Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 337 The Great Evil Spirit!

Chapter 337 The Great Evil Spirit!
Evil has swept across the eighteen states of the world, and endless haze has shrouded the 36 mansions. The human world has suffered shocking changes in just over ten days, and now it is showing signs of ruin!
The human monks in the sky fell like dumplings, and they all died because they couldn't bear the evil spirit. The gap between the two sides was too great. One side was like a giant dragon in the sky, and the other side was an ant in the soil. They were not at the same level at all.

How to fight this?
Can't beat at all!
But even so, the monks of the human race are still going forward, not afraid of life and death, there is no way, this is about the life and death of the human world!
Can't stand them retreating!

Looking at so many falling figures in the sky, Chen Ning felt for the first time that points were no longer important!
"System! Draw a lottery for me! Until the boss card is drawn!"

Chen Ning roared, since Xu Que and Chen Zhan could not be summoned, they could only obtain character cards again.

Anyway, the system has now been upgraded to level ten!

Enough to summon some big shots!

"Ding! The lottery starts!"


Everyone looked at the sky angrily and in horror. That figure was like an eternal evil god, no matter how the human monks washed it away, it didn't change at all!
"If this continues, I'm afraid this side of the human world will really be destroyed!" The Black Emperor was extremely dignified, the evil spirit was too powerful, all struggles were in vain, and no one could restrain him.

"Boy, let's run away quickly! Bastard, in this case, we will die if we stay!" Zhu Shijie trembled all over, and his two small eyes were full of horror.

He wanted to run away a long time ago, but he didn't dare. After all, although the Yaozu is now settled, but Su Daji is not there, if he goes, it is easy to cause accidents.

"Don't panic! I got into a fight with this dog today!"

"Wait! Wait a little longer for me!"

Chen Ning listened to the notification sound in his head, but his heart was full of anxiety.

"Fuck, system, can you hurry up, if you fail to draw a character card, I will be killed by that evil spirit!"

"Ding! The system's lottery function is random and cannot be controlled by the system!"

"...Ma Dan!"

"Ding! The host can use the latest level ten functions, and you can spend points to hire bodyguards to protect your life!"


"Ding! The bodyguards only protect the safety of the host, and the rest don't care about life or death!"

"Then say a fart, give me a pump!"

Regardless of the others?
What's the use of him being the only one left in the human world when everyone is dead?


"Ding! The host can choose to buy a one-time peak elixir from the mall! After swallowing, it can make a person ignore the rules and instantly rise to the peak state! It lasts for a quarter of an hour! After a quarter of an hour, the person who swallowed the elixir It will return to the original realm and automatically lower one realm!"

"..." Chen Ning fell silent.

It's not that I can't bear it, but...

"Why the hell didn't you say it earlier?! Grass, buy it! Buy three!"

He planned to let the three of them eat Ximen Chuuxue, and go straight up to get that evil spirit down!
"Ding! The purchase was successful! A total of [-] million points were spent!"

Needless to say, I went back to before liberation overnight.

There was nothing left, and the evil spirit that had been swallowed for so long was completely wiped out by the system at once.

Three hundred million!
Chen Ning really didn't know that the system dared to ask for such a price!
The system is still drawing prizes!

Chen Ning acquiesced.

After going through this time, he felt that he had to keep a big boss' character card, otherwise Xu Que would not dare to summon him, for fear of disturbing his cultivation, and Chen Zhan would not dare to make fun of him, for fear of disrupting their eternal layout.

Simply draw another one and forget it.


"Ximen Chuuxue, Chang'e, Su Daji, come here!"

Chen Ning called out.

He took out three golden pills, then looked at them and said, "This pill can allow you to gather all the power of the past and future into one body in this life, but there are also consequences..."

He talked nonsense first, and then told them all about the side effects. As for how to choose, it was up to them.

Without even thinking about it, Ximen Chuuxue picked up a pill and swallowed it.

Then Su Daji and Chang'e did the same. Maybe they didn't intend to do it for the human world, but since they swallowed the elixir at this moment, they had intentions!
The evil spirits are still raging. His purpose of this trip is to destroy the human world. Now that he sees so many human monks going forward, he can't help but sneer:
"What's the use of having more people? All the real powers of your human race have gone to that place, and the rest, what right do you have to stop me?"

"Hahahaha... The human world will be destroyed today!"




Suddenly, three earth-shattering auras suddenly rose up, piercing Xiaohan!
The three of Ximen Chuuxue stepped forward and came directly to the place facing the evil spirit.


"Fog grass!!"

Zhu Shijie and Heihuang were shocked, they stared at the three figures in the sky, and then looked at Chen Ning.

"Boy, is that white hair?" Zhu Shijie stretched out his hoof, pointed at Ximen Chuixue, and asked uncertainly.

Chen Ning ignored him, just looked at the evil spirit in the sky, a sneer gradually appeared on his face.

In fact, any one of the three of them could easily deal with the evil spirit, but Chen Ning didn't want to, he wanted to tell the evil spirit with an absolute advantage.

Human world!


At this moment, Fenghuang and the others also widened their eyes, looking at the three figures in the sky, Huo Ziyang didn't even shake his folding fan, he was completely dumbfounded.

They couldn't believe that the people who followed them before were so powerful!

Now that I know it, even the way I look at Chen Ning is different.


Ximen Chuuxue remained silent, his whole body was full of sword light, at this moment, he was the real sword god!

When the sword is released, the sky is directly split, the human world is in turmoil, and the stars in the endless nothingness can be seen!
The evil spirits are terrified!

He can't stop it!

Who is this?
Are there such people in the human world?
People like this should have gone to that place, there shouldn't be monks of this level in all the heavens and myriad worlds!

But no matter how much he didn't believe it, the sword of Ximen Chuuxue came directly and pierced through it!

In an instant, the blood dripped, and every drop could explode the mountains. The evil spirits were too terrifying, and the blood contained endless evil spirits!
But it was useless, he was still beheaded by Ximen Chuuxue with a sword!

At this moment, the entire human world is silent!
It's really quiet!

Those human monks who had risen into the air stopped in mid-air with dull expressions, as if they couldn't believe that this evil creature who had killed so many people before died like this.

After a brief silence, there was a tsunami of cheers!
That is the joy of life!

too strong!
This is only one person, the other two women have not done anything yet!
Many human races have noticed this scene, and as a result, the roar is even more violent.

The human world... is invincible!
But at this moment, the sky exploded.

It really exploded.

A monstrous giant hand protruded from the nothingness, the origin could not be seen clearly, only he could be seen stretching for countless thousands of miles, penetrating into the human world, wanting to catch Ximen Chuuxue and the others!

The monstrous evil spirit erupted, if the evil spirit of the previous evil spirit was like a small river, then the evil spirit of this giant hand was like the sea!
(End of this chapter)

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