!

Living thing!

How can it be?

Countless human monks are desperate. Judging by the aura of that evil spirit, there is no one in the human world who can stop it!

Do not!
It should be said that the heavens and the world are unstoppable!

Chen Ning also saw it, and his pupils constricted. At this moment, he even wanted to call Xu Quechen directly to fight!
too strong!
It was far from what Ximen Chuuxue and the others could deal with!

Unless the former Luoyang Sword Immortal returns, the human world will have the confidence to stop him.

In front of him, the spirit emperor is probably like an ant-like existence, and he can kill countless people with just one breath.

"Boy, idiot, we can't stay in this human world anymore, let's run away!" Zhu Shijie was trembling all over, not to mention him, even the Black Emperor had a look of fear this time.

"Yes, the emperor agrees, it's too scary, that guy is beyond our ability to deal with!"

He also advocated running away quickly.

Chen Ning frowned and said nothing, he wanted to run if he could, but he ran away, what about those people in the four regions?
He didn't believe that after this evil spirit wreaked havoc on the eighteen states of the human world, it would leave the four regions untouched!

He was struggling whether to summon or not.

"Grass mud horse, I don't know if that guy has advanced or not!"

He thought of Xu Que. It stands to reason that such a long time has passed. With that guy's ability to cheat, he should have reached the Immortal Emperor, but he was afraid. After all, no one knows what is going on at the highest level. It would be a crime to interrupt his advancement.


Just as he was thinking for a moment, the evil spirit roared and shook the earth. At this moment, countless mountains, rivers and rivers exploded, causing irreparable damage.

Countless mortals even died directly, and their lives were taken away by this loud roar!

"The human world will be destroyed!"

The evil spirit roared, and in an instant, countless evil spirits rolled and raged, sweeping across the 36 capitals of the eighteen states!

But now no one can stop them, only some spirit emperors are left, who are not opponents at all.


But even so, at this moment, someone still roared and rushed forward, generously dying!
If there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three!
Immediately, countless human monks soared into the air, from the spirit emperor to the consecrated heart, all rushed up.

But the gap in strength is too large, and this gap cannot be made up by simple accumulation of people.

The monks who died in the sky fell like dumplings, and the whole human world was shrouded in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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